SVBP Meerut Display Your Talent Contest 2016-17 :

Organization : Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology
Competition Name : Display Your Talent Contest 2016-17

Website :

Display Your Talent Contest:

Talent Contest on 16th Foundation Day

Related : HP Shopping Back to College Offer 2016 :

Rules & Regulations :

1. Light Vocal/Solo Song:
** Duration of the song shall not be less than 3 minutes and not more than 6 minutes
** Songs/Geet/Ghazal/Bhajan/shabad/Abhangas/Patriotic song can be presented.
** Judgment will be made on the qualities like melody, tal, composition and general impression etc.

2. Group Song (Indian):
** The maximum number of singers in a group shall be six.
** The team may consist of all boys, all girls, or a mixture of both.
** The group songs should be of Indian origin which can be any regional language.
** Film songs shall not be presented as group songs.
** Maximum time allowed for the group song is 6 minutes which does not include setting time. The setting time of a group shall not exceed two minutes.
** Separate time of 1 minute shall be allotted for reading the synopsis, if presented in regional language, outside the specified time.
** Judgment shall be based on the quality of singing only and not on the makeup, costumes an action of the team.

3. Solo Dance:
** Duration of Dance shall not be more than 6 minutes.
** Participant will be responsible for removal of his/her sets, stage props and properties, etc. immediately after the completion of their performance.

4. Group Dance (Folk):
** Maximum number of participants per team is 10.
** The team may consist of all boys, all girls or a mixture of both.
** Duration of Group Dance shall not be more than 10 minutes.
** Participating team shall be responsible for removal of their sets, stage props and properties, etc. immediately after the completion of their performance.
** Separate time of 2 minutes shall be allotted for reading the synopsis outside the specified time.

5. One Act Play:
** Plays with themes related to rural/agricultural backgrounds only are admitted.
** The duration of the play shall not be exceed 20 minutes.
** Time shall be counted as soon as the “start” signal is given.
** For stage setting up to 5 minutes and removal of set and properties, etc., upto 5 minutes.
** Empty stage to empty stage shall be strictly followed.
** Maximum number of participants shall be 9.
** The play may be in English, Hindi or any regional language of India.
** Separate time shall be provided for reading the synopsis which is maximum of 3 minutes outside the time specified.
** Maximum of 3 persons can be utilized as non-participants to operate light, mike etc.
** Participating team shall bring their own sets, stage props, makeup materials, etc.
** Judgment will be based on the qualities like theme, acting stage craft, design and general impression.
** Decision of the judge shall be final and binding upon all.
** Background recorded music is allowed.

6. Skit:
** Maximum number of participants shall be six.
** Maximum time allotted for each team shall be 6 minutes.
** Language of presentation shall be in English, Hindi or any regional language of India.
** Separate time shall be provided for reading the synopsis which is maximum of 1 minute outside the time specified.
** Use of makeup, drapery and background recorded music is allowed.
** Judgment will be based on qualities like theme, acting, stage craft, design and general impression.

7. Mime:
** Maximum number of participants shall be six.
** Judgment will be based on qualities like idea, creativity of presentation, use of makeup, music and general impression.
** The costume shall be black. The gloves an socks shall be white.
** Maximum time allotted for each team shall be 5 minutes.
** No team shall announce the theme.
** No light adjustment is allowed.

8. Mono Acting:
** The theme for mono- acting shall be announced 24 hours in advance
** Duration shall not exceed 5 minutes
** Judgment will be based on qualities, light, creativity or presentation, use of makeup and general impression.

9. Rangoli:
** A team of only two participants is allowed.
** The theme shall be announced 24 hrs. before the competition.
** Medium and form for expression can be free hand, pictorial, descriptive.
** No Permanent color should be used.
** Item shall be done on the spot.
** Participants shall bring their own materials.
** Size of the Rangoli shall be maximum of 2.5 × 2.5 feet.
** Judgment shall be based on intricacy, colour combination, complexity and not based on the theme.

10. Quiz:
** Each team shall consist of two participants.
** There shall be a preliminary round (in the respective colleges) and teams will be selected for the final round.
** Finals shall consist of both oral and audio-visual questions.
** Specific rules regarding time to reply to a question, type of rounds, evaluation procedure shall be frames by the Quiz Master/Organizing team and be announced well before the actual start or the round/quiz competition.

2. Elocution:
** Only one participant is allowed.
** Medium of expression shall be English.
** Each speaker shall be allowed to speak for a maximum of 5 minutes.
** The topic shall be announced 24 hrs. before the competition.
** Any form of written matter as aid shall not be allowed. Violation shall be liable for disqualification.
** Judgment will be based on qualities like subject coverage, language, diction and general impression.

3. Debate:
** Each Team have two participant, one will speak “for”, while the another will speak “against” the proposition.
** Medium of expression shall be Hindi/ English.
** Topic of the debate shall be announced 24 hours in advance.
** Each debator shall be allowed to speak for a maximum of 5 minutes.
** Any form of written matter as aid shall not be allowed. Violation shall be liable for disqualification.
** Judgment will be based on qualities like coverage, language, diction and general impression.
** Best debater shall be identified based on the individual score. However, no points are awarded.

4. Extempore Speech:
** Only one participant is allowed.
** Topic for extempore shall be put in a “fish pond” from which the participant shall pick.
** Each participant shall be given to minutes for preparation after picking up the topic and maximum of five minutes for presentation.
** Medium of expression shall be Hindi/ English .
** Judgment will be based on qualities like subject coverage. Diction and general impression.

5. On The Spot Painting:
** Only one participant is allowed.
** Theme for the competition shall be announced on the spot before the commencement of the competition.
** Duration shall not exceed 1 hours and 30 minutes.
** Painting can be done on the spot chosen by the Organizing team.
** Painting can be done in oil, water, poster or pastel colors.
** Only ivory paper sheet shall be provided by the University.
** The size of the paper shall be 2×1 ½ feet.
** A 2 cm border shall be maintained on all sides.
** Participants are to bring their own materials like brushes, paint, etc.

6. Poster Making:
** Maximum two participants in a team are allowed.
** Theme for the competition shall be announced on the spot before the commencement of the event.
** Poster to be done on the spot chosen by the organizing team.
** Duration shall not exceed 1 hours and 30 minutes.
** Only 2×1 ½ feet paper sheet shall be provided by the University.
** A 2 cm border shall be maintained on all sides.
** Participants are to bring their own materials like brushes, paints drawing sheet paints, etc.

7. Cartooning:
** Only one participant is allowed.
** Theme for the competition shall be announced on the spot before the commencement of the event. Item shall be done on the spot chosen by the Organizing team.
** Duration shall not exceed 1 hours.
** Only 2×1 ½ feet paper sheet shall be provided by the University.
** Participants are to bring their own materials.
** Only one cartoon per sheet is admitted. However, more than one picture shall be allowed if it is in a sequence.
** The cartoon shall be in black and white only.

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