Idea Race For Car Challenge 2016 :

Organization : Universal Power Systems & Idea Cellular
Competition Name : Idea Race For Car Challenge 2016
Applicable For : Prepaid & Postpaid Idea Subscriber
Competition Last Date : 15th November’2016

Website :

Idea Race For Car Challenge:

The Challenge is open for a limited period from 18th August’2016, 00:00:01 hours till 15th November’2016 23:59:59 Hours

Related : Idea Cellular Gold Jeeto Rozana Contest 2016 :

Procedure and Eligibility to participate:
This Challenge is valid for all active prepaid and postpaid Subscribers who fulfill the following criteria:
** He/she must be of or above 18 years of age;
** He/she must be a resident of India;
** He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind;
** He/she must belong to any of the Circles mentioned above; and
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court orders etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.
** He/she should not have won any gratification or, been selected or declared as Highest scorer, in any of the challenges organized by Techzone at any time prior to commencement of this Challenge.

This Challenge is not available to the following Subscribers of Idea and they shall not be eligible to participate in this Challenge:
** The Subscribers being the employees of the Organisers and of their group companies, Affiliate or associate companies. “Affiliate” here shall mean with respect to each of the Organisers, any entity directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or under direct or indirect common control with such Organiser.

** For the purposes of this definition, “control”, “controlled” or “controlling” shall be construed as the control by virtue of having the right to appoint the majority of the Board of Directors or owning the largest or controlling percentage of the voting securities or by virtue of any contractual arrangements or otherwise.

** Only one person from a family, who gets the highest score among the family members, shall be eligible to get a gratification in the Challenge, meaning thereby that all other relatives of such person in the Family shall not be so eligible. ** The Family in relation to a person shall mean immediate family, consisting of any of the following relatives: (i) Spouse, (ii) Brother (iii) Sister (iv) Father (v) Mother (vi) Son (vii) Daughter

** The Subscriber whose residential address is same as that of a Subscriber who is eligible for any gratification as per terms and conditions of this Challenge, shall not be entitled to a gratification worth Rs. 10,000/- and above.
** Further, if there are multiple MSISDNs belonging to the same person, the MSISDN who gets the highest score among the said multiple MSISDNs shall only be eligible for any gratifications under the terms and conditions of this Challenge.


** The Challenge is available on voice and SMS. The Challenge consists of 1500 skill/knowledge based questions with two answer options for each question.
** The Subscribers will be charged Rs. 2/- for each answer given by the Subscribers to the corresponding question in the Challenge.
** The charged amount will not be refunded to Subscribers under any circumstances.
** Subscribers shall be charged only after sending the response to the corresponding question.
** Subscribers will only receive the (n+1)th question after getting successfully charged for the nth question i.e., if a Subscriber is charged successfully for the first 3 questions he/she answered and is not charged successfully for the 4th question, then he/she will only receive the 5th question once he/she is charged for the 4th question successfully.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:03 PM

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