DKAF Daya Krishna Essay Competition 2016 : Academic Foundation

Organization : Daya Krishna Academic Foundation
Competition Name : DKAF Daya Krishna Essay Competition 2016
Competition Last Date : August 15, 2016

Website : dayakrishnafoundation [dot] webs [dot] com

Essay Competition:

Daya Krishna Academic Foundation is organizing the first essay competition and the title is Identity of Man. Students of Philosophy at M.A., M.Phil. Ph.D. level are eligible to participate.

Related : Korea-India Friendship Essay Competition 2016 :

Best three essays would carry Rs. 3000/- for Ist, Rs. 2000 for IInd and Rs. 1000 for IIIrd award successively along with a certificate.The essay written in Hindi or English must be certified by any teacher of philosophy of the college/ university as candidate’s original work. The age limit for the participants is 30 years.

The maximum limit for the essay is 3000 words. The formatting/ typing expenses could be reimbursed by the Foundation if needed.  The Last Date for receiving the essay is August 15, 2016.

Selection Process:
** Essays will be judged on the quality of ideas, innovative thinking, expression and quality of language.
** A Jury of 3 judges will adjudge the best essays.
** There shall be three prizes. The cash prize of Rs 3,000/- Rs. 2,000 and Rs 1000/- respectively will be awarded to three best essays along with Certificate.
** All the 3 winners will be invited for a felicitation event at the next Annual Daya Krishna Memorial Lecture and to meet the members of the Foundation.
** Copyright of the essays will rest with DKAF.
** Decision of the DKAF in every aspect/matter will be final.

Suggested Outlines For The Essay:
The essay should be written considering the following points:
** How do men/women differ from other living beings?
** Can man/women be identified by reason or emotion only?
** Are all men/women similar?
** How far it is right to identify a person by his or her caste, religion, sex, nation and race?
** What can be said about the nature of a human being?

One can express his or her view on any other important point/issue related to the topic. Instead of quoting text of philosophers, we will prefer candidate’s own thoughts on the matter, though views of others may find place in the essay. But if the essay is found copied from somewhere, it would not be entertained.

The entries for the competition can be sent by either e-mail or hard copy by registered post at the following address:
Dr. Manish Sinsinwar,
Department of Philosophy,
University of Rajasthan,

Contact No 8560825276

Copy to:
Professor Asha Mukherjee, Secretary,
Daya Krishna Academic Foundation,
Santiniketan, 731235,


Essays accompanied with cover page giving name, complete address, telephone number, E-mail id and age proof as on 15/08/2016 (Date of Birth Registration/ Secondary School Certificate/ Senior Secondary School Certificate will be accepted)

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