Pothys Aadi Gala 2016 Sale Offer

Organization : Pothys
Offer Name : Aadi Gala 2016 Sale Offer
Offer Valid Till : August 15th 2016

Website : https://www.pothys.com/blog/aadi-offer-sale-2016.html/

Aadi Gala:

How long have you been eying that beautiful blue Lehenga? Have you been dreaming about that maroon chiffon saree for way too long? Is your self-control dissipating more and more as you think of the spectacular Satya Paul? Well, your wait is finally over!

Related : Skybags Shubh Arambh Offer 2016 : www.contest.net.in/14502.html

Month end money crunches and meagre pocket money can be a huge problem for any shopaholic. You eagerly check out the website for new arrivals. A dashing salwar suit catches your fancy. You have your cousin’s wedding coming up in a few weeks and you remember that you have the perfect accessories in the very same colour.

Enthused you take out your wallet. Uh-oh! The cost of the dress is way more than what you have in your wallet. Dejected, you close the website wondering if you will ever get your hands on that dress. Months could’ve passed by, but you never really get around to buying that dress.

You think it is a little too expensive and you don’t feel like splurging money on dresses after your mom’s advice last week. Understandable. You want to spend your hard earned money judiciously, and that is not to be blamed at all. But still, the heart wants what it wants right? The good news is, you need not break your poor heart. And here’s why.

Pothys presents Aadi Sale starting from July 1st that is lasting till August 15. The good news is, there is a 15% offer on every product available. You know what it means? You can finally buy that dream dress of yours without burning a hole in your pocket. So what are you waiting for? Pothys’ Aadi sale is here and all you have to do is spend a teensy bit of money and buy a truck load of your favourite clothes.

About Pothys :
Pothys has established itself as house hold name in the textile industry in Tamil Nadu. Our undisputed reputation stems from our unflinching dedication to give you the highest quality, exclusive and diverse clothing options and unmatched customer service. Our hard work, dedication and perseverance has earned us the distinction of being voted the most preferred saree showroom in Chennai, according to SUN TV Neilson survey in the year 2002.

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This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 1:07 PM

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