Idea Cellular Mobile Jockey Challenge 2016 Uttar Pradesh :

Organization : Hari Om Media Services Pvt Limited
Competition Name : Idea Cellular Mobile Jockey Challenge 2016
Applicable For : Prepaid & Post-Paid Category of Cellular Subscribers of Idea
Applicable States/UTs : Uttar Pradesh East UPE Circle
Competition Last Date : 05th Nov 2016

Website :

Mobile Jockey Challenge :

This Challenge is purely on a “best effort” basis and participation of eligible Subscribers in this Challenge is voluntary. Hari Om Media Services Pvt. Ltd. in association with Idea, reserves the right to participation in this Challenge.

Duration/ Period of the Challenge
This Challenge is open for a limited period from 07th September’16 00:00:00 hours till 05th Nov 23:59:59 hours (“Challenge Period”).

Eligibility Criteria:
The Challenge is open for active1 pre-paid as well as post-paid category of cellular subscribers of Idea, who calls to Idea 5330011 (“Mobile Jockey”) in telecom circle of U.P.(East) only (the “Subscribers”).

In order to be eligible for this challenge a Participant must fulfill the following criteria-
** He/She should be above 18 years of age.
** He/She must be citizen of India.
** He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any offence.
** He/she should not be of an unsound mind.
** He/she must belong to the telecom circle mentioned above; and He/She must not have any criminal record nor should be of an unsound mind.
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court orders etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

Participation and Charges:
** This Challenge is purely on a “best effort” basis and participation of eligible Subscribers in this Challenge is voluntary. To participate in this Challenge, a Subscriber/Participant shall have to fulfill the following criteria-
** Dial short code 5330011XXX (Browsing charge Rs. 3.99/minute) for participating in the Challenge. During the Challenge Period, a Subscriber may dial short code 5330011XXX (Browsing charge Rs. 3.99/minute) any number of times each day to participate in the Challenge (hereinafter referred to as “efforts/attempts”).

Terms & Conditions:
**    Without prejudice to the foregoing, under no circumstance shall the Top Performers /Highest MOU’s of the Challenge be entitled to redeem any category of gratification for cash, unless expressly mentioned herein. Hari Om Media/Idea at its sole discretion, may or may not provide a cash alternative to the gratification being offered in this Challenge.

** The Top Performers shall be intimated through by calling/SMS which shall be done by Hari Om Media. As such, it is advisable that the Subscribers should keep their mobile phones in switched on mode. In case the Top Performers is unreachable for 48 hours continuously after the declaration, the next eligible performer shall be considered for the gratification. It is specifically mentioned that no information by post/courier/fax/telegram or any other mode shall be given by the Hari Om Media.

** All Participants who have been declared as Top Performers and who have become eligible for the gratification as per clause 3 and 4 of the T&C shall have to make their own arrangements for travel, accommodation to claim the Gratifications from Idea Circle Office at Lucknow. (The “venue”). Hari Om Media/Idea shall not be responsible for the travel arrangements and/or any cost incurred by any of these Top Performers for the collection of their respective Gratification(s).

** By entering the challenge, the Subscribers confirm and waive the applicability of rules and regulations of the National Do Not Call Registry and also agree to receive promotional messages from Hari Om Media / Idea, as they may deem fit and proper, at their sole and absolute discretion.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:03 PM

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