Capgemini Tech Challenge Online Hackathon Contest 2016 : techchallenge.in.capgemini.com

Organization : Capgemini India
Competition Name : Tech Challenge Online Hackathon Contest 2016
Applicable For : Indian citizens residing in India only
Competition Last Date : October 06, 2016
Website : http://techchallenge.in.capgemini.com/

Capgemini Tech Challenge

We intend Tech Challenge 3.0 to be a fair game and a contest that’s competitive and fun at the same time, for everyone who participates. To make sure that the experience is worthwhile for each of us, you do your bit by reading these terms and conditions and taking them very seriously; we will do our bit by being very stringent with those of you who don’t. That’s a fair deal, right?

Related : TCS Campus Commune CodeVita Season V Contest : www.contest.net.in/14642.html

Who can participate?

The contest is open to Indian citizens residing in India only. Capgemini India employees are allowed to participate too. And don’t worry, rules remain same and apply equally to all participants irrespective of whether or not they are Capgemini India employees. No favourites and no considerations there!

How to participate?

You can login using either your social profiles or your email, by filling in the user registration form.

What not to do?:
You can access the contest only through your active social media profiles* and are strictly prohibited from using dummy/fake profiles to access the contest. You can count on us to do a thorough background check of the profiles and disqualify contestants competing through multiple/fake profiles.

An active social media profile, in this case is defined as one that has been in existence for three months or more, prior to the date of launch of the challenge, has a minimum of 30 Friends/Followers/Connections, and a minimum of 15 Posts/Tweets/Updates/Interactions dated prior to the date of launch of Tech Challenge 3.0.

Referral Terms and Conditions:
What fun is a contest if you can’t get your friends along, right? This is your chance to get friends along to play Tech Challenge 3.0 too. What’s more? You can even win bonus points and improve your scores.

Here’s what you need to remember:
** To refer friends, you need to be registered as a participant on Tech Challenge 3.0.
** From the Referral Page, you can refer friends and colleagues to join Tech Challenge 3.0 via your email directly or third party email service providers like Gmail.
** Referring friends will earn you 2 bonus points and if your friend accepts and joins the contest, you get 1000 points more.
** Also, if your friend views your invite, you get 5 more bonus points.
** You cannot send more than 500 invites in a day and maximum 5000 in lifetime
** There will be separate leader board which will provide ranking of the Top Referrers, on a daily basis.
** Referral contest will be open only from Pre-Launch to the first 21 days after the contest is launched.
** Contest organisers reserve the right to decide the prize winners for the referral contest.
** Referral links will be tagged with unique tracking parameters which will be used to validate and decide the genuineness of the referrals.
** If you use fake profiles to increase referral scores, you will be barred from the referral contest at the contest organisers’ discretion.
** If a user gets referral invites from multiple participants, contest organizers reserve the right to allocate the bonus points to the one who referred the user first.
** All communication will be sent to your primary email address submitted at the time of registration.
** By submitting the referral form, it is implied that the Referrer has accepted these Referral Terms and Conditions.
** Test Case to understand this better: If “A” and “B”, both are playing the contest and both refer “C” to join the contest, both gets 2 points. If “C” comes on board and plays the contest, then out of “A” and “B”, the one of who referred “C” first, gets to win 100 bonus points.

Get Hired/ Win a Job/ Getting hired through Tech Challenge:
This applies to Top2 finalists from all contests except Tech Aptitude, Network Security, Linux Admin and Oracle DBA.

Campus Students

** Any campus students who are in the Top 2 finalist will not have to face level1 interviews. They will be eligible for a final interview with the panel and can get a chance to win an Internship/Project/Job with Capgemini.
** Interview with panel doesn’t guarantee the internship/project/job.
** The Internship/Project/Job role, function, duration, location, stipend will be at the discretion of Capgemini panel.
** Students appearing for the direct interview must match Capgemini’s Talent Acquisition Hiring criterion, as conducted for other Interns.
** Internship/Project with Capgemini will end in a stipulated time, and doesn’t guarantee a permanent job with Capgemini.
** Offered students will have to accept/reject the Internship/Project/Job offer within 10 days of the offer issued, else it will stand revoked.

Freshers/Experienced/Lateral Hires:
** The Top 2 finalists will not have to face any initial screening criterias, they will be eligible for a direct round of Level2 interview with the panel and can get a chance to win a job with Capgemini.
** Interview with the panel doesn’t guarantee a job with Capgemini.
** Each candidate appearing for the interview process must match the Capgemini’s Talent Acquisition Hiring criterion, which includes background verification, as conducted for other candidates.
** Offered candidates will have to accept/reject the Job offer letter within 10 days of the offer issued, else it will stand revoked.

This post was last modified on February 25, 2022 11:57 AM

Categories: Coding/Programming

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