Fountain Club 5th Nagaland Spelling Bee Championship 2016 :

Organization : The Fountain Club Kohima
Competition Name : 5th Nagaland Spelling Bee Championship 2016
Applicable For : School/College Students
Applicable States/UTs : Nagaland
Registration Last Date : 23rd September 2016

Website :
Rules :
Application Form :

Nagaland Spelling Bee Championship:

The 3rd edition of the Nagaland Spelling Bee Championship is slated to be held on September 25 and 26 at the Capital Convention Centre, Kohima

Related / Similar Contest :

Fountain Club 10th Nagaland Spelling Bee Championship 2023

NCERT NTSE 2016-17 National Talent Search Exam

The Participant (henceforth shall be called Speller) qualifying for 5th Nagaland Spelling Bee Championship 2016 must meet the following requirements:
1. The Speller must be a Regular enrolled student under a school/college that is registered under the Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) or any other nationally recognized /affiliated to the Board of Educational Institutions in Nagaland.
2. The qualification of the Speller must be of minimum standard 8th and maximum 12th in the participating year.
3. The Speller must have full endorsement from the concern authority of the Educational Institution to which he or she will represent.
4. The Speller must not bypass or circumvent normal school activity to prepare for Spelling Bee.

The Organisers may disqualify prior to or during the competition any Speller who is not in compliance with any of the above Eligibility Requirements.

Stages of Competition:
** The Competition will have 2 (Two) distinct stages – A Preliminary Stage and the Final Stage.
** Preliminary stage on the 1st day and the Finals on the 2nd day.
** The Final Stage of the Competition will have 32 (Thirty Two) numbers of Competitors / Spellers selected from the Preliminary rounds.

Preliminary Stage:
** In the Preliminary stage a Speller will be given 10 (Ten) words to spell with 60 (Sixty) seconds to answer a word each.
** There will be no minimum qualifying word scoring level in the preliminary stages for a Speller to be selected to the Final stages.
** Spellers spelling the highest number of words correctly in the Preliminary stage will qualify for the next level / Final stages of competition.
** In event of any ties amongst the competitors spelling the least number of words correctly in the Preliminary stages, selection to the required number of 32 Finalists will be made on direct
** Knock – Out Basis, where the tie Spellers will be called to spell additional number of words.

Final Stage:
** In the Final Round of 32, each Speller will be asked 5 (Five) words with 90 second to answer each word; from where 16 (Sixteen) Spellers will be selected for the subsequent round.
** In event of any tie amongst the competitors, selection for the 16 Spellers will be selected on Knock – Out Basis. The same procedure of selection for Spellers from 16 to 8 (Eight) Finalists will be followed as stated above.
** From the Final Round of 8, the Champion Speller will be selected on the process of Direct Knock – Out Basis with 2 minutes (120 second) to answer each word.

When the participants are reduced to 2 (Two), the elimination procedure will change as:
** At that point, when one participant misspells a word, the other contestant will be given an opportunity to spell that same word.
** If the second contestant spells that word correctly, plus the next word on the Pronouncer’s list, then the second participant shall be declared the Champion of the Bee Competition.
** If one of the last two participants misspells, then the other, after spelling correctly the same word, but misspells the new word submitted to him/her, the same misspelled word will again be referred to the other Speller.
** If one of the Speller then succeeds in correctly spelling the misspell word firstly given to the other Speller and then also correctly spells the next word on the Pronouncer‘s list, then he/she shall be declared the Champion.
** If both Spellers misspell the same word, they shall continue in the contest, and the one who first misspelled the word shall be given a new word to spell. The pattern will continue until one of the participants is declared the Champion.
** In short the BEECHAMPION should spell 2 (two) words correctly.

Official Dictionary:
The Oxford International Dictionary and its addenda section will be the final authority for the spelling of words. All words given in Championship will be entries in the Oxford Dictionary only.

** The Speller’s time has a limit of 60 Seconds for the Preliminaries. Time begins when the Pronouncer first pronounces the word.
** From the Final round, the 32 to 8 Spellers- time at the microphone will be a limit of 90 (ninety) Seconds.
** From the final round of 8 spellers- time at the microphone will be a limit of 120(0ne hundred twenty) seconds.
** Time begins when the Pronouncer pronounces the words.
** If the Judges and Pronouncer need to discuss a competition-related matter while a Speller is  contemplating a word, they may pause the time clock. If they pause the time clock, they will  inform the Speller when they pause and resume the time clock.
** The Judges will disqualify any Speller who does not provide a complete spelling before the time expired.

Points To Be Noted:

1. Completed Forms I & II should reach the under mentioned address on or before 23rd September 2016:
The Convenor,
Organising Committee,
Hotel Japfu Complex, P. R. Hills, Kohima-797001, OR


2. Late submission of entry form shall not be entertained.
3. A sum of Rupees 200 /- (Two hundred) only will be realised from the Speller as Registration Fee on arrival.
4. The Organisers request the esteem educational institute to kindly bear the expenses of their respective participant(s).
5. Food will be provided to the contestants and accompanying faculty at discounted rates. Free refreshments during competition will be provided.
6. The Spellers are encouraged to be in full school uniforms for participation.
7. The Speller must wear the participation badge provided by the Organisers.
8. The Speller will not be allowed to avail aiding materials i.e., marking pens, pencil, any electronic gadgets and papers while on the podium spelling the words.
9. Accompanying faculty members/ parents may on request be provided with food and lodging facilities against nominal charges.
10. The lodgers are to bring their own light bedrolls.
11. Travelling allowances will not be reimbursed.
12. Spellers failing to report on time to the Venue during competition will stand automatically disqualified.
13. The Spellers/School authorities are requested to thoroughly comprehend all the Rules and Regulations provided.
14. Rules and Regulations are enclosed.
15. All the Spellers must enclose in the form, 3(three) copies of recent passport size photo (colour).
16. All detail contest Rules and Regulations along with the entry form can be downloaded from

Forms can also mailed to (For further information kindly contact # 9402453002 /9436001034/ 9436609258/ 9856558841

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