Dharamshala DMC Smart World Class Public Toilets Design Competition 2016 : mcdharamshala.in

Organization : Dharamshala Municipal Corporation DMC
Competition Name : Smart World Class Public Toilets Design Competition 2016
Applicable For : Consultants /Architectural Firms / Students / Professionals / Architects / Public
Last Date of Submission : 15th September 2016

Website : http://mcdharamshala.in/
Competition Rules : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/16227-Competition.pdf

Competition For Smart World Class Public Toilets:

In response to ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ launched by Government of India, Dharamshala Municipal Corporation has decided to go for a public competition for Smart Public Toilet in Dharamshala Municipal Corporation area From Consultants /Architectural Firms / Students / Professionals / Architects / Public for comprehensive design for required smart features as no foul smell and use of rain water and other facilities as given herewith.

Related : RDSO Indian Railways Competition For Waterless Toilets : www.contest.net.in/3866.html

Public Toilets In Dharamshala Municipal Corporation Area:
a. Public toilets and community toilets are provided by DMC at various locations to make area free from open defecations and urinations.
b. Being an important Tourist Place and Abode of His Holiness Dali lama the floating population in DMC area is more than 15 lacs for which public conveniences at easily accessible locations are provided.
c. Presently separate Gents and Ladies toilets are provided.

Submission of Entries:
Last Date of Submission: 15th September 2016, 1700 hrs.

Submission to be mailed to: xenmcd001@gmail.com

And hard copies to:
Dharamshala Municipal Corporation
Dharamshala Dist. Kangra H.P
Pin 176215

Entries received after the stipulated date time shall not be considered for competition.

Guidelines for Submission of Entries:
The entries should be marked in the subject line as “ENTRY FOR COMPETITION FOR SMART WORLD CLASS PUBLIC TOILETS” in Dharamshala Municipal Corporation area.
a. One folder containing ‘Technical Details’ such as Drawings consists of plans, elevations, sections & 3D prospective view.
b. Card board model at scale of 1:20 (may be provided as optional)
c. Contact details of the participants in a separate envelope marked as ‘Contact Details’.
d. One envelope clearly marked as “ENTRY FOR COMPETITION FOR SMART WORLD CLASS PUBLIC TOILETS” consisting of both the envelopes of ‘Technical Details’ and ‘Contact Details’.

Technical Details For The Entry Proposal:
i. Expectations from Design are given in the enclosed Annexure “A”.
ii. In the beginning it should have a brief explanation (maximum in 500 words) of the Design and how it achieves optimum Operation and Maintenance for cleanliness provided in a sustainable way and facility.
iii. It may include drawings and material details to illustrate the design.
iv. It should provide a cost assessment of proposed design for setup and operation.
v. It should specify the consumables and power requirement of the proposed design.
vi. It should specify the assessed life of the designed component
vii. It should include plan for disposal of waste and environment impact, if any.

Selection Process & Award:
i. All the entries received by the stipulated date and time and found in order, shall be evaluated by a Jury of distinguished experts constituted by Dharamshala Municipal Corporation, members from Dharamshala Municipal Corporation, / HPPWD / Experts and Academia/Research field etc.
ii. Entries, found worth considering for getting more details, shall be shortlisted for final selection. The shortlisted Designers would be required to make a presentation to the Jury.
iii. The date, time and venue of the presentation shall be communicated separately to the shortlisted designers.

iv. Following prizes will be given selected designs;
a. First Prize, Rs. 25,000/-.
b. Second Prize, Rs. 15,000/-.
c. Third Prize, Rs. 10,000/-.

v. Result of competition is expected to be announced on or before 02/10/2016 & will be intimated to participants through email and published on website: www.mcdharamshala.in;

This post was last modified on September 8, 2016 10:50 AM

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