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Sunfeast Dream Cream Ride Your Dream Contest 2016 : rideyourdream.co.in

Organization : ITC Limited
Competition Name : Sunfeast Dream Cream Ride Your Dream Contest 2016 (RideYourDream )
Applicable For : Only Indian residents aged 18 and above
Competition Last Date : 20th September 2016

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Website : http://www.rideyourdream.co.in/site/registration

RideYourDream Contest :

This Contest gives the Participants a chance to win a cycle every hour based on the inputs given by the Participant and an assured gift of a discount promo code from Jabong.com.

Related / Similar Contest : Sunfeast Glucose Offer 2016

** Only Indian residents aged 18 and above are eligible to participate in this Contest.
** In order to be eligible for the daily prizes, all Participants will be required to have valid address proof, government issued photo identity proof, PAN Card and the original Dream Cream biscuit pack wrapper with the unique code used by the Participant for participating in the Contest which will have to be submitted if the Participant is shortlisted without which the Participant will be disqualified from the contest.

Contest Period & Contest Timings & SKUs:
** The Contest is valid for a period of 63 days commencing from 20th July 2016 to 20th September 2016 (hereinafter “Contest Period”). (inclusive of both days).
** Entries received before the commencement of the Contest Period will be considered in the 20th July 2016 – 21st July 2016-day slot.
** The Participants can submit Entries at any time during the Contest Period but the daily selection of 24 Winners will considered based on the Entries received on the previous Day.
** Time of participation will be defined as the time at which the entry is received through the ‘SMS’.
** The contest shall run on all or Rs. 10 & Rs. 20 SKUs of Sunfeast Dream Cream only.
** ITC Ltd. reserves the right to amend the Contest Period and/or contest timing without giving any further notice. The decision of ITC Ltd. on the Contest shall be final and binding and no communication in this regard shall be entertained.

Daily Prizes:
** Daily Prize – Participants will be chosen each day between midnight of previous day to midnight of current day (12 am to 11.59pm) during the Contest Period. Participants will be chosen through a computerized, scientific random selection by ITC LIMITED or the Agency appointed by ITC LIMITED.
** There will be 24 prizes to be won daily during the Contest period.
** Each successful registration will be entitled to an assured gift of a discount promo code from Jabong.com.
** There is no warranty or assurance as to the merchantability or fitness of the prizes to be given. Any issues with any of the prizes are to be taken up directly with the manufacturer.

How to Participate:
A Participant can enter the contest any number of times per day from a mobile number either through SMS or through Online registration.

To participate in the Contest:

SMS Registration:
SMS route for PAN India:
(i) As a first step, Participants are required to send an SMS with a valid voucher Number printed on the promotional Dream Cream pack to 9686664757 from any GSM or CDMA mobile phone.
e.g. SMS DC Voucher No to 9686664757

(ii) After sending the SMS in the valid format, Participant will get SMS wrt to the contest.
For e.g.
Thanks for participating in Sunfeast Ride your Dream promo. To get a chance to win a geared bike, SMS SUNFEAST I love Dream Cream because to 9686664757. For detailed T&Cs, please visit www.rideyourdream.co.in. Your assured 25% discount code for Jabong.com is XXX (T&C Apply).

(iii) After sending in the Slogan, Participant will get SMS wrt to the contest.
For e.g.
Thanks once again! Your entry has been received. Selected winners of Sunfeast Ride your Dream promo will be informed shortly.

Online Registration:
For Participants from Pan India:
The participant will visit the website www.rideyourdream.co.in, enter their voucher number, name, mobile number, select their state of residence, complete the slogan “I Love Dream Cream because…”, Verify the code and click submit.

Participants will get an SMS wrt to the contest:
For e.g.
Thanks for participating in Sunfeast Ride your Dream promo. Your assured 25% discount code for Jabong.com is XXX (T&C Apply). Please refer detailed T&Cs for more.

