Amazon App Treasure Hunt 2016

Organization : Amazon
Competition Name : App Treasure Hunt 2016
Applicable For : Residents of India
Competition Last Date : 8th September, 2016

Website :

Amazon Treasure Hunt Promotion:

Please read these terms and conditions (“T&Cs”) before entering the Amazon Treasure Hunt Promotion (“Promotion”) on the mobile application of (hereinafter referred to as the “App”). This Promotion is applicable only on the App and not on the website or mobile website of Amazon.

Related : Amazon App Contest 2016 :

You need to fulfil the following eligibility criteria to enter the Promotion:
(a) You should be an individual legal resident of the Republic of India;
(b) You should have set India as your current country in your account settings on Amazon;
(c) You have a billing address within the territory of India; and
(d) You should be of an age 18 years or above at the time of entry into the Promotion.

Details Of The Promotion & How To Enter:
** This Promotion will be available beginning 11:00 am and ending 7:00 pm on 8th September, 2016 (the “Promotion Period”).
** During the Promotion Period, at an interval of every 30 minutes commencing from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. of such day, Amazon will be displaying a clue to a product listed on the App (such product hereinafter referred to as “Product”) on the Promotion page of the App.
** To participate in this Promotion, a participant is required to: (a) identify and search for the Product associated with the particular clue; and (b) visit the product detail page of such Product displayed on the App.
** Participants who identify the Product and visit the product detail page of the Product in accordance with the above Section 3, will be able to purchase the Product at a price of INR 1 (until stocks for such Product available at the promotional rates last).
** Each participant can purchase a Product once for each clue during the Promotion Period and cannot apply any other promotional code on an order for a Product made pursuant to this Promotion.
** Standard shipping charges, applicable taxes, cash on delivery charges, payment and return policies available on the App shall apply to any purchase made by eligible participants under this Promotion.

Mailing List:
By entering the Promotion, you consent to being placed on a mailing list for promotional and other materials for Amazon. You may update or change your email preferences at the email preferences page.

Other Promotions:
Please note that we may be running similar promotions at the same time as this Promotion. By entering this Promotion, you will not be eligible to receive any benefit awarded in any other contest unless you enter each promotion/ contest separately.

Additional Terms:
We may, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, change/modify the terms of this Promotion or terminate your participation in this Promotion at any time in our sole discretion without any notice to you.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:56 PM

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