Typography Day 2017 Logo Design Competition : typoday.in

Organization : Industrial Design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Competition Name : Typography Day 2017 Logo Design Competition
Competition Last Date : 30th September 2016

Website : http://www.typoday.in/logo.html

Logo Design Competition:

** Design a logo for ‘Typography Day 2017’ so that it expresses the theme of the event – ‘Typography and Diversity’. As the conference is being held in Srilanka, we encourage you to include the context of Srilanka in the design of logo.

Update :

Typography Day 2018 Logo Design Competition : www.contest.net.in/24784.html

** Calligraphic or digitally created letterforms or existing fonts, or a combination of these can be used for the logo. The logo should also include the words ‘Typography Day 2017’ or ‘Typo Day 2017’.
** The resulting logo should be of the size and specification given below. This competition is open to students. The competition is open to all – non resident Indians, as well as foreign citizens can take part in it.

Procedure for selecting student participants:
One idea will be finalized from the submitted lot. The jury will have the right to select, reject or request modifications for the selected logo.

Submission Specifications:
You need to submit the solution along with a brief write-up of around 100 words written in English langauge.

Size of the final logo: 300mm x 100mm only in wide format
Resolution: 300 dpi
File type: JPEG or PDF
Color Mode: CMYK
Write-up + contact Info+Bio:
Format: in RTF, TXT or PDF format
Write up about the design: Maximum 100 words and should be written in English language.
Contact Info: Name, Postal Address, Email, Telephone number, Name and Address of Institution in English.
Your Bio-data/Personal Information: Maximum of 100 words and should be written in English.
Last Date for submission: 30th September 2016
Declaration of results: 15th October 2016

Each participant is allowed a maximum of three entries. (please don’t send same logo repeatedly)

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:
mailing it to: typographyday@gmail.com | typodaycolombo2017@gmail.com

This post was last modified on July 30, 2021 1:53 PM

Categories: Design/Logo
Tags: typoday.in
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