Voice of Himalayas Singing Contest 2016 Season 6 : voiceofhimalayas.com

Competition Name : Voice of Himalayas Singing Contest 2016 Season 6
Entry Last Date : 15 September, 2016

Website : voiceofhimalayas [dot] in
Event Details : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/16076-details.pdf
Bio-Data Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/16076-bio-data.pdf

Voice of Himalayas Season 6:

“VOICE OF HIMALAYAS” A Mega Music Event (The Singing Competition, based in Himachal Pradesh) was launched in February 2009, during WINTER CARNIVAL of Manali, Himachal Pradesh, which was highly appreciated, acknowledged and acclaimed by all the Music lovers, professionals and critics.

Related : Planet Radio City 91.1 FM Super Singer Contest : www.contest.net.in/15641.html

Event Details:
Event:- Voice Of Himalayas (Season-6) (Quarter Finals cum Mega Auditions-Semi Final-Grand Finale)
Category: Juniors & Seniors
Date & Place : October/November 2016, Manali/Shimla (4-5 days)
Venue:- Manu Rangshala Manali Or Gaiety Theatre Shimla
Reporting & Registration: – 9 AM Onwards (At the Registration Counters)
Event Timings: – 11 AM TO 6 PM (Till the last Participant)

Important Note: –
** Right of admission is reserved at the Venue. Please inform us in advance if parents/ relatives or friends are coming along with you.
** Kindly deposit your BIO-DATA form at the Registration Counter. (Before entering the hall)
** Please do not carry any Camera/handicam, water bottle and eatables. (in the hall) (in Gaiety Theatre)
** Children below 5 years not allowed. (in Gaiety Theatre)
** Kindly switch off your Mobile phones during the event.
** Any audio and video recordings are prohibited.
** The Auditorium is “No Smoking Zone”

** The Participant has to prepare at least 5 songs, from the list we are sending along. Apart from our list, you must prepare minimum of 5 songs of your own choice + some folk songs. (Any region/State). Kindly send the list of your chosen songs as soon as possible. (On or before 15 September, 2016)
** Participants must fill the “BIO-DATA” form attached with Date of birth proof. Email us the scanned copy of BIO-DATA Form with list of your chosen songs as soon as possible (On or before 15 September, 2016)
** Deposit the original BIO-DATA Form (Hard Copy) at the time of your arrival at the venue with Date of birth proof .(At the counters)
** Reporting & Registration timings of BIO-DATA Forms from 9 AM onwards. (Day one – at the counters)
** The Participants will be selected for the next round on the basis of voice quality, rhythm and overall performance.
** All travelling, lodging and boarding expenses have to be borne by the participants, while during Grand Finale/Mega Finals, best possible lodging and boarding will be provided by the organizers. (To the Selected Finalists)
** The decision of Judgment panel will be final and binding in all respects. However in case of any dispute regarding judgment, the decision will be made by the organizers.
** In case of any dispute in any matter pertaining to this competition, the legal jurisdiction will be Manali (Himachal Pradesh).
** The organizers reserve the right to change the Rounds/date, time, place, and venue and total number of selected/eliminated participants at any time and any form. (without any notice)
** The organizers reserve the right to show the performance of participants on Television channels/ production houses. (without any notice)
** Participants are allowed to bring their Parents/Guardians to the show.
** In case of “Minor” signature, the Parents/Guardians can be considered as the Signing authority.
** The ORGANISERS can in no way be held responsible for any mishap or accident that occurs before/during or after the entire event. (Auditions/Quarterfinals/ Semifinals and MEGA FINALS)
** Participants must carry along 3 passport size photographs.

VOH Helpline (For any information):
098160-82959, 094181-10808, 078340-10808, 098166-10808 (WhatsApp)

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