ITC LIMITED and the Partner Agency shall not be responsible for (including but not limited to):
I. For any SPAM generated messages
II. For the Operator Code not being displayed on the user’s mobile phones
III. For any SMS message delivery failures
IV. Any lost, late or misdirected computer transmission or network, electronic failures or any kind of any failure to receive entries owing to transmission failures or due to any technical reason
V. If the participant has registered himself to the DND of the telecom provider/ the participant has registered with National Do Not Call Registry/ Participant has specifically requested for not receiving messages for the specific campaign
VI. Other conditions beyond its reasonable control

Winner Selection:
Daily Grand Prize:
(i) Winners will be chosen through a certified audited selection conducted every week as detailed below.
(ii) 168 Winners (24 per day X 7 days = 168) for every week will be selected on the 8th day from the pool of valid entries (Valid entries means entries received between 00:00:01 to 23:59:59 for each day of the week).

(iii) One Participant with a particular mobile number can win only 1 (one) Daily Grand Prize o. Therefore, a Participant who has participated in the Promo using two different mobile numbers, and in case both his mobile numbers are selected through the audited process, then he/she will be entitled to claim only 1(one) Daily Grand Prize, which was selected first in time. The Organizer shall pass on the other Daily Grand Prize to another Grand Prize Winner, selected through randomizer.

(iv) Presentation of the original winning label /wrapper /pack etc. etc. is mandatory to claim the Grand prizes. In case the winning label /wrapper/bottle /pack is not presented, lost, misplaced or mutilated, the organizer would be within his rights to pass the prize to another participant or to forfeit the prize, without any further communication to the Participant.

For Daily Grand Prize:
(i) No claim regarding the make or quality of the prize shall be entertained. Decision of ITC LIMITED / its agency shall be final and binding.
(ii) The Prize cannot be transferred, exchanged or redeemed for cash.

(iii) ITC LIMITED shall provide the prize on an “as-is basis” and without any warranty or guarantee concerning the quality, suitability or comfort, and ITC LIMITED and/or its associates, affiliates and/ or its management, directors, officers, agents, representatives shall not be responsible for or liable (including but not limited to the product and service liabilities) for deficiency and/ or defect of any product/service and/or the prize or for any kind of consequential damages/ loss, in any manner whatsoever.

(iv) The image of the prize depicted on the press ads/posters/TVC’s/pack shots etc. are for illustrative purposes only and the actual prize may vary from the depiction made.
(v) ITC LIMITED or its Agencies shall not be liable for any loss or damage of the prize due to Act of God, Governmental action and other Force Majeure circumstances and shall not be liable to pay any compensation whatsoever for such losses.
(vi) The winner generation will be done on the basis of Valid Voucher Number + Unique mobile number + Unique PAN Card

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Add a Comment
  1. Tushar Sharma

    I have won a prize. How can I collect it?

  2. Nasiya Banu

    I was winning the dream cream contest. My courier code is BLR5400307720. But I have not received my gift. Please give me that and solve the issue.

  3. Aman NagPal

    I have a code 91CCC0BA22B9. PLEASE TELL ME MY GIFT.


    I have got the cycle. It’s amazing. I don’t expect this. Thank you for giving such a wonderful gift.

  5. Sinu

    I got my bicycle yesterday. Thank you sunfeast.

  6. Abhimanyu V N

    I like dream cream . My code is T298D68778.

  7. Athul S Kumar

    You called me yesterday and told I was one of the winners and to get the cycle you must send your address to sun feast big city. I sent my address and no reply from you. So I kindly request you to send my cycle that I won.


    I got a call and they said that I want to send my I’d proof to your mail. I can’t hear your voice clearly. Would you please contact me once more?

  9. B.Mani. Madurai Tamilnadu

    I have received SMS from ITC for slogan winners geared cycle via professional courier.
    Track id is BLR 4551357826.
    But I have not received the article and there is no response from professional courier customer service.

