GLS Law College : Shri I.M.Nanavati Memorial National Moot Court Competition 2016-17

Organization : GLS Law College
Competition Name : Shri I.M.Nanavati Memorial National Moot Court Competition 2016-17
Applicable For : LL.B Students
Competition Last Date : 15th November, 2016

Website :
Rules & Regulations
Registration Form:

Shri I.M.Nanavati Memorial National Moot Court Competition :

Language: The language of the Competition shall be English.

Related : ICSI 14th All India Moot Court Competition 2016 :

General Rules:
Dress Code:
The participants shall adhere to following dress code when present in any court room during the Competition.

White salwar and kurta or white shirt and black trousers along with black coat and black shoes;

White shirt, black trousers and black tie along with black coat and black shoes.

The participating teams shall also adhere to the abovementioned dress code while attending the inaugural and valedictory ceremonies of the Competition.

The Competition shall be open to students who are – Pursuing an integrated 5 year LL.B. programme in India; Pursuing a 3 year LL.B. programme in India.

Team Composition:
Each team shall constitute of 3 members, two ‘Oralist’ / ‘Mooter'(s) and one ‘Researcher’. Only the team member(s) designated as Oralist / Mooter shall be allowed to put forth oral submissions. Under no condition shall a team consisting more than 3 members be allowed to participate.

1. All the participating institutions have to confirm participation by sending an email to moot court organizing committee at on or before 15th November 2016 by 11:59 PM
2. In order to confirm participation, teams of every Institution should register themselves with the Registration forms duly signed by the heads of the institution along with the fees of Rs.2500 per team. Any team requiring accommodation will have to pay registration fees of 4000. Any form received after the last day of registration will not be allowed.
3. The Participation fees as mentioned above shall be paid wide by Demand Draft. The demand draft shall be drawn in favor of GLS LAW COLLEGE. The teams shall be solely responsible for any delay caused due to delay in receipt of Registration Form.
4.Change in Team Composition: Any change in team composition will not be entertained after the registration.

Format Of The Competition:
The Competition is divided into 4 parts :
1) Preliminary Round
2) Quarter Final
3) Semi Final
4) Final Round

Preliminary Rounds:
** Draw of Lots- The match up of teams in Preliminary Rounds shall be determined on the basis of draw of lots.
** Each team will get 20 minutes to present their case and 5 minutes will be given for Rebuttal.
** Each team shall argue from both the sides in the Preliminary Rounds.
** No team shall argue the same side twice in the Preliminary Rounds.
** Win or loss of a team shall be determined on the basis of aggregate score of Memorial drafting and pleading.
** Eight best teams will be qualified in the Quarter finals. The team with higher aggregate score shall win the round.

** The top eight teams from the Preliminary Rounds will qualify for the quarterfinals. The team shall argue only once in the quarter-finals. The side on behalf of which the team shall argue for the quarter-finals shall be decided by way of draw of lots prior to the Quarter Final Round.
** The quarter-finals shall be a knock-out round.
** Each team is allotted a total of 20 minutes to present their oral arguments
** The timing can be divided between both the speakers according to the wish of the team subject to a maximum of 18 minutes and minimum of 12 minutes per speaker
** The time division has to be informed to the Court Manager/Clerk before the beginning of the oral arguments
** A maximum of 5 minutes may be reserved for rebuttal or sur-rebuttal which shall be at the discretion of the judges which shall be inclusive of the above time limits.
** The allotment of extra time shall be at the discretion of the judges


15th October, 2016 -Release of Moot Problem for Shri I.M.Nanavati Memorial National Moot Court Competition 2016-17
31st October, 2016 – Last date for the Provisional Registration of the Institution Email –
15th November, 2016 – Last date of Registration
20th November, 2016 – Last date for sending Clarifications 9th January, 2017 11:59 PM Last Date for Submission of Memorials (soft copy) Email –
13th January, 2017 – Last Date for submission of Memorials (hard copy)

In case of any Queries and Clarifications feel free to contact on

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 5:35 PM

Categories: Law College

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