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INTSO Talent Search Olympiad 2016-17 Maths/Science/English/GK/Aptitute : MTSO/STSO/ETSO/GTSO/ATSO

Organization :Indian National Talent Search Olympiad INTSO
Olympiad Name : Maths/Science/English/GK/Aptitute Talent Search Olympiad 2016-17
Applicable For : Students in class 3 to 10
Olympiad Dates : MTSO, ATSO & ETSO Exam held on 3rd Nov 2016 | STSO & GTSO Exam held on 16th Nov 2016
Website : http://www.intso.co.in/

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INTSO Talent Search Olympiad

Intso is nationally administered program of assessments in English, Mathematics and Science which benchmarks student performance against a broad, inter- state cohort of students and to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study.

Related / Similar Contest : INTSO Talent Search Olympiad 2018-19 Result

List of Olympiad

The INTSO provides a comprehensive assessment of student performance and ability in English, Mathematics , Science and General Knowledge and provides school, regional and national comparisons. It is available for students in class 3 to 10 in English ,Mathematics, Science and General knowledge.

Update :
2019 -2020 INTSO 2nd Level Syllabus Exam Date 2nd February 2020 (Sunday)

MTSO Maths Talent Search Olympiad

The areas covered are arithmetic of integers, geometry, quadraticequations and expressions and other

STSO Science Talent Search Olympiad

The areas covered are arithmetic of integers, geometry, quadraticequations and expressions and other

ETSO English Talent Search Olympiad

The areas covered are grammer , phonetics , syllables , spellings, letter writings and eassy writings

GTSO G.K. Talent Search Olympiad

The areas covered are current affairs , general knowledge and social studies . History , economics . Mappings and etc.

ATSO Aptitude Talent Search Olympiad

A INATSO The areas covered are verbal and nonverbal and aptitude topics

Toll Free no:1800 425 1477

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  2. shashwat

    sandeep are ou from scts

  3. mohammad saadiya sultana sri chaitanya srnagar

    I am looking for the selections of intso -atso, mtso, etso results for sixth class as I have participated and I extremely waited for the results and it didn’t arrive yet

  4. Laasya S

    Can anyone give me mtso and stso sample and previous solved papers for class 7 with solutions.

    1. Aisha

      Are you from sri chaitanya techno school??

    2. shriyan

      i am from sri chaitanya techno curiculam school jagtial branch

  5. Lahari

    Can anyone give sample papers for stso, mtso, etso and gtso please

  6. Lokshith K

    I Want To Know The Dates Of MTSO Exam In Bangalore 2021.

  7. Aarush Dutta

    Can anyone give me mtso sample and previous solved papers for class 6 with solutions.

    1. Lokshith K

      Hay I Am Lokshith FROM STCS you can get papers from

  8. jainesh

    I want atso level-2 with solutions

  9. Sandeep

    I want atso with solutions

  10. Srinethra

    I need previous year paper. I have stso and mtso tomorrow. I am in class 7. I am gladly waiting for your reply. I think you will send it within today. Please… I hope you will.

  11. Koleti Lokshith

    I want my level l results of etso and mtso.please tell me

  12. Sai Ram

    I need the 1st level result of ATSO for 6th class. I need it immediately.

  13. Sumasri

    I need my 2018 STSO marks. Can you please tell me the marks? I am studying class 5th.

    1. Medam Hasini

      I guess 0 marks

    2. holla

      0 marks sister

  14. Medam Haasini

    I want to know my G.T.S.O level-1 marks. My hall ticket number is 400765003. I am reading 6th class in Sri Chaitanya School, Techno Curriculum.

    1. abc

      0 marks sister

  15. Yaswanth

    Please can you give me the links of the previous question papers.

  16. Shafi

    Please check and tell my marks of MTSO.

  17. Anonymous

    I want level 2 GTSO previous papers.

  18. Rishik

    I want my GTSO level 1 exam results.

  19. Sruthi

    I want to know the pass mark of GYSO for class 8th.

  20. Puja

    I want to know my GTSO marks of level 1. Please send it.

    1. Anonymous

      You can know it if you see intso official site. But you need your hall ticket number.

  21. Sarath

    I want to view the work sheet of GTSO level 1.

    1. Sarath sai sri ram

      What is meant by ETSO?

  22. Sai Maahesh

    Can you please give me the GTSO exam paper?

  23. Arun

    What is the test date of ETSO?

    1. Admin

      Information available from the Official Website :
      Intso 2017 1st level exam Dates MTSO,ATSO & ETSO exams on 8th November 2017, GTSO & STSO on 23rd November 2017

  24. Hemteja

    What are the qualifying marks for ATSO-1st level?

  25. Sat

    I need material for 4th class.

  26. Sarvesh

    Thanks very helpfull

  27. Raju

    I want to see ATSO results. Please help me

  28. Vikky

    I want to know my MTSO 2nd level results. Please help me.

  29. Bhargavi

    I want MTSO 2nd level result. Please send a link.

  30. V Sudharsan

    I need key answers for ETSO exam wrote?

  31. Sahithi Chinnaramaiahgari

    I want key for ATSO level 2 of 2016-2017.

  32. Praneeth

    What is my results in 2016-2017 2nd level?

  33. Bannu

    I want to know my marks of both ATSO and GTSO. Please help me.

    1. Admin

      You can call Toll Free no:1800 425 1477 for any queries.

