PERD Centre Essay Competition 2016 : Shri B. V. Patel Education Trust

Organization :Shri B. V. Patel Education Trust
Competition Name : PERD Centre Essay Competition 2016
Competition Last Date : 20/9/2016

Website :
Competition Details :

Essay Competition :

Shri B. V. Patel Education Trust invites entries for the essay competition for the year 2016.

Update :

PERD Centre Essay Competition 2017 :

The subject for the essay is:
“Clinical trials in India and China-Advantages and Disadvantages”

In the last few years, Asian countries have emerged as top clinical trial destination and offer nan alternative to traditional regions. The average costs of conducting phase I/II/Ill drug trials in US is around $20/50/100 million respectively, whereas in Asian countries like India, it is 50-60% of the same in addition to being 75% faster.

Economic uncertainty, regulatory barriers and clinical trial quality are key concerns for the conduct of trials. Expansion of clinical trials requires detailed understanding of country specific dynamics in order to maximize the benefits. It is expected that the Essay will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of conducting clinical trials in India and China.

Criteria of Eligibility:
(1) Any person interested in Pharmacy is entitled to participate in the competition.
(2) Not more than two Figures may be appended with the essay. The text part of the essay including Tables should not exceed 3000 words. Beyond 3000 words, it would attract minus marks.

The essay exceeding 4000 words would not be eligible for competition. Only single author entry shall be permitted. Acknowledgement of any significant advice or help from others may be made in the coverletter. Acknowledgement or the name and address of the author should not appear anywhere on the body of the essay or on the synopsis.

The last date for the receipt of Essay is 2019/2016. The essays received after 20/9/2016 cease to be eligible for competition. The essay should be exclusively written and submitted for this competition only. The decision regarding acceptance, rejection and the award of the medals for the essay would be solely of the trust and remain abiding by all the participants.

Send To:
The essay in 4 copies along with (1)Ashort bio-data and a passport size photograph of the author (2) four copies of synopsis in not more than 300 words should be sent with a covering letter to:

The Hon. Secretary,
Shri B. V. Patel Education Trust,
Clo. B. V. Patel
PERD Centre,
S. G. Highway,
Thaltej, Ahmedabad-380054,

Subscribing on the envelope “ESSAY.COMPETITION”, on or before 20/9/2016.

This post was last modified on June 26, 2021 1:16 PM

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