pib.nic.in Logo Design Competition For CCTNS 2015 : Ministry of Home Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Home Affairs
Competition Name : Logo Design Competition For CCTNS 2015
Applicable States/UT : All India
Competition Last Date : August 31, 2015

Website : http://pib.nic.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=124666
Participate Now: https://mygov.in/

Logo Design Competition For CCTNS 2015:
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has launched a competition for designing a Logo for Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) Project. Under CCTNS, the process of crime registration, investigation and prosecution in more than 20,000 police stations and higher offices across the country is being computerizing and shall also enable electronic sharing of crime related information among various States and Central Agencies. The Digitalpolice portal is also being designed to provide online citizen centric services such as report a crime, reporting lost property, reporting of cyber-crime, police verification services, information pertaining to citizen rights, free legal services and many more such features.

The CCTNS, once fully implemented, would significantly enhance the effectiveness of the police in investigating cases and would directly benefit the citizens of the country. This open-for-all logo competition shall enhance citizen awareness about this initiative. At the same time the logo would be used nationally for CCTNS on website/social and print media.

The Ministry of Home Affairs has invited entries for this competition. The last date for submission of entry is August 31, 2015. All entries must be submitted through creative corner section of www.mygov.in or on the email id – logo-cctns@gov.in. Entry should be accompanied by a brief explanation of the design and how it symbolizes the ethos of the scheme. The winning design of the logo would be the intellectual property of the Government of India.

The competition allows cash reward of Rs.1 lakh (Rupees One Lakh only) from Ministry of Home Affairs for the selected entry. All entries received would be assessed by a selection committee on creativity, originality, composition, artistic merit, and its relevance to the ethos of the scheme.

Detailed terms and conditions are available on www.mygov.in.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 12:42 PM

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