  10. B.Mani. Madurai Tamilnadu

    I have received id BLR4551357826. But it is not valid to the professional courier as well as the tpc customer care is also not responding my query. Please solve this issues.

  11. Arun

    I am getting the id,but it wasn’t valuable. Please send me some proper details.
    My track id is BLR4551357883. I need my dream cream dream cycle.

  12. Hanmantharao Nandyal

    I am the winner of dream cream contest. When are you going to send gear cycle?


    My ticket numbers are E658A8D2AD53, 39A3F8540EE1, FA44468950F4, 6A99988AF63F, EF8BD10AC86B, AB7B5F4F1944, B079CDFD319F, E3D7A35E1C2F, E763C73B34D1, 03C01D73621F, 66D9DFE1DEB6, D844EC19A1EC, ABA5528D7B76, 3936596E581E , 8C61995DAB3F, E37CF92FFE8C, FDA84D1EDAB6, B087DD84B666, 9BEA52230AA9.

  14. Sanjay Kumar

    My ticket number is D468FCE60373.

  15. Tara

    I got a call on 1st October saying that I had won the contest and will be getting confirmation mail but till date I do not have any mail from Bangalore

  16. Manohar

    I like to eat dream cream biscuits and I am fond of it.
    So I hope I will get a geared bicycle. My voucher no is h775h66463.

  17. Anton

    I like your biscuit because it is tasty and creamy. I like Butter scotch zing.

  18. Jana

    I need cycle because I do not have any cycle. All my friends are kindling me. Please give me a cycle.

  19. Suresh

    Please give me a bicycle. My Voucher code is A465D42676.

  20. Mohd Junaid

    My ticket no is 3951A9F4C55.
    Please give me gifts of sunfeast.

  21. Rajesh

    I am also a winner in Dream cream contest but didn’t received the cycle yet. How many days need to wait for?

  22. Saravana Tharun

    The sunfeast biscuit is something different from other biscuits and I have my code.

  23. Tarun

    Why did gear cycle not come?

  24. Aryan

    When will I get my cycle? I have SMS three voucher number.
    My voucher numbers are T293E89972 and B646D65762 and B298B64348.

  25. Inad

    I am below 18 years. If I won can my brother use the bicycle who is 20?

  26. Sahana

    It is a creamy cookies but it is not easy to feel and taste.

  27. Kishore Raj

    I like sunfeast dream cream biscuit because I tasted many times and I still like it.

  28. Akshay.Pa

    I am waiting to see my bicycle. My voucher number is T478D42782.

  29. Vignesh

    Please give me a bicycle. I want to ride a cycle to school because I am suffering from leg pain.



  31. Yadu

    I can’t see where the voucher number is?

    1. Aryan

      The voucher number is printed on the packet.

  32. Rahul Charvik

    I love dream cream biscuit. It is very tasty. Please give me bicycle. My code is T652f64444.

  33. Vinod Kumar

    Please give my new bicycle. I am waiting to ride. Please give me fast.


    I really love DREAM CREAM. Please give me a Bicycle.

  35. Prakash

    Mr Vino,
    Many congrats in winning the dream cycle and after how many days did you get the cycle after giving user details and address proof.
    Did you also sent the wrapper of the winning code by mail?


    Please give me a gear bicycle.

  37. Dilruba.pk

    What can I do with a pan card?

  38. Vino

    I have won geared bicycle.
    It’s BSA Champ Cybot.
    It’s suitable for children under age 10.
    I was so excited to see the price but when I finally opened it is for children I should have never got my hopes up.

    1. Shenbhagaraj

      I Have Received the Geared Cycle but it is suitable for children age below 15. I am Totally Upseted because what is the reason to give cycle like this? conducting competition for Age 18 and above, But cycle is for children age below 15. This is the mind set of Corporates. I think these cycles are unsold stock of BSA and to get Advertisement purpose and Show it as Sales Promotion activity in their profit and Loss Account (just for claiming as expenses).

