pccegoa.org TI India Analog Maker Competition 2015 Goa : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering

Organization : Padre Conceicao College Of Engineering Goa
Competition Name : TI India Analog Maker Competition 2015
Applicable For : Students of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering of PCCE
Competition Last Date : 22nd August 2015

Website : https://pccegoa.edu.in/
Registration Link : https://www.ti.com/
Download Notification https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/1487-Contest.doc

TI India Analog Maker Competition 2015:
To promote Innovation among Engineering Institutions, the Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department of Padre Conceicao College of Engineering in association with Texas Instruments India University Program and EdGate Technology Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore proudly announces the Texas Instruments TI India Analog Maker Competition 2015 college level contest . The contest will be conducted on 21st and 22nd August 2015.
The college level contest will Challenge students to use TI-Analog IC’s in creative way to solve system level design problems. The focus will be on Linear Integrated Circuits and their use in system level design.

The contest is open to all the students of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering department of Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna

Rules of the Texas Instruments Innovation Challenge: India Analog Design Contest 2015 [College-Level]
Minimum number of students from college/department to take part in the contest : 150

Eligibility :
All undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in an AICTE approved engineering program are permitted to enter the contest.

There is no entry fee for the contest.

Team size: Maximum team size is 2.

All members of the team must register online at the link which will be provided to you and Create an Account in myTI .com : https://www.ti.com/

Their data will be verified and their registration will be confirmed.

Participation certificate will be given to all participants.

The contest will be conducted in the following laboratories of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering : (i) Project and Elective Laboratory (Lab 6), (ii) VLSI and Embedded Systems Laboratory ( Lab 8), (iii) Analog Electronics Laboratory (Lab 2), (iv)Control and Instrumentation Laboratory ( Lab 1)

Students need to download Webench software in there PC’s or Laptops from www.ti.com

Lab Infrastructure required:
The following lab infrastructure must be available – (a) Access to PC (b) : Web bench software to be downloaded (b) Simulation software such as TINA which can be freely downloaded (c) Macro-models for TI ICs must be downloaded (d) Regulated Power Supply (e) Function Generator (f) Oscilloscope (g) Breadboard (h) Connecting wires/probes (i) Passive components – resistors and capacitors

Important Dates:
(i)Round 1: 21st August 2015 (Friday): Half-day session for Questions on WEBENCH, Select the students to qualify for Round 2, (ii) Round 2: 22nd August 2015 (Saturday): The shortlisted students will be given a Problem Statement that requires each team to work on the problem for at least 3 hrs total (half day).

All the students should login myTI Account .To participate in contest student should have myTI Account .Certificates are issued based on myTI Registration only .Registration is free of cost. The link for registration is : https://www.ti.com/

EdGate will schedule an online Seminar for the students after the completion of Registration.

Students need to download the Kick-start WEBENCH training material before the contest .

Student Teams need to place the order for IC’s from TI Estore .IC’s are available free of cost .

Contest Details :
Round 1 :
Students need to download the Kick-start WEBENCH training material before the contest .Students will have to answer a set of question using Webbench software.

Round 2:
Students will be given a problem statement requires that each team works on the problem for at least 3 hrs total ( half day).

The contest includes the following three sections:
(i) Analysis of the circuit given
(ii) Simulation of the circuit using TINA/MULTISIM
(iii) Implementation of the circuit and recording of the output.
(iv) Conclusion regarding the above three steps.

Preparations For The Contest:
What kind of preparations are needed from the students side for the above contest?
(i) Students should study Linear Integrated circuits. e.g OPAMP’s.
(ii) Students should study a circuit simulator like TINA/MULTISIM and learn to simulate a circuit and study its behavior.
(iii) Implementation of the circuit.
(iv) Students should download Kick-start WEBENCH training material before the contest and practice for Round 1.

Important Dates:
? Start and completion dates:
Start Date: 4th August 2015

End date : 22nd August 2015

Question to be answered online using WebBench : 02:00 to 05:00 pm, 21st August 2015 (Friday)

Problem Statement :
Circuit analysis, simulation and implementation: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm, 22nd August 2015 ( Saturday)

Registration Link : https://www.ti.com/

(1) Kindly register at the above mentioned link from 5th August 2015.

(2) Email the registration details to :
Ms.Sharlaine Nicole Monteiro – Coordinator

Prizes :
Each member of the top two winning teams will be given a prize by Texas Instruments.

Coordinators for the contest :
1.Ms.Sharlaine Nicole Monteiro – Coordinator:
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Mobile : 9890625203
Office: 0832-2791266/67 Extn:161
Email: ti.pcce2015@gmail.com

2. Ms.Mahi Itagi – Coordinator:
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Office: 0832-2791266/67 Extn: 160

3.Mr.Santushti Betgeri – Coordinator:
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Office: 0832-2791266/67 Extn: 120

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 4:22 PM

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