Boost Energy Power Cricket Challenge :

Organization : Boost
Contest Name : Boost Power Cricket Challenge

Website :

Boost Power Cricket Game :

Get into CRICKET MODE and Play Boost Power Cricket! Step into the shoes of your Boost Heroes and power yourself to the top spot with this fun, exciting chance to prove yourself on the pitch.

Related :Play2Earn Fantasy Cricket League :

Challenge yourself by playing Boost Power Cricket against nine of the best cricket teams in the world. Play now!

Game Features:
** Play against 9 of the top cricket teams, including Australia, Pakistan and South Africa!
** Hit straight down the ground, or play the ball on the off side or leg side, with or without spin.
** Reach the target score in the fastest time to dominate your opponents!
** A dynamic bowling system ensures that no two matches are alike!
** Knock them out of the park with the Power-Shots that made our Boost Heroes legends!

Frequently Asked Questions:
How is Boost different from other chocolate drinks?:
Boost is scientifically proven to give you three times more stamina* Boost contains nutrients which are known to support energy production, haemoglobin synthesis, maintenance of bone health, immunity, the building and repair of tissues and protection of tissues from oxidative damage

Should Boost only be consumed when playing sports?:
No. Boost contains 17 essential vitamins and minerals that improve the levels of key nutrients important for energy metabolism. It significantly improves the status of Vitamins B6, B12, Folate, C and Iron . Vitamin B12, B2, B6 & folic acid are known to help in oxygen utilization capacity of the body, to help build more stamina. We recommend consuming Boost as part of your daily diet and exercise plan.

If I consume Boost, will it triple my stamina in a day?:
Unfortunately not! Boost does not claim to triple your stamina in a day. The claim was built from a study undertaken for 120 days, after which the results were measured. Hence, the claim relates to Boost tripling your stamina if consumed for 120 consecutive days.

How many glasses/servings of Boost can I consume in a day?:
Boost is a nourishing beverage to be consumed as a part of a daily diet and exercise plan. The daily recommended serving of Boost is 2 X 20g cups per day. (1 cup = 20g Boost in 200ml of milk).

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 4:32 PM

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