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cbseacademic.in CBSE Science Exhibition 2016-17 : Central Board of Secondary Education

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Competition Name : CBSE Science Exhibition 2016-17
Registration Last Date : 20th October, 2016

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Website : http://cbseacademic.in/
Notification : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/16489-Science.pdf

CBSE Science Exhibition

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has been taking many initiatives to provide interactive, participatory, hands-on, innovative and creative learning experiences to students studying in its affiliated schools.

Related / Similar Contest :
CBSE National Level Science Exhibition 2016-17

Taking into consideration the enthusiastic response from participating schools in the past, it has again been decided to organize Science exhibitions for the academic year 2016-17. These exhibitions are likely to be organized in different parts of the country at REGIONAL LEVEL in the month of November/ December in 2016 and at NATIONAL LEVEL in the month of January/February in 2017.


Science, Technology and Mathematics for Nation Building

1. Health
2. Industry
3. Transport and Communication
4. Innovations in renewable resources for sustainable environment
5. Innovations in food production and food security
6. Mathematical solutions in everyday life

How To Register

(i) All schools willing to participate may fill up the on-line registration before closing date.
(ii) The last date for filling the on-line registration form is 20thOctober, 2016.

(iii) The registration fee of Rs. 650/- must be submitted through NEFT to the account of the Board as given below:
The Unique Transaction Reference Number after submitting fee through NEFT, must be mentioned in the online registration form.
Name of the A/C holder Secretary, CBSE
Account No. 24172010004103
Name of the Bank & Branch Syndicate Bank, CBSE Extn. Counter, New Delhi – 110002
IFSC Code SYNB0002417

(iv) The complete application including typed brief write-up (not more than 1000 words) for each exhibit and printed copy of the online registration form duly signed and forwarded by the Principal is to be sent to the following address super scribed ‘SCIENCE EXHIBITION 2016–17’ by 25THOCTOBER, 2016.

Rules For Participation

(i) Number of exhibits/projects/models- A participating school can put up a maximum of two exhibits/projects/models.
(ii) School Team -A school team may be represented by a maximum of two students per exhibit and one escort Science Teacher.
(iii) School team participating at Regional Level and National Level must remain the same.
(iv) Students studying in Grade VI to XI in the current academic year i.e. 2016–17are eligible to participate.
(v) The exhibit/ project displayed and selected at regional level should be based on the theme and sub-theme selected.
(vi) The sub – theme once selected cannot be changed.

(vii) The exhibit/model may include :
** Working model to explain a concept, principle or a process
** An indigenous design of a machine/device
** An innovative/inexpensive design or technique
** Application of basic principles of Science/Technology
** Scheme/design of a device or machine to reduce production cost
** Investigation based study
** New and innovative ideas to the form of presentations

(viii) The participating school/team will have to bear all expenses related to participation in the event.
(ix) The participating teams will have to make their own lodging/boarding arrangements at the venue city of exhibition.
(x) A few exemplar ideas pertaining to the sub – themes listed in the context of the theme for the development of exhibits are enclosed as Annexure – I.
(xi) It is mandatory to submit a neatly typed brief write up (not more than 1000 words) about the exhibit / ideas for presentation at regional as well as national level at the time of registration as per the given performa enclosed at Annexure – II.

(xii) The exhibits will be assessed by the experts as per the following criteria:
Mrs. Archana Thakur
Assistant Professor And Deputy Director
Central Board Of Secondary Education
“Shikshasadan”, 17, Rouse Avenue
New Delhi – 110002.

General Guidelines

(i) The first stage of exhibition will be held at different venues in every region. The information regarding the venues will be circulated / notified later on.
(ii) The selected best eighteen (the numbers may increase or decrease depending on the quality of the exhibit) exhibits at every regional level venue will be eligible to participate in the National level exhibition.
(iii) The actual dates for the regional level will be communicated to every school and details will also be available on CBSE website www.cbseacademic.in by the mid of November, 2016.
(iv) Schools are advised to follow CBSE’s guidelines available on CBSE website.
(v) Each participant of the Regional Level Science Exhibition would be awarded a ‘Certificate of Participation’. Each winner of Regional and National Level Science Exhibition would be awarded a ‘Certificate of Merit’.
(vi) Attractive awards/cash prizes will be given to exhibits/students who are among the best twenty one models at the national level.
(vii) The names of the winners of the National Level Science Exhibition will be forwarded to NCERT for their consideration for participation in 44thJawaharlal Nehru National Science Mathematics and Environmental Exhibition for Children in 2017 to be organised by NCERT. The winners of National level science exhibition may also get an opportunity to attend a mentoring camp and National Fair (2017) to be organized by Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science (IRIS). The confirmation for the participation in the aforementioned programmes is subjected to their selection for the same.

