NTPC GETS 2016 Technical App Contest

Organization : NTPC Ltd
Competition Name : NTPC GETS 2016 Technical App Contest
Global Energy Technology Summit : 7th Nov to 9th Nov

Website : http://www.ntpcgets.com/
Contest Rules https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/15392-technicalapp.pdf

Technical App Contest:

Entry to the contest is free. To enter the Contest, students shall register their respective Teams by visiting the Contest website located at “www.ntpcgets.com” as per the timeline.

Related / Similar Contest : NTPC Ash Utilization Contest 2018

Teams shall follow the directions to enter a Submission as detailed below :
1. Submissions shall consist of Team Information, Technical App Description and Visual Presentation.
2. Team Information will include names of team members, college details & contact information. Maximum members in each team are three (3).
3. APP Description shall demonstrate the Team’s design process, the app’s functionality, and its potential impact or outcome.

This should include :
a. Statement of the problem or issues identified and its affect.
b. Description of the team’s mobile app solution to the problem.
c. Description of the uniqueness of the proposed mobile app solution.

4. A three-minute video describing the App Concept (“Visual Presentation). All Team members are expected to participate in the Visual Presentation.

It should include :
a. A description of the identified need or problem and an explanation of how the mobile App Concept will address the identified problem/need;
b. Identification of the primary audience for the app, description of the intended user experience and how it is appropriate for the intended audience;
c. Creative and appealing visual elements such as storyboards and/or design documentation that highlight the unique form and functionality of the mobile App Concept;

The technical App must have the GETS 2016 logo. Top teams as selected by selection panel will demonstrate their App in front of Jury panel at Power Management Institute, NTPC Ltd, Sector-16, Noida – 201301 during GETS 2016.

Technical App Theme :
Students pursuing B Tech/M Tech/PhD/Research in Technical Institutes can participatem in App Contest. The App shall inbuilt the 5 R concept of Reduce, Renew, Reuse, Renovate and Rebuild.

The app can be in the area of Thermal, Solar, Wind & Hydro Power. For the general information of students, it can be in the areas like Energy conservation, Vibration monitoring, Water Balance, Ash Utilisation, Smart Grid, Emission Reduction, Green Townships, Sizing of Equipment, Technical tools, tutorials related to power sector etc.

1. Applicable 2 Tier AC Train fare for Onward and Return Journey from the location of the Institute to New Delhi shall be reimbursed for the selected participants on producing valid Journey tickets.
2. Accommodation for the selected participants shall be provided on TWIN sharing basis at no cost.

This post was last modified on July 6, 2021 3:09 PM

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