Coca-Cola Coke Adda Facebook Contest 2016 :

Organization : Coca-Cola India Private Limited
Competition Name : Coke Adda Facebook Contest 2016 (#CokeAdda)
Applicable For : Individuals residing in West Bengal only
Competition Last Date : 5th October, 2016

Website :

#CokeAdda Facebook Contest:

The Coca-Cola #CokeAdda Facebook Contest  is a consumer promotion sponsored by Coca-Cola India Private Limited, wherein individuals residing in the state of West Bengal will have the opportunity to win and participate in an interactive dinner with the renowned personality Sourav Ganguly for themselves and one (1) family member nominated by them.

Related : Coca-Cola Sprite Recharge Promo 2016 :

Contest Period :
Unless otherwise provided for herein, this Contest will be active for the days between 11 September, 2016 and 5 October, 2016, both days inclusive.

Eligibility Criteria :
Entry and participation in this Contest is open to individuals residing in West Bengal only, who satisfy each of the following criteria (“Eligible Persons”):

** are of the age of eighteen (18) years or above;
** have a valid Facebook account;
** have not been arrested for or convicted of any crime or been the subject of any criminal investigation;
** bear a good moral character and have not been implicated or named in any legal proceedings (either Civil or Criminal); and
** are not management, employees, directors or contractors, or the family of the management, employees, directors or contractors of CCIPL or IA, their related entities or other agencies, firms or companies associated with or related to the Contest (including suppliers of prizes).

How to enter the Contest :
To enter the Contest, Participants must:
(1) Like the Coca-Cola Facebook Page (accessible at; and
(2) Upload a Selfie to the Coca-Cola Facebook page while using the hashtag “#CokeAdda”

Selection of Winners and Prizes :
** A shall compile a list comprising of all Valid Entries submitted/uploaded by Participants during the Contest Period and submit such list to CCIPL.
** The top ten (10) Participants who upload Valid Entries that acquire the maximum number of ‘Likes’ by Facebook users during the Contest Period shall be selected by IA as the winners of the Contest (“Shortlisted Winners”).
** Each Participant will be permitted to submit more than one Selfie for the Contest, during the Contest Period. However, it is clarified that each Selfie submitted in accordance with these Terms will be treated as a unique entry/submission.
** A Participant may be eligible to win a prize based on the number of ‘Likes’ accrued individually by each Selfie and not the cumulative ‘Likes’ accrued by all Selfies uploaded by such Participant during the Contest Period.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:11 PM

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