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Radio Mirchi Revital H Check In With Dhoni Contest 2016 : revitalhcheckinwithdhoni.com

Organization : SPIL (myrevital.com)
Competition Name : Radio Mirchi Revital H Check In With Dhoni Contest 2016 (RevitalHcheckinwithDhoni )
Applicable For : Participants residing in India above 18 years of age
Competition Last Date : 25th Sept, 2016

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Website : http://www.revitalhcheckinwithdhoni.com/
Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/16339-TandC.pdf

RevitalHcheckinwithDhoni Contest Terms & Conditions :

1. These terms and conditions apply to the “RevitalHcheckinwithDhoni” contest programme for the Participants. (Hereinafter referred to as “Contest”).

Related : Radio Mirchi 104 Gold Punch Contest 2016 Kochi : www.contest.net.in/16129.html

2. Participants participating or seeking to participate in the Contest shall individually be referred to as “Participant” and collectively as “Participants”.
3. Participation in this Contest is purely voluntary and/or optional. By participating in this Contest, each Participant agrees automatically to have accepted the terms and conditions of this Contest.
4. This Contest gives the Participants a chance to meet M. S Dhoni and watch the movie ‘The Untold Story- M.S Dhoni’ on 2nd of Oct’16.
5. The Contest is valid only for Participants residing in India above 18 years of age. Participant should be eligible to enter into a legally binding contract in accordance with all the applicable laws in India.
6. Employees and their family members of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd ( hereinafter referred to as “SPIL”)., its associate and/or subsidiary companies, its advertising and contestable agencies and its auditors are not entitled to participate in this Contest.
7. SPIL reserves right to terminate, modify or extend this Contest, at its absolute discretion, without assigning any reason whatsoever including extending, withdrawing, or discontinuing the same without notice, at its sole and absolute discretion and without any liability. All decisions of SPIL in respect of the Contest and the prizes therein will be final and binding.
8. Contest will be managed by SPIL’s digital agency i.e. Havas Media
9. Winners will be selected by panel of experts (Havas Media) who will evaluate the selfies sent by participants on the basis of innovativeness of the selfie and announce the winners.
10. The Contest is subject to all applicable central, state and local laws and regulations.
11. #RevitalHcheckinwithDhoni contest has Radio Mirchi as a Radio Partner & PVR as cinema partner.

Contest Flow:

Mode of participation:
** Participants have to Log in to website i.e. www.revitalhcheckinwithdhoni.com to enter the contest through your email/FB account/Twitter account>>> Take a selfie with Revital H pack >Submit it to website. Purchase of the product is not mandatory.
** Participants can also give a missed call on this number 90049-90049 to get a website link in SMS through which they can participate in the contest by posting selfie as explained in point above.

Winner announcement:
Winners will be announced by an independent body & panel of experts from Havas Media agency on website www.revitalhcheckindhoni.com and www.myrevital.com. Entries for the Contest will be accepted from 01 Sept, 2016 [12:00] hours until 25 Sept’2016 [23:59] hours.

10. By participating in this Contest, Participants fully and unconditionally agree to and accept these Terms and Conditions available on www.myrevital.com/revital hcheckinwithdhoni (“Contest Website”) as well as the decisions of SPIL. Which are final and binding in all matters related to the Contest. Successfully entering the Contest and winning a prize is subject to all requirements set forth herein.
11. SPIL reserves the right to exclude any person from the Contest on grounds not limited to any misconduct or any criminal record.

Eligibility :
14. All Participants are required to possess a valid address proof, identity proof and PAN Card for participating in the Contest and to win the prize.
15. SPIL reserves the right to use the personal information, photographs of the participants and winning contestants. SPIL also reserves the rights of using the pictures, videos shot during the mega event day (2ndOct, 2016) in its communications, on social/digital assets and all Participants/ winners agree to the same.

Contest Period & Contest Timings :
18. The Contest is valid for a period of 25 days commencing from 1stSept, 2016 – 12 Noon to 25th Sept, 2016 – 11:59 am (hereinafter “Contest Period”). –a “Day” is defined as a period of 24 hours starting from 12 noon and ending at 11:59 am the following day.
19. Entries received after the Contest Period except as stated hereinabove (in clauses 18) are invalid entries and will not be considered.
20. Time of participation will be defined as the time at which the entry is received through log in at landing page i.e. www.revitalhcheckinwithdhoni.com
21. SPIL reserves the right to amend the Contest Period and/or contest timing without giving any further notice. The decision of SPIL on the Contest shall be final and binding.

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  1. Ritesh Prajapati

    Revital is important for my body because Revital has vitamins and minerals to make body healthy and fit.

  2. Joydeep Das

    What is the question?

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