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vodafone.contestzone.in Play To Win Gold Competition 2015 : Contest Zone

Organization : Vodafone India Limited
Competition Name : Play To Win Gold Competition 2015
Applicable States/UT : Andhra Pradesh, Assam, North East, Bihar, Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Mumbai , Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh East, Uttar Pradesh West, Kolkata, West Bengal, Chennai And Tamil Nadu

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Website : http://vil.contestzone.in/
T&C: https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/1576-Competition.pdf

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Vodafone ContestZone Mega Car Dhamaal Competition 2015 : www.contest.net.in/3725.html

Play To Win Gold Competition 2015 :

Gold, Gold and more Gold to be won!

Competition Last Date : 14th November 2015

Do you know the national animal of India? Do you know the instrument used to charge your mobile phone? Can you add 25 and 10? Then you are ready for a chance to win Gold worth Ten Lakhs Rupees! And not just Gold, a wide array of exciting prizes are in store for you.

This is your golden chance! We are giving you an exclusive opportunity to play for a chance to win from Gold worth up to Ten lakhs Rupees. Answer easy questions in a fun quiz and get ready for a chance to get rich by winning Gold! Now you know the best part – Gold rates only go up and three years from now your gold will be valued even more!

Vodafone presents the Play to Win Gold competition where you could win from 10 Lakhs Rupees worth of Gold, 9 Dell/Lenovo Laptops, Shopping Vouchers worth Rs.25,000 every week and loads of exciting prizes. All you need is a basic mobile phone and enough balance to answer such simple questions.

Start playing from 17th August and keep playing till 14th November.

How to start playing :

There are 4, very simple ways to play this contest.
By Calling – Call 5670330 toll-free. To answer, press 1 or 2 on your phone keypad at Rs.3 per answer. You can also call 567035 or 56703.
By SMS – SMS WIN/GO/YES/CAR/GOLD to 5670330 at Rs.3 per SMS. To answer, reply with A or B to 5670330.
By USSD – Dial *567*7# on your phone and reply 1 or 2
By giving consent through OBDs
For each right answer, you will get 1 point. There is no negative mark for wrong answer.

Prizes to be won :

Grand Prize – Gold worth Rs.10 lakhs:
Nobody needs to tell you what you could do with Ten lakhs Rupees worth of Gold. The gold rates are rising and the Gold that you win today is definitely worth much more in the future. Start playing for a chance to grab this precious metal. Score a minimum of 300 points in the quiz for a chance to win this!

Monthly Prize – Dell/Lenovo Laptop worth up to Rs.50,000:
Are you looking for a chance to watch movies in your personal space? Enjoy video chats with friends on a wider screen than your smart phone? Or may be store all your personal files and do all your personal and office work at one go? Then it is time to go for a chance to win a Dell/Lenovo Laptop. When you have 9 of these to win, you should be really going head first into this opportunity. Answer only 50 easy questions correctly for a chance to win this.

Weekly 1st Prize – Shopping Voucher worth Rs.25,000:
Be it an ordinary buyer or a hardcore shopaholic, winning Rs.25,000 worth of Shopping Voucher is always a great news. Imagine the kind of clothes and curios and food and all those stuff you wished for that you could buy with this prize. Score 25 points in the specified weeks for a chance to win this.

Weekly 2nd Prize – Smart Phone worth Rs.15,000:
Are you looking for a chance to update your smart phone? Or may be carry an extra smart phone with you where you could keep all your extra files and contacts? Wish to have an easy chance to win a Smart Phone? When you have 13 smart phones to win, you should be really going head first into this opportunity. Answer only 10 easy questions correctly for a chance to win this.

Daily 1st Prize – Mobile Recharge worth Rs. 500:
How many times do we recharge our mobile phones in a month? For postpaid users, the bills are only getting higher and higher. Now you have a chance to win Rs.500 recharge for your mobile or Rs.500 credited to your postpaid bill! Answer just 5 easy questions correctly and get a chance to win this prize and freely talk to your loved ones.

Daily 2nd Prize – Mobile Recharge worth Rs. 200:
It is ok if you couldn’t win Rs.500 recharge! You could still win Rs.200 recharge just by answering 3 questions correctly. Yes, just 3 correct answers could win you Rs.200 mobile recharge!.

To stop getting Reminders / Score Messages:
Now this is something you wouldn’t wanna do. But if you are not that interested in using the opportunity and want us to stop reminding you about the quiz, the SMS STOP to 155223 (Toll free) and follow the instructions.

In case of further doubts/clarifications, you could drop us a mail at: contest@onmobile.com

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Add a Comment
  1. Tafajjul Khan

    My score is 25.

    1. Admin

      Information available from the Official Website :

      After the selection and validation of the Winners of all the prizes under the Competition, the Winners will be contacted, by calling them on 3 consecutive days on the number of the Winner registered with Vodafone India, and will be given further details as to how, when and where they can collect their respective prizes.

  2. Chandran K

    Months elapsed after the completion of Play To Win Gold Competition and the Tie-break Questions concerned. The Winners List in respect of Dream Diamond Competition which was conducted during the same period has already been published. What is the reason for delay in announcing the results of Play to Win Gold Competition?

  3. Nitai, West Bengal

    I scored 749 in ‘play to win gold’ competition and also played tie-breaker round for weekly,monthly and bumper prize in which scored 20 out of 20. Whether result got announced?

    1. Admin

      From the Website :

      This list only contains the names of winners of this competition, that have satisfied all the criteria as per the T&C of this competition. Other winners that satisfy all the criteria, will be updated on an ad hoc basis.

  4. Pawan Kumar Sharma

    When will be the result of the winners of “Score to Win Car” Contest and “Play to Win Gold” Competitions announced?

  5. Chaithanya

    When will you publish the result of play to win gold competition?
    I spent lots of money in Vodafone play to win gold competitions.

  6. Subodh Sarangi

    Who won the play to win gold competition?

    1. Admin

      Only recharge winners get announced.

  7. Basavaraj

    My score is 394. I am from Karnataka. When will you select the winners list?

    1. Admin

      Play To win Gold competition Recharge Winners is available in the below link.
      This list only contains the names of winners of this competition, that have satisfied all the criteria as per the T&C of this competition. Other winners that satisfy all the criteria, will be updated on an ad hoc basis.

  8. Dhiru bhai solanki

    My score is 400. Have I won?


    My score is 500
    How to recharge my Vodafone number?

    1. Admin

      Daily 1st Prize:- The Daily 1st Prize will be conducted for each day of the Competition after 5 working days. Two MSISDNs, across all Circle-Groups as per the classification of Circle Groups* mentioned below, with the score of 5 points, till that day, in the least amount of time, will be selected as the Winner of mobile Recharge1 worth up to Rs. 500/- for that day. One MSISDN can win this prize only once in the Competition. The winning MSISDN is removed from the eligible list of MSISDNs for the Daily 2nd Prize of that day.

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