  39. Narsimlu

    Please say the winners list fastly.


    I like a DREAM CREAM. It is very taste. It is very interested to eat the delicious DREAM CREAM biscuit. I like in CHOCO VANILLA.

  41. Jazar Nazi

    I like DREAM CREAM.

  42. Farzana

    When will I get the cycle? I asked because I am waiting to see my cycle.

  43. S. Sakthi Prajan

    Please give me a bicycle. My Voucher code is D524B93374.

  44. Shenbhagaraj Premkumar

    The organizers call me today and told me that I had Selected for Grand Prize. They asked my Address,and email ID. I gave those Details. They told me that send a mail with a link,but no link is sent for me. I am Waiting.

  45. Akshith Ajith

    Please announce the winners faster.

  46. M.Sulochana. VIII Std.

    Sunfeast love dream cream because of double choco vanilla flavor as a good taste and I will be able to get the bicycle.

  47. Anonymous

    How can I get gear cycle?

  48. Neena

    I got a call telling that I have been short listed for this and asked for address proof. He asked to submit electricity bill,mobile bill,pan card or passport copy for address proof. Is this true?

  49. Thanusree.V.P

    I like very much sun feast dream cream. My code no is E288Q53326.

  50. B.VINAY


  51. Shanmugam

    I have shortlisted for winners, but I have missed my wrapper of the biscuit. So what can I do?

  52. Abhinav Pratheesh

    Is It a genuine contest or not?
    What is the specialality of this biscut than the others?

  53. Manojkumar

    It was very tasty. It is very delicious. My favorite is dream cream biscuit. I love this biscuit. My favorite flavor is chocolate. I will wait for my dream ie bycycle. My voucher code is H753W97254.

  54. Nissi Akku

    I like this dream cream because my bro & friend gave me this dream cream.
    I did not ride any bicycle.
    Please give me a bicycle.

  55. Albin Jasper

    I also buy two packet. I got number also.

  56. Balamurugan

    I Love dream cream biscuit. It is very Tasty and very delicious.
    It was a super biscuit

    1. Antony AK

      Awesome and Amazing Taste.

    2. Anand

      My son like only strawberry flavor. Cream only. Very nice and taste.

  57. Jitendra Varma

    Voucher code : H466G32662

  58. Abhinav Ashokan

    When will I get the cycle? I asked because I am waiting to see my cycle.

  59. Arthi

    I just love the biscuit dream cream. Its very tasty and delicious flavor. I like so much.

  60. Hari Krishnan.A

    Dream cream is a beautiful biscuit. It was a delicious biscuit in strawberry&vanilla flavor. On which date you will announce the winner? I am waiting for that!

  61. Nishand

    My code number is D275T32972.

  62. Imran

    When will be the results announced?

  63. Arjun Biju

    The most I like is Sunfeast dream cream choco vanilla.

  64. Anonymous

    I dint get the voucher number. Where is it?

  65. Farzana

    I am a geared cycle winner from Mysore. I am waiting for gift from sunfeast big city team.

  66. Ptathyush. KS

    It is very yummy and delicious biscuit. It is very interested to eat. It have vanilla and strawberry creams. I like It so much. It is very nice and very tasty biscuit. It is very good tasty biscuit.

  67. Deebesh

    I was asking for a gear cycle to my parents for past a month and they said no.
    After that me and my sister got a dream cream butterscotch zing ,one of my favorites in sunfeast. I’m waiting for it. Please I want a cycle.

    1. Hurray

      Cycle got shipped.

  68. Azif ali

    Where is the link for submitting online?

  69. Sesharao

    I have received 25% discount code of Jabong.com. Now what steps I have to take?

  70. Jaya Prakash

    When we will get the geared bike or we will get angry and we will not tell all to eat the biscuits.