  34. Jayaram

    I want to know GTSO results please help me.

  35. Manogna

    I want to know my ATSO results 2017. Please help me.

  36. Chandrasekhar

    How can I get MTSO 2nd level result?

  37. Praneeth

    What is my results in STSO stage-2?

  38. U.Tanvi

    How to know our INTSO exam results? We are not getting the exacts results which we are in need through google.

  39. Uday

    We want key answers. Where can I get it?

  40. Raman

    In which website we get the key for INTSO all exams?

    1. Anonymous

      There is no website for it

  41. Nivedh

    How many marks do I have to select for next level?

  42. Praneeth

    I want to know my 2nd level ATSO result.

  43. Shreya

    I want to know my STSO second level results.

  44. Phanindra Reddy

    Please help me to check my results.

  45. Subham

    How many marks are required to get selection in IGO?

  46. Likith Kumar

    I want to check MTSO results.

  47. Vallapu Sandeep Reddy

    I want to know my GTSO result.

  48. Vajiha

    How can I get key for ETSO second level?

  49. Gowtham

    How many marks we required to get bronze medal in 2 level of GTSO?

  50. Nashif Godugu

    I need to know the pass mark for GTSO for 2nd level. Please let me know.

  51. Anonymous

    The main cause of global climatic change is?

  52. Haripriya

    What is the syllabus of STSO 2nd level?

  53. Sree Vaishnavi

    What is the timings of the MTSO exam?

  54. Harsh M Darji

    How many levels are there for ETSO exam?

  55. Jagruthi

    Where can I download the sample papers for GTSO?

  56. Sushma

    Where can I get the 2nd level exam syllabus for STSO ?

  57. Vivek

    What is the syllabus for MTSO?

  58. Anu

    I want to know my MTSO marks.

  59. Ashwitha

    I want my ATSO results.

  60. Dinesh B

    I want to know the results of my MTSO examination.

  61. Pragnitha

    What is the syllabus of STSO stage 2 exam?

  62. SRUTHI

    I want to know my GTSO marks. Please send.

  63. Sri Krishnan

    How many marks did I get in MTSO and GTSO?

  64. Nitya

    I need to know to my MTSO marks.



  66. Siddeshwari

    Where do we find for worksheets for practice?

  67. Jathin

    Where can I find key?

  68. Nikhil

    How can I know results of GTSO 2016?

  69. K Ganga Sailesh

    How can I know my result?

  70. P.T.T.V.Kumar

    I want to know my marks.

  71. Sreeja

    I want my results and cut off.

  72. Hasini

    How can I know as I am selected for level 2 exam in STSO. I am studying 7th class.

  73. Dheeraj

    How can I check results in website?

  74. V Sathwik

    I want STSO result. My hall ticket no is 8101400026.

  75. M.H.Nandan

    How can I get MTSO result?

  76. G Y S V S Raghavendra Naidu

    I guess 38 out of 50.

    1. Chinni

      Have you ever written exam in before classes?

  77. B.Harsha Vardhan

    I want to get GTSO results.

  78. Monik Sai

    What is my ETSO result?

  79. Ayaz Ansari

    How can I lead an exam online? What steps are needed to be taken lead online quiz competition?

  80. Dhanunjay

    I want the key of 9th class ATSO.

  81. Sathya

    I want result of English exam.

  82. Swetha Reddy

    When are the results going to be announced?

  83. Varshith

    When will the results be announced?

  84. Syed Abubakar

    I need answer key for MTSO.

    1. Jaswanth

      You go to official website and click on 2016-2017 question papers.

  85. Fateen

    Please give the results for ETSO 8.





  88. Chinni

    How many marks do we have to get in etso to win a tab approximately?

  89. M.Sannihith

    I need answer key of gtso stso exams held on 23rd November 2016.

  90. S.siri chandana

    In gtso, my OMR sheet no is 88349 and my hall ticket no is 3162560352. I wrote exam on 23rd Nov in Sri chaitanya school.

  91. Sravika

    I need Science question paper please.

  92. P.Akash Reddy

    In GTSO my OMR sheet no is 108530 and my hall ticket no is 4031460052.
    What are my marks?

  93. Sailaja

    What is the syllabus for 7th class STSO?

    1. P.Naga Maneesh

      I want GTSO model paper and results.

  94. Ganesh

    Can you please give question papers of STSO?

  95. Vishali

    What is the STSO syllabus for 3rd class?

  96. Anonymous

    What is the syllabus for stso 10th class? Please say me.

  97. Charan

    What is the syllabus for science exam?

  98. K.V

    How much marks required to qualify for MTSO?

  99. Govind Kumar

    What’s the level of MTSO for 10th class?

  100. Suraj MV

    What is the syllabus for INTSO?

  101. KRISHNA


  102. Varshik

    How many marks we should secure to get selected in mtso, stso, etso?

    1. Siddeshwari

      I guess it is 25 out of 50 marks.

  103. Karishma

    How many marks we need to get out of 50 to get selected?

    1. KRISHNA


    2. Sahitha

      Nearly 30 above.

  104. Karishma

    How many marks are required to get select in intso?

    1. Sasikala

      How many marks are required to get selected in INTSO?

    2. Likith Kumar

      I think 30 marks.

  105. SAI VAMSI


    1. Ayaz Ansari

      Science is your subject.

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