CBSE & BEE XII Painting Competition On Energy Conservation 2016 :

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education & Ministry of Power and Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Competition Name : XII Painting Competition On Energy Conservation 2016
Applicable For : Students of 4th to 9th standard
Competition Last Date : 30th September, 2016.

Website :

Painting Competition On Energy Conservation:

The Central Board of Secondary Education joins hands with the Ministry of Power and Bureau of Energy Efficiency in conducting the National Level Painting Competition to inculcate the habit of energy conservation among students.

Related :

BEE India Painting Competition on Energy Conservation :

The winners of the competition were felicitated by the Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy (Independent Charge),Shri Piyush Goyal, at a ceremony held in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.

Students of 4th, 5th & 6th standard under Category ‘A’ and for 7th, 8th & 9th standard under Category ‘B’, are eligible to participate. The competition is held in three stages, namely, School, State and National Levels.

School Level:
1. Schools are requested to organize a Painting Competition of 2 hours duration in your school for students of 4th , 5th & 6th students under Category ‘A’ and for 7th, 8th & 9th students under Category ‘B’ on any working day.

Children can select any one of the following topics for the Painting Competition
Category ‘A’ :
** Save a watt to save a lot
** Be aware, Use Energy With Care

Category ‘B’:
** Energy Conservation, a smart step towards Smart Cities
** Reduce Carbon Footprint
** Save the Polar, Go Solar

2. After the completion of painting competition, School Principal may select two best paintings along with information on the total no. of participants, percentage participation of students in both Categories i.e ‘A’ & ‘B’ ( as applicable) and send them to the address of the Nodal Officer of their respective State/UT by 30th September, 2016.

The back page of the paintings should carry the following information:
** Name of the student
** Father’s/ Mother’s Name
** Standard
** Roll No.
** School name and postal Address
** Govt. School in Rural area (Write Yes or No)
** State/ UT School
** Tel. No./Mobile No
** Signature of School Principal

3. All participating students will be issued a Certificate of Participation by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India. The list of state wise Nodal officials and scheme is available at

** It is informed that all the participating students of School level painting competition will get a ‘Certificate of participation’ and 1st & 2nd selected will get ‘Certificate of Merit’ which will be signed by the respective school Principals and Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India.

** Schools are requested to send the list of students participating in the painting competition (Category wise) to their State Nodal Officers. It is also mentioned that names of those schools which would record 100% participation at the school level Painting Competition; their names will be included in the Painting Competition booklet prepared by BEE.

State level:
1. The committee of experts will select the top 50 paintings each for Category ‘A’ & ‘B’ out of the total number of the paintings sent by the respective School Principal of the State/UT and the selected students will be invited to a designated place for State level On-the -Spot Painting Competition which will be of 2-hour duration on 9th November 2016.

The selected students will be paid Rs. 2000/- each in cash by the Nodal Officer on the day of their participation at the State level painting competition. Their travel expenses will also be reimbursed as prescribed in the scheme.

National level:
1. The first, second and third prize winners of Category ‘A’ of the each State/UT level painting competition along with their guardian will be invited to Delhi to participate in the National Level Painting competition of 2 hours duration on 12th December, 2016 and the results will be announced on 14th December, 2016.

2. Only paintings of 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners of the State Level Painting Competition of the Category ‘B’ from each State/UT will be evaluated at Delhi by a Committee of Experts/Jury nominated for their selection for the National level prizes.

3. Boarding and Lodging, to and fro sleeper class / AC / Chair Car / 3rd AC rail-fare or State Roadways bus fare by the shortest route for 108 participant and two guardians per participant of Category ‘A’ and 12 winners of Category ‘B’ along with one guardian per participant will be reimbursed. In addition, each participating student will be paid a sum of Rs.2000/- for incidental expenses and a participation certificate.

Prizes :

Prizes and Certificates for Schools in India
** Attractive cash prizes worth Rs. 95,000/- per State/UT per Category (Rs. 34.20 lakhs for 36 States/UTs per Category or Rs. 68.40 lakhs for both categories) will be distributed to the State level winners on day of the competition on 9th November, 2016.
** For winners of the National Competition, cash prizes worth Rs.10.35 lakhs for both the categories are proposed to be awarded on 14th December, 2016, which is also celebrated as National Energy Conservation Day, in the presence of eminent dignitaries holding high positions in the Government. Therefore, in total, Rs. 78.75 lakhs worth of prizes will be distributed in the Painting Competition Scheme.
** All the participating students whose lists have been forwarded to State/UT Nodal officer, will be issued a Certificate of Participation by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India.

Prizes and Certificates for Schools Located Abroad
1. The paintings received from the schools located outside India and having affiliation with Indian School Education Boards under Category ‘A’, will also be adjudged for the following by the Committee of Experts/Jury comprising of renowned personalities from field of Art etc., Ministry of Power and Bureau of Energy Efficiency;
I. 1st Prize Amount in Indian Rs equivalent to US$ 500/-
II. 2nd Prize Amount in Indian Rs equivalent to US$ 300/-
III. 3rd Prize Amount in Indian Rs equivalent to US$ 200/-

2. The Certificate of Appreciation will also be sent under the signature of Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency to the students whose paintings have been forwarded to BEE. These schools are requested to send two best paintings under each Category directly, along with the details as mentioned above, to:

Send To:
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE),
Sewa Bhawan, R.K.Puram, Sector-1,
New Delhi-110066 (INDIA)

3. The active participation of your school in this national activity will be helpful in sensitizing and educating school children, parents as well as teachers regarding the importance of energy conservation that would go a long way in carrying forward the energy conservation movement in the country. Please see annexure 01 and 02 for further details.

For clarifications, if any, please write to: P. Rajeswary, Education Officer:

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

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