ISKCON Punjabi Bagh Article Writing Competition 2016

Organization : International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)
Competition Name : Article Writing Competition 2016
Applicable For : Anyone
Competition Last Date : 20th August 2016

Website :

Article Writing Competition :

To mark the magnanimous occasion of Sri Krishna Janamashtami ISKCON Punjabi Bagh temple is organizing an article writing competition. The purpose of the competition is to share the “Joy of Devotion” with our near and dear ones.

Related : Kap Legal Article Writing Competition 2016 :

Here are the rules and regulations for the competition. Anyone who participates in the competition agrees to the following

** Topic / Theme for the article is “Joy of Devotion”.
** One entry per person only..
** Express yourself in a maximum of 1000 words.
** Only original work of the writer /participant is eligible for competition. By submitting an entry the participant declares that he has full copyright to the article submitted. In case of disputes ISKCON shall not be held responsible for infringement of intellectual property rights by the author or original owner of the article.
** The article shall not have been previously published (in part or as whole) elsewhere or accepted for publication elsewhere.
** No identifying or personal contact information shall appear in the article.
** Article should be written in English only.

Format the entries as per the following scheme:
** All entries to be submitted in Microsoft Word .docx file.
** File should be named in the following format:
** Joy “author’s name”
** Font size: 14 pt
** Font Face: Times New Roman.
** Document Alignment: Justified

** Last date of Submission: 20th August 2016
** Results will be declared on the website on 26th August 2016
** Manuscripts / submissions will not be returned. Entry into competition implies permission for your article to be property of ISKCON Punjabi Bagh and shall be published, propagated and used by ISKCON as deemed fit in print, e-media or whatever means considered appropriate by ISKCON.
** In case of dispute the decision of ISKCON Punjabi Bagh shall be final.
** The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
** All claims and disputes relating are to be filed / settled within the jurisdiction of NCT of New Delhi, India.
** All prizes have to be claimed from ISKCON Punjabi Bagh temple 41/77 Srila Prabhupada Marg, West Punjabi Bagh, West Delhi, Delhi, 110026 within 10 days of publishing of results, otherwise prize will be given to next best entry.

Judgement criteria:
** Use of imagination.
** Originality of thought and interpretation of theme.
** Entertaining content that is thought provoking, intriguing, and moving.
** Accurate use of spelling, grammar and punctuation.

The submissions start from 1st August 2016.

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