AIMA NCYM 42nd National Competition For Young Managers 2016 : All India Management Association

Organization : All India Management Association
Competition Name : AIMA NCYM 42nd National Competition For Young Managers 2016
Applicable For : Executives within 35 years of age
Grand Finale : 12th August, 2016

Website :

Competition For Young Managers:

All India Management Association has been organising the National Competition for Young Managers (NCYM) annually since 1974, with a view to recognise competitive excellence among young managers and by providing them an unparalleled opportunity to hone their analytical, creative thinking, problem solving, team working and leadership skills in a national-level competitive setting.


AIMA 43rd NCYM National Competition 2017 :

The Format:
The teams are required to first submit a soft copy of the report between 2000-2500 words to the NCYM official mail id i.e. Reports should preferably be based on live case projects of their current company, innovative ideas backed by research and analysis of data from pertinent sources, both primary and secondary, including the team’s experience of his/her own organisation.

Eligibility Criteria:
** A three member team of executives within 35 years of age (as on January 1, 2016) is eligible to participate. The team should be from the same organization only. Organisations are also free to nominate as many teams as they wish.
** Each team will be required to send the mandatory non-refundable entry fee, alongwith the registration form. The fees should be sent by a crossed demand draft/cheque in favour of All India Management Association, New Delhi.

Date of The Competition

Region Date of Submission (Written Report) Date of The Competition
Bangalore 10 July, 2016 15-16 July, 2016
Kolkata 12 July, 2016 22-23 July, 2016
Mumbai 17 July, 2016 29-30 July, 2016
Delhi 25 July, 2016 5-6 August, 2016

About Theme:
** India has once in a century opportunity to become a global superpower by converting its huge human resource into value creating asset. It has a large young population and an expandable institutional base for education and learning.
** In the emerging knowledge economy, talent is the greatest value creator and India can achieve durable growth and global competitiveness by prioritising learning and creativity.
** E-commerce, digital and social media, smart manufacturing, healthcare, infrastructure, education & skill development and sports are among sectors where India needs to combine investment and intelligence.
** Innovation and entrepreneurship are critical to growth in the new world and India must foster a culture to promote such qualities in individuals and organisations.

The participating teams are expected to share views and ideas on the following:
** How their organisations are investing in the culture of Innovation and creativity both on the product/services and the human resources side?
** How are the individual developmental goals linked to the organisational and the societal goals?
** Where do they see their organisations in 2020 in terms of being creative and having skilled and future ready workforce?
** What are the objective/ subjective parameters which have been setup to monitor the progress towards that 2020 goal?
** What steps have been taken to create an ecosystem for creativity, skilling and innovation by the departments and the organisation towards achieving Creative Superpower tag?

Participation Fee:

(*For a team of three persons) 1 Team 2-5 Teams 6-More Teams
For Members of AIMA/LMA ₹26,000 ₹25,000 ₹24,000
For Non-members of AIMA/LMA ₹27,000 ₹26,000 ₹25,000

15% Service Tax as Applicable, SERVICE TAX No. AAATA 1644 AST001, PAN No. AAATA 1644 A

*Nomination will only be confirmed on receipt of participation fees. The fee paid is non-refundable/non-adjustable, though participation by a substitute is allowed, till the written report is submitted.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 2:44 PM

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