Quiz and Refill Contest 2016 : quizandrefill.in

Organization : quizandrefill.in
Competition Name : Quiz and Refill Contest 2016
Applicable For : Indian Citizen

Website : quizandrefill.in/index.html

Quiz and Refill Contest

The Contest is organized by www.quizandrefill.in. The Contest is valid only in India (or as applicable).

Related : Murugappa Madras Quotient Quiz MMQ 2016 : www.contest.net.in/15791.html

Contestants eligible to participate in the Contest in accordance to the eligibility criteria specified in point no. 3 of these Terms and Conditions and participating in the Contest are hereinafter referred to as the “Participants

Eligibility Criteria:
To be eligible to take part in the Contest, the Participants need to confirm to the following eligibility criteria
a) an Individual;
b) an Indian citizen;
c) residing in India;
d) must have a valid Facebook/Gmail ID(as applicable)

Information as available on the official Contest page is the only authentic and valid information about the Contest. www.quizandrefill.in shall not be responsible for any incorrect/misleading information relating to the Contest, presented/ displayed on any other source other than the Contest page of www.quizandrefill.in & will not be liable for any loss suffered by any Participant based on the representation, terms, conditions, information presented / displayed on any other source other than the Contest page.

How To Participate:

To participate in the Contest using Facebook/ Gmail, the participant/s has to follow following steps:.
a) Log into valid Facebook/ gmail id Log into
b) Participants should fill in the information (or as applicable) and enter through the quiz page/ handle only Log into

Term and Conditions:
** Response submitted by the Participant/s will be evaluated by the panel of jury appointed by www.quizandrefill.in.
** Every week/ (as per time specified) during the Contest Period, a panel of jury will select 700 winners (or as applicable) each week during the Contest. The selection will be based on the most quality response submitted by the Participant/s during the week prior to the declaration of winner. No winner announcements will be made for Contest participation done on weekends.
** Jury’s decision on the selection of winner(s) will be final and binding on all the Participant/s. No correspondence, clarification, explanation in this regard will be entertained by www.quizandrefill.in. Any person or participant carrying out any correspondence or clarification or tweeting or posting any negative comments about the decision of the Jury shall liable to the www.quizandrefill.in and shall be immediately disqualified by all future contests of www.quizandrefill.in.
** www.quizandrefill.in shall not be responsible and/or liable in any manner whatsoever in case the participant is unable to participate due to failure on part of the telecom operator. Internet provider, facility provider, etc.
** www.quizandrefill.in shall not be responsible for any copyright violations done by the participants for the images taken from the internet and only the participants are solely responsible for the act.
** There is no entry fee or participation fee payable by the Participant/s for participating in this Contest. www.quizandrefill.in will not accept any form of payment from any of the Participant/s interested in participating in the Contest, further participation in the Contest will not in itself make the Participant eligible for the Prize.
** The Prize/s shall be subject to the laws of India, including all the tax laws. All applicable regulatory and statutory duties, cess, surcharges, taxes (including TDS).
** The prizes will be distributed / delivered to the winners by www.quizandrefill.in within 3 days of submission of all necessary documents to www.quizandrefill.in by the winners.
** The prizes are non-endorsable, not transferable and non-substitutable. The prizes are offered on ‘NO EXCHANGE NO REFUND’ basis. www.quizandrefill.in will not entertain any requests for exchange in lieu of the prize/s.
** Each winner should provide the Valid faceebook/gmail id to submit the answer for enabling them to gratify the winner.
** Any disputes with respect to the Contest shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of courts in Bangalore, India.

This post was last modified on June 26, 2021 1:20 PM

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