Sony LIV Indian Idol Online Auditions 2016 :

Organization : Sony Pictures Networks India Private Limited
Competition Name : Indian Idol Online Auditions 2016
Applicable For : Citizens of India
Registration Last Date : November 30, 2016

Website :
Contest T&C :

Indian Idol Online Auditions :

1. Indian Idol is a televised singing competition series (“Show”) licensed by Fremantlemedia Limited (“Production House”) to Sony Pictures Networks India Private Limited (formerly known as Multi Screen Media Private Limited) and/or its affiliates (“SPN/ The Company”) to be telecast on Sony Entertainment Television (SD and HD) (“Channel”).

Update :

Sony LIV Indian Idol Season 10 Audition 2018 :

2. For the purposes of the televised programme, SPN/ Production House shall conduct online auditions (described below) (“Audition”) on the microsite contained on the Sony LIV website.

Eligibility For Entries & Auditions:
3. The Participant(s) must be citizens of India and must have a valid nationality proof like passport, PAN Card, Ration Card, Aadhar Card etc. and the Participant(s) shall produce such documents at the request of SPN/ Production House. The Participant(s) may however be domiciled and/ or resident outside India (NRI/OIC/PIO). Such Participant(s) must submit any such documents which prove their Indian origin.

4. The Participant(s) should be of sound mind and health and must not be disqualified by law or have any criminal record.
5. The Participant(s) must be of or above the age of 16 years but not above the age of 30 years as on September 10, 2016 (“Participants”) who can participate after being registered by the process mentioned hereunder (“Entries”).
6. The registrations shall commence from September 10, 2016 and shall be open till November 30, 2016(“Registration Period”).

7. For registration, Participant(s) must log onto (the “Website”) for the purpose of entering the following details of the Participant(s):
7.1 Full name of Participant
7.2 Age of Participant
7.3 Gender of Participant
7.4 Date of Birth of Participant
7.5 Email ID of the Participant

8. The Participant shall then upload a video of him/her singing as per the following specifications (“Audition Videos”):
Video size 40 mb
Video format Mov (3gp , wmv , mov , mpg , mp4 , avi)

8.1 Audition Videos must conform to the following requirements:
8.1.1 The Audition Video may consist of any instrument or track playing in the background. However, the Audition Video must consist of the Participant singing clearly. No humming is allowed.
8.1.2 Audition Videos must have been recorded within the past two (2) months and should not be digitally enhanced or distorted.
8.1.3 Audition Videos must only contain the Participant and no other member.
8.1.4 Audition Videos must NOT contain material which is sexually explicit, obscene, pornographic, violent (for example, relating to murder, weapons, cruelty, abuse, etc.), discriminatory (based on race, sex, religion, national origin, physical disability, sexual orientation or age), illegal (for example, underage drinking, substance abuse, computer hacking, etc.), offensive, threatening, profane or harassing.
8.1.5 Audition Videos must NOT include, mention or feature any uncleared copyrighted material, including but not limited to music, films, books, television programming, artwork, sculpture, photographs, etc., or identifying descriptions of any copyrightedmaterial.
8.1.6 Audition Videos must NOT contain derogatory references to the Production House, the Company, the Channel, etc.
8.1.7 Audition Videos must NOT include any third party trademarks, logos, insignia, location signage, etc.
8.1.8 Songs in the Audition Videos should be in Hindi only

9. An email will be sent out to all the Participant(s) who have successfully registered and uploaded the Audition Video(s) on the Website and in the manner as specified and also to those Participant(s) whose Audition Videos are rejected due to any of the abovementioned reasons.
10. SPN/ Production House shall in their sole discretion, select the Participants for the ground auditions, after carrying out relevant check of the Entries by the Participant (s).
11. SPN/ Production House shall be under no obligation to select all or any of the Participant (s) from the Entry(s) and shall have the absolute and sole discretion to select such Participant (s) as it deems fit for the purpose of the Show.
12. The short listed Participant(s) shall be notified through an email by SPN of the dates and venue of further on-ground audition rounds. The email shall also contain a Jump-the-queue pass as gratification, which can be availed by the short listed Participant(s) for entering the on-ground audition through a separate queue.
13. SPN/Production House shall be entitled to verify the Entry(s) or seek for such proof from the Participant(s) as shall be necessary in respect of the entries at any time as the SPN/Production House shall deem necessary.
14. SPN shall not be liable for any transportation cost incurred by the shortlisted candidates (including NRI/OIC/POI candidates, if any) to reach the venue for onground auditions.

General Terms & Conditions:

1. Employees, agents and promoters of SPN and any of their divisions, affiliates and subsidiaries, and others associated with the Contest in any manner, are not eligible to participate in the Contest.
2. For the Show, each Participant(s) must submit their complete Entry during the Registration Period in order to qualify as an entrant in the Show.
3. Participant(s) should ensure the accuracy of the information provided by them at the time of entering the Auditions.

This post was last modified on February 24, 2021 11:51 AM

Categories: Audition/Voting

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