Vijay TV NVOK Watch & Win Play From Home Contest 2016 Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi Season III

Organization : Vijay TV
Competition Name : Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi Play From Home Contest 2016
Applicable For : Home Viewers
Competition Period : from 13th June 2016 until completion of Telecast of all the episodes of the Program

Website :
Contest T&C :

NVOK Watch & Win Contest :

“Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi Play From Home Contest “is a Contest held on the competition show in Tamil Language titled “NEENGALUM VELLALAM ORU KODI” (Program) for home viewers of the Program. The contest will be telecast on Vijay TV (“Channel”) which is owned by Vijay Television Private Ltd (“Company”).

Related / Similar Contest : Vijay TV NVOK Amazon Golden Window Round 2016

Procedure To Participate In The Contest:
The Contest will be conducted in different phases of the Program. The company shall at its sole discretion role out the next phases of the contest of the Program including for Seasonal Specials and Special Episodes as it may deem fit at its sole discretion.

Phase 1 of the Contest:
One episodic Watch and Win question in Tamil and (or) English having Four multiple choice answer options will be aired, on the episode of the Program telecast on the channel (currently for Three days in a week i.e Monday to Wednesday) commencing from 13th June 2016 until completion of Telecast of all the episodes of the Program (Telecast period), as may be decided upon by the Company at its sole discretion.

Question timelines period:
The timelines open for Participants to answer each Watch and Win question for each episode of the program telecast as above stated in Para 3.2 above, shall be for a duration commencing from 19.30 hrs on the day of the particular Watch and Win question is aired up to 19.00 hours of the following day of the said Watch and Win question i.e. for a total duration of 23.30 hours. The timelines mentioned are in IST.

Registration Through “SMS” For All Mobile Subscribers:
SMS Format:
For the Subscribers of IDEA:
NVOKPFH<Space>A/B/C/D to 554567

The acknowledgement message will read “Dear IDEA user, thank you for participating in NVOKPFH Contest. We will call you back on this number if you are shortlisted. Rs. 5/SMS.

NVOKPFH <Space>A/B/C/D to 57827

The acknowledgement message will read “Dear User, thank you for participating in NVOKPFH Contest. We will call you back on this number if you are shortlisted. Rs. 3/SMS.


The charges for per- SMS to 554567 will be as follow:
IDEA- Rs. 5 per message

The charges for per- SMS to 57827 will be as follows:
VODAFONE -Rs. 3 per message
AIRTEL(Rest of India)- Rs. 3 per message
AIRTEL(TAMILNADU & CHENNAI)- Rs. 5 per message
RELIANCE- Rs. 3 per message
TATA DOCOMO- Rs. 3 per message

Rules of Entry:
(a) The telephone lines and the mobile lines for SMS entry acceptance shall be open for each Show only during the question timelines

(b) In case the Contestant sends the SMS entries outside the question timelines mentioned in 3.3 above he/she shall be messaged/responded as “The lines are closed now, you can try again at 19.30 hrs the following day[i.e. when the lines will open] All entries received beyond the specified question timelines shall be invalid entries.

(c) Each contestant may submit multiple entries. In case one (1) or more than one (1) entry from a particular telephone number gets registered with the Company, only one registered entry from one telephone number shall be considered for further steps involved in the selection process in the contest. The Contestant is advised to apply his/her discretion while making such multiple entries in the view of the cost of SMS.

(d) Only those Entries received from contestants in the correct format with correct answers in accordance with the Entry mechanism stated herein within the specified question timelines shall get registered as a “Valid entry” for being considered for further selection process involved in the selection of the Episode winner(s).

This post was last modified on July 30, 2021 1:33 PM

Categories: Vijay TV

View Comments (8)


  • I was told the answer for nvok pfh contest at more time. Please tell me when will I be selected for nvok pfh contest?

  • I am participated in the NVOKPFH contest and it seems I was shortlisted and I got a callback also on 10th August 2016. I was asked my name and other details of my documents which I gave promptly over phone. I request you to check in this regard and advice me further.

  • I registered one trust and running with small level but financial position is low so I want to play neenkalum vellalam oru kodi and whatever the amount I won all those money will be deposited in My trust only. But repeatedly I was tried to enroll in the program but in vain. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map