Kauvery Hospital Trichy Marathon 2016 : trichymarathon.com

Organisation : Kauvery Hospital
Contest Name : Trichy Marathon 2016
Event Date : Sunday September 25th, 2016

Registration Form here : http://www.trichymarathon.com/registration/
Website : http://www.trichymarathon.com/about-the-event/trichy-marathon-2016/

Trichy Marathon :

Organ donation is a generous and worthwhile decision that can save many lives. By donating, each person can save the lives of up to 7 individuals by way of organ donation.

Related : 5th Annual Mussoorie Half Marathon 2016 : www.contest.net.in/16006.html

Nationally, with a population of 1.2 billion people, the statistic stands at 0.08 persons as organ donors per million populations (PMP). This is an incredibly small and insignificant number compared to the statistics around the world.

The race takes up a cause in the social sphere every year by the organizers, and this year, chosen the cause of ORGAN DONATION.

In order to promote awareness and willingness on Organ Donation CII Trichy, Yi and Kauvery Hospital are organizing a flagship event in Trichy. The TRICHY MARATHON 2016 a 21Kms (Half Marathon), 10 Kms (Youth Run) & 5 Kms (Run & Walk) is on 25TH SEPTEMBER 2016.

The mega event that is all set to create a huge public impact and attract formidable media attention has the specific objectives

** To unite the people of Trichy across class & segments towards a common cause
** To sensitize the community towards Organ Donation and saving lives.

Kauvery Hospital Trichy Marathon 2016 is an initiative to awaken public about the importance of maintaining their health and lifestyle. With busy schedules, work pressure and hectic lifestyles, we see that citizens tend to neglect their health. The ‘Kauvery Hospital Trichy Marathon 2016, in a way, gives a health wake-up call for all.

To apply for any of the race categories of the Kauvery Hospital Trichy Marathon 2016 you need to submit the event registration form, along with the requisite registration fees. Application forms received without requisite registration fees will not be accepted.

Note :
1. Only one participant allowed per form.
2. Entry confirmation: Post close of registrations, email confirmations will be sent to all the confirmed participants who have given their valid email id in the application form.
3. Once you receive an email confirmation of your registration, please print the same to collect your marathon kit during the Expo on 17th & 18th of September (For expo venue see the website).
4. Last date to submit the offline registration form is 25th August.

To Submit Registration Form
By courier / registered mail to our office address:
Kauvery Hospital Trichy Marathon
#6, Royal Road, Cantonment, Trichy – 620001.
Tamilnadu, India. Ph: 0431 – 4077996
M: +91-73 73 73 22 80 / 81

This post was last modified on July 6, 2021 3:11 PM

Categories: Marathon
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