For any other information in this regard, you may contact at Tel. No.-011-23230328 or email at sciexhb2016@gmail.com with a copy to undersigned.

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  1. Wonder

    I need dates for 2017-18 Delhi regional science exhibition.

    1. Admin

      Exhibition are going to happen from 28th December 2017 to 25th January 2018 on various dates.

  2. Shavez

    When are regional level science exhibition dates declared?

    1. Anonymous

      29th, 30th , 31th of December. The members should register their names on 28th of December.



  4. Yash

    What is the prize of science exhibition of 2017-2018?

  5. Arun

    I am studying in grade 12. Am I able to participate?

    1. Aviral Sukhwal

      No I believe it is from 6th to 12th only.

    2. Bibyan

      No, you are not eligible for participating in this competition. Competition is for 6th to 11th class.

  6. Dristiman Das

    It has been a long time since CBSE 2016 National and the regional level science exhibition was conducted. Till now no certificate is been provided to the participants. I don’t know why it is taking so long for it. Please look towards this issue.

  7. Hari Prasad

    I need the topics of 17 and 18. Please provide me.

  8. Daksh

    Why are we not provided with any participation certificate for reaching the nationals in CBSE national science exhibition?

  9. Shlok

    Will the themes be the same as 2016-2017 or will the themes change this year?

  10. Sriram

    What are the topics for Science Exhibition 2017-18. When they will be declared?

  11. Anonymous

    How can I get my participation certificate?

  12. Dipika

    When will the results be declared?

    1. vinod

      Is any one having details of regional level date sheet?

  13. Syush

    I have not got my participation certificate till now.

  14. Anonymous

    What are the Topics for quiz?

  15. Vishal

    When will national science exhibition be held?

    1. Sk Aquib

      It will be on 8th 9th 10th February 2017.

  16. Manohar

    The national level science fair is from 9th to 11th Feb in New Delhi. They mentioned that they will send mail the selected projects. We got merit certificate in regional level but we haven’t got any mail till now. I would like to know whether any one got mail.

    1. Asci

      Yes, I got.

  17. Rakhi Mahti

    What is the topic for quiz competitions and when it gonna be held?

  18. Neel Shah

    When will the nationals be held at Delhi this year?

  19. Natalya Barnwal

    What is the date of national level CBSE science exhibition?

  20. Sangita

    Kindly inform the date and venue for national level science exhibition 2016-2017.

  21. Shubh Sharma

    What is the date of national level science exhibition 2016-17?

  22. Anonymous

    What is the date for nationals?

  23. Shreya

    What is the Date and venue of the national level of science exhibition 2016-2017?

  24. Mohit

    It will be held in 5th January to 8th January.

    1. Shiva Patil

      I would like to know if you are you sure that they are the national level dates as our school has received no info about this.

  25. Gaurav

    When will be the national level science exhibition for the year 2016-17?

    1. Anonymous

      The date of CBSE science exhibition national is 18th and 19th.

  26. Nihar Malani

    Where will the fair be held?

  27. Anonymous

    When is the national level exhibition?

  28. Namandeep

    When will the exhibition be held?

  29. Gayathry

    What are renewable resources?

    1. Anonymous

      Renewable resources are the resources which get replenished by natural process.

    2. Rishi

      What are the resources which can be used again and again by the process of recycling?

  30. Anonymous

    When and where is it going to be held?

  31. Ashu

    When will school level science exhibition be held?

    1. Anonymous

      It will be on 19th,20th and 21st of December.

  32. Amit

    Please tell the dates of exhibition in Delhi.

  33. Apoorva

    Can we change the name of the participant if one of the participant is ill??

  34. Yash

    If any participants present science working model of other student then what action will you take?

  35. Namandeep

    When will the CBSE science exhibition be held of regional level?

  36. PJ

    I need details of regional level exhibition 2016-17. It would be a great help if you help me for the same.

  37. Dps

    When is the regional fair for Gujarat?

    1. Anonymous

      It was from 15th December to 17th December 2016 at Navrachana School.

  38. Papiya Datta

    I am working as a teacher in Bangalore. My students got selected for the national level science exhibition. Kindly let me know the date for the same.

  39. Anonymous

    How do I get the link of registration form?

  40. Prakash Kumar

    I need to know whether 18 models will be selected from each topic or only total 18 models.

  41. Rishu Rocks

    When will be the dates for exhibition releasing?

  42. Subhakar

    What is the date and venue for science exhibition in Hyderabad?

  43. Geetha Srinivasan

    When is the regional level science exhibition for Tamil Nadu?

  44. Mahak Khurana

    What is the date and venue of CBSE science exhibitions?

  45. Utkarsh

    Out of 2 participants one of the participants name has been given incorrect. The participants names have been submitted. Is there any way to change name? It will be a huge help if the name could be corrected.

