Eastern Ponnona Selfie Contest 2016

Organisation : Eastern Condiments Pvt. Ltd
Contest Name : Eastern Ponnona Selfie Contest 2016 #Ponnonaselfie
Last Date : 15/09/2016

Website : https://easternspices.wordpress.com/2016/09/08/eastern-ponnonaselfie-contest-2016/

Ponnona Selfie Contest :

** The Contestant agrees to provide complete and correct information with respect to his/her identity, contact details, location, age, and such other information as may be required.

Related : Eastern Spice Root Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/13546.html

** The contest is open to all Indian citizens with the exception of employees, their immediate family members, agents, distributors, retailers and any other channel partners of ECPL residing anywhere in India and abroad

** The contest will go live on September 08,2016 and will end at 6:00pm on September 15th, 2016 .

** The participants can submit their entries through Eastern’s official Facebook Account (facebook.com/eastern.in) or Twitter Account (eastern_in) or instagram (eastern_in)

** To participate in the contest one must follow official twitter handle/ Instagram/Facebook account.
** The contestants have to use the hashtag #Ponnonaselfie and tag Eastern.
** A lucky winnerwill get a 1 gm gold coin from Eastern.
** The winner will be announced on Eastern’s social media accounts
** Winners will be required to send in their contact details to socialise@eastern.in or to the social media accounts of eastern.
** The Prize shall not be transferable / redeemable. No request shall be entertained in this behalf.
** The decision of the judges in terms of selection of winners will be final and will not be subject to any further discussion/debate

** Eastern reserves the right to change/modify terms and conditions and/or criteria of the Contest at any time at its own discretion and without any prior notice and without assigning any reason.

** Posting of any spam, foul, indecent, threatening, business promotion, discriminatory and/or false comments would lead to disqualification of the participant from the contest, at the sole discretion of Eastern.

** Eastern condiments shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, theft caused to the Prize(s) after handing over the same to the winner/ his/ her assign(s).
** In case of any dispute or difference in respect of this Contest, the decision of Eastern Condiments shall be final.

** This contest is in no way associated with or sponsored, endorsed or administered by Twitter/Facebook/Instagram. All information in this contest is collected by Eastern Condiments Pvt. Ltd. and not Twitter/Facebook/Instagram

Tags: eastern.in
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