Samsung Shop Galaxy Note 7 Prebooking Offer 2016

Organization : Samsung India Electronics Pvt. Ltd
Offer Name : Galaxy Note 7 Prebooking Offer 2016
Offer Valid Till : 30th August 2016

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Offer Details :

Prebooking Offer Terms & Conditions:

1. Samsung India Electronics Pvt. Ltd. introduces a pre-book offer on Galaxy Note 7 (“Device”).

Related : Ezone Online Galaxy Note 7 Prebooking Offer 2016 :

2. The pre-book offer shall be available from 22nd August to 30th August 2016.
3. You can pre-book the Device both Online and Offline. The online booking can be done on Samsung India Shop (Samsung e-store) i.e. whereas the offline booking can be done at the select Samsung stores (“Outlet”).

4. Only one Product can be pre booked against one mobile number. The Customer has to use the same mobile number with which the pre-booking was done to activate the Device. In case any other mobile number is used to activate the device, customer will not be eligible to receive the benefits of the Offer.

5. In case a customer pre-books more than one Device and uses the same mobile number to activate the Devices, he/she shall be eligible for one Gear VR only under this Offer.

6. Pre–booking Device on Samsung India Shop (Samsung e-store):
(i) If the customer is pre-booking the Device on Samsung India Shop (Samsung e-store), he/she will have to make a full payment of the amount as declared on the portal during the period 22nd August to 30th August 2016.
(ii) The price of the Device as listed on Samsung shop shall be inclusive of all taxes.
(iii) While pre-booking the customer will have to fill in the details being his/her name, mobile number (please read clause 4 above), email id, model number and color of the Device, without which the pre-booking will be incomplete.
(iv) Once the customer pre-books the Device he/she will receive notifications vide SMS / email confirming your order.
(v) The Device will be dispatched on or after 2nd September 2016 and the customer will be notified for the same.
(vi) The delivery may take 3-5 business days, depending upon the geographical location of the customers, where the Device has to be delivered.
(vii) The shipping of the Device will be subject to availability of stocks.
(viii) In order to be eligible for purchasing the Gear VR at Rs 1,990 the customer shall have to purchase and activate the Device by 7th
October 2016 failing which the customer shall not be eligible for the Offer.

7. In case of pre-booking through Samsung shop (Samsung e-store), Samsung India Electronics Pvt Limited will not be responsible or liable for supply of the Device as the same is being sold by Savex Technologies Private Limited (“Savex”):
(i) Any wrong submission of required details including but not limited to shipping details;
(ii) Any failure to receive submissions due to transmission failures and other conditions beyond its reasonable control;
(iii) Any late transmissions or entries;
(iv) Any computer or communications related malfunctions or failures;
(v) Any delay, damage, non receipt, lost, misrouted delivery of Device.
(vi) Any delay due to non-availability of stocks or for any other reason beyond its control.
(vii) Any delay or loss or damage due to Act of God, Governmental actions, and any other force majeure circumstances.

8. Pre-booking Device at select Samsung Stores (“Outlet”):
(i) To pre-book the Device at the Samsung authorized stores (“Outlet”) the customer will have to do the registration via the Pre-book app available with the Samsung promoters at the respective Outlets and make a payment of INR 2000/- during 22nd August to 30th August 2016 as a pre-book amount.
(ii) While pre-booking the customer will have to enter some of his/her details such as name, mobile number (please read clause 4 above), email id, model number and color of the Device in the pre-book app available with the Samsung promoter at the Outlet.
(iii) Once the customer pre-books the Device he/she will receive notification from Samsung on his/her mobile number registered in the pre-book app, confirming the registration.
(iv) After pre-booking the customer will have to purchase and activate the Device by way of making the balance payment through credit card, debit card, net-banking or cash at the respective Outlet on or before 30th September 2016.
(v) If the transaction (i.e. purchase and activation of the Device) is not complete on or before 30th September 2016 the transaction shall stand cancel and the customer will not be eligible for the pre-book offer.
(vi) In case of failure of transaction, customer may collect the refund of the pre-book amount of INR 2,000/-, from the respective retailer/dealer Outlet. Samsung shall not be liable for any claims or liabilities for the refund.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 5:48 PM

Categories: Z-Crawled-Posts

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  • Can we ask for refund of full amount paid on pre booking through Samsung Estore for Note 7 due to indefinite delay in delivery. Samsung India has given a very ambiguous message not specifying reason or period of delay. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map