  46. Amarjeet kaur

    What is the date and venue for cbse regional level science exhibition 2016-2017?

  47. Sreejani

    Which is the allotted school for Bhubaneswar region?


      It will be on 16th, 17th, 18th of December.

  48. Mehar

    What is the date of exhibition in Punjab?

  49. Arunan

    What is the date of exhibition in Chennai?

  50. Student from Trichy

    When is the exhibition for Tamil Nadu region?

  51. Siddhartha

    What are the dates of regional level science exhibition for Delhi?

  52. Sagarika Choudhury

    Please confirm the date of the exhibition. Our school had registered but not got any mail as yet.

  53. Dibya Jyoti Das

    When do we have to submit the model? What is the winning prize?

  54. Akshat Porwal

    When is the date of exhibition regional level for M.P?

  55. Anonymous

    When will the date for Shimla region come and where will it be held?

  56. B. Suresh

    I would like to know whether we will have exhibition at Chennai region on tomorrow onwards.

  57. Pramod

    Let me know if the date of exhibition will be rescheduled or at the same date as Tamil Nadu CM expired in Chennai.

  58. Namandeep

    According to me, it can not be an individual. Some one must be with them.

  59. Namandeep

    When and where will the science exhibition be held?

  60. Siddique

    What is the prize?

  61. Abhishek

    What is the date for Patna region?



  63. Devansh

    Dates are not announced for science exhibition. Its going to be held on mid of December or end December.

  64. Rita

    What are the dates for CBSE science exhibition 2016-17?

  65. Mridul

    Please confirm us with the dates of CBSE regional exhibition 2016-2017.

  66. Anuj

    What is the winning prize?

  67. Ram

    When will be the science exhibition? We need to alter the model according to it.

  68. Anonymous

    What is the date for CBSE science exhibition 2016-2017?

    1. A Student

      It is on 7th, 8th and 9th November.

  69. Nidhi

    When will this exhibition be held?

  70. Gaurav

    We have already done the registration in two sub themes but now we want to change the sub theme. Can we do this thing now? Please tell us.

    1. Deepanshu

      Yes you can change just talk to CBSE and the call should be from school side.

  71. Gopa

    What are the tentative date for CBSE science exhibition and where is the venue?

    1. Kawya

      What is the date and venue for exhibition?

    2. Deepanshu

      Regional are normally held in December and national in January nationals are fixed always in Delhi but regional are held in particular state.

  72. Mohammad Mobeen

    What is the expected date for science exhibition regional level Raipur region?

  73. Dharani

    When will the science exhibition be conducted?

  74. A K

    Is there any way to remove or change partner name?

    1. Deepanshu

      You just speak to CBSE by your school.

  75. Mayank shekhar

    When will results come?

    1. Deeepanshu

      It will be on the last day of exhibition.

  76. Mayank Shekhar

    You can make projects like on electricity,water etc.


    I need procedure of selection and number of students selected from one region.

  78. Prasanna

    When is the exhibition and please post the details about venue.

  79. Sanjeevini Abhi

    What is the date of 2016 regional level exhibition?

  80. Harshal Sharma

    What are the dates for science exhibition 2016-17?

    1. Neera Olive Milton

      I need venue and date of regional CBSE science exhibition 2016-17.

  81. Devi Gayatri Prasanna

    When will the results of regional level of Odisha be out of 2016?

  82. Anonymous

    What is the date of exhibition?

  83. Ankit Kumar

    Let me know on which date it is going to be held in Gurugram. When will result be declared?

  84. Vishal

    What is the date of Patna region science exhibition 2016-17? Please answer.

  85. Gautam

    I would like to know on which date model exhibition will come.

    1. Sukhwinder Singh

      It will be most probably between 16th and 23rd of December.
      I am Physics teacher working in Apeejay school.

  86. Pranshu Ojha (S.V.M Rambagh)

    What is the venue of this exhibition? I need other information related to place where we have to reach.

  87. RAHUL


  88. Babita

    When will be Guwahati region CBSE science exhibition 2016-2017?

  89. Swapnil Gite

    Please tell the dates for exhibition in Maharashtra. So that we can prepare our models.


    Please tell the exact date so that we can prepare our models.

  91. Pramit Singh

    What is the exhibition date?

  92. Sonam

    Kindly declare the date of exhibition.

  93. PKK

    The venue and date of exhibition is not yet given on website.

  94. Abhijit

    Where will the examination be held?


    What is the venue for exhibition?

  96. Sruthi

    Can I know venue for the science CBSE fair?

  97. Anonymous

    Kindly extend the date for science exhibition.

  98. Rohit Sharma

    What are the themes of report that is going to be prepared on project?

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