NeGD Logo Design Competition For Rapid Assessment System RAS 2016

Organization : NeGD & MyGov
Competition Name : Logo Design Competition For Rapid Assessment System (RAS) 2016
Competition Last Date : 15th August, 2016

Website :

Rapid Assessment System (RAS):

** RAS is a continuous feedback system for e-services delivered through Digital India platform. This system would enable citizens to provide his/her feedback regarding the quality of government services he/she avails.

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** Hence in turn it provides citizens an opportunity to improve the government through providing feedbacks. The proposed system will have multiple automatic feedback receiving channels and will be backed by analytics applications for generation of reports.

** All reports will be periodically shared with integrated departments for continuous system improvement and better governance. NeGD invites people to design LOGO for RAS on My Gov.

All the entries must be submitted online through No other medium of submission will be accepted. Last date for submission is 15th August, 2016

The participants must mention the following details with their submission:
1. Name
2. Father/Mother name
3. Address
4. Age
5. Contact number
6. Undertaking (mentioned below)
7. Entries with incomplete profiles will not be considered.

Top 3 Selected entries will be given cash prizes:
1st prize – Rs 10,000/-
2nd Prize –Rs 5000/-
3rd Prize – Rs 2500/-

Terms and Conditions:
1. Submissions should be in the portrait layout with the size 700×700 pixels. Designs in any other size and layout will not be considered.
2. The date for submission anytime between 22nd July, 2016 to 15th August, 2016.
3. The top 3 entries will be rewarded with a cash prize of Rs.10, 000/- for 1st position. Rs.5000/- for 2nd position and Rs.2500/- for 3rd position.
4. All entries shall become properties of Deity/NeGD/MyGov and copyright/IPR will be the property of DeitY/NeGD
5. Winners will be decided by internal committee of NeGD.
6. If at any point in time, the design is found to be copied, NeGD is free to remove it from the portal and flash the name of a person as defaulter. NeGD is free to take legal action against the same.

This post was last modified on May 9, 2018 4:16 PM

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