e-Yantra Robotics Competition eYRC 2016 : IIT Bombay

Organization : IIT Bombay
Competition Name : eYRC e-Yantra Robotics Competition 2016
Applicable For : Undergraduate students in science and engineering colleges
Registration Starts : 1st August, 2016

Website : http://e-yantra.org/

eYantra Robotics Competition:

** e-Yantra Robotics Competition (eYRC) is a unique annual competition for undergraduate students in science and engineering colleges.

Related / Similar Competition : e-Yantra eYRC 2021

** Selected teams are given a robotic kit complete with accessories and video tutorials to help them learn basic concepts in embedded systems and microcontroller programming.
** Abstracts of real world problems assigned as “themes” are then implemented by the teams using the robotic kits. The winners of this competition are offered summer internship at IITB through e-Yantra Summer Internship Program.

Is there a fee to participate?:
** You pay NOTHING to participate– it is open to college students FREE of charge. In fact, e-Yantra provides the team with a robotic kit, which is used in the competition. e-Yantra will provide sensors and actuators (as part of the Robotic kit) to the participating teams.

** However, if the problem assigned requires accessories to build structures on the robot, the team will have to bear the cost of such accessories. The team will need to print their own arena (usually an inexpensive “flex sheet” of a Arena Design provided by e-Yantra) for the task assigned to them.

** Teams selected to participate in the Finals — conducted at IIT Bombay in March every year — have to bear the cost of to and fro travel and some incidental expenses to participate in the finals (train fares permissible as per the competition rules will be reimbursed to the team members on arrival to participate in the competition).

Is support from college required for participation?:
It is ESSENTIAL to have college support since the goal of the e-Yantra project is to help colleges develop labs with better equipment and skills. At the end of the competition each team gives their robotic kit to their college. You may work at home for the sake of convenience but it is advisable to work in a college environment where others may get inspired to emulate your work and excitement. But, make sure that the work is carried out solely by the team — without taking inputs or assistance from anybody else.

What is this competition about?:
It is all about getting a robot to solve a useful problem. The emphasis is on the software side or programming as all participating teams are provided the same robot. However, there could be an element of building external features as required by the assignment expected from participants but this will be of a very basic level – doable by ANY engineering student.

Do we have to build a robot for this competition?:
NO – this is what makes us different from ALL other robotic competitions. All teams are given a robot and required accessories based on the problem assigned to them and expected to implement a solution to achieve the task goal.

I don’t know anything about robotics – how will I fare in this competition?:
As long as you are a keen programmer or know some programming in “C” language you can make a good start. It is important that you have the desire or aptitude to learn whatever skills are required to complete the given task. e-Yantra team will provide adequate instructions as required.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:26 PM

Categories: Robotics
Tags: e-yantra.org

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  • What kind of questions will be asked, in the exam for the selection of students, who participate in the competition? For how many marks? What will be the cutoff?

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