  72. Adarsh.P.R

    I am usually use the Sunfeast Dream Cream Chico vanilla biscuit. Here I got a golden opportunity to taste your product and take part in this competition.

  73. Anonymous

    What we should type in verify code?

    1. Sanil

      I am a geared cycle winner from Trichur,Kerala. I am waiting for gift from Sunfeast and big city team.

  74. Stephen

    When the winners will be announced? My son is waiting for the results.

    1. Jammu Pappans

      They told me that they send it through parcel service.

  75. Zabrulzatheeq

    Please tell web address for proof submission.

  76. Abhimanyu.VS

    How to shop on jabong? Can you please give me instructions?

  77. Gershome

    I like sun feast dream cream biscuit because it has chocolate flavor and vanilla flavor which gives very tasty.


    SunFeast Dream cream Biscuit is tasty and good to eat. I think I may be lucky enough to win a prize. Thank you.

  79. Keerthan

    I did not get any geared cycle.

  80. Arjun

    From where can we get the dc voucher code?

  81. Vinod Karamchand Dembani

    Its very very good quality. Its is very good brand. Its very trusted brand sunfeast dream cream its very tasty and delicious. It is good for children. They enjoy it too much.

  82. Sharmi

    When winners will be announced?

  83. Sourav AK

    When will I get geared bike?

  84. Madhusudhanan.M.

    I have given voucher no and my mobile number is also registered one. Providing PAN card copy is risky, don’t you think so? Please respond.


    How to participate in the bicycle cream biscuit? What is the SMS no? Please reply.

  86. Sriram

    I like dream cream because it has thick vanilla and chocolate or strawberry cream and it is very tasty.

  87. Vishal

    I got a call from he but I did not got any information.

  88. T Mahesh Babu

    Its very memorable game to win geared bike.

  89. Abdurahiman.K

    I Love dream cream very much and please give me a bicycle.

  90. Muhseen M

    l like dream cream biscuits. It is my favorite biscuit.

  91. Azeez

    I send the code but the cycle has not come.

  92. Sowmya Sri

    This opportunity is very nice. I like dream cream biscuit.
    My name is G.Sowmya sri. I am studying 6th standard,Shraddha high school from Sangareddy.
    Address:- 2-1-165,c.n complex,Friday market, Sangareddy

  93. Sudharshini

    Dream cream biscuit is my dream biscuit.

  94. Felix Jacob

    I love sunfeast dream cream biscuits.
    I like Strawberry and vanilla.

  95. Babu


  96. Nandan M S

    I have bought six packets for my friends and cousins but I didn’t got anything. Will you give me a geared cycle?

  97. Kiran

    They told me that they would send a link, awaiting for it!!

  98. Gobi Nath

    I like dream cream.

  99. Mahaboob Azhar

    I received a call from you.
    They ask my details and he said to me as he sent a link to my mail and fill it.
    But the link is not arrived.

  100. K.G.Suhas Aditya

    I like dream cream because it has thick cream in it and yummy tasty snacks in my school box.

  101. Kishore Raj

    It is very interested to eat the delicious cream biscuit.

  102. Alimarakkar

    I participate in your dream cream contest and send message but I didn’t get any replay from you.

  103. Lalithkumar

    I received a call from you.
    They ask my details and he said to me as he sent a link to my mail and fill it.
    But I cannot get it.

  104. Amaan

    This biscuit is very nice and so chocolaty.

  105. A.Barathwaj

    The geared bike will come or not?

  106. Kesavan

    How can we know the winners?

  107. Syed Ahmed Sayeed


  108. Emmanuel Reji

    I have given voucher no. and mobile number. What to do with pan card (I received a call from the officials of dream cream company)

    1. Shibi

      I got a call that I had won the gear cycle. But till now I didn’t get my prize. Why? Please give me the solution.

  109. Muhammed Faizal

    Please give me a bicycle

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