Reward Me Pantene 14 Day Challenge 2016 : rewardme.in

Organization : Pantene India and Vogue India
Competition Name : Pantene 14 Day Challenge 2016 (#14DayChallenge)

Website : https://www.rewardme.in/tag/pantene-14-day-challenge


The winner will be chosen on the basis of a thorough analysis of her participation across the duration of the campaign. However, below are a few things you can do to increase your likelihood of being the lucky one.

Related : Reward Me Like A Girl Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/16541.html

How To Participate :
1. Complete all the challenges shared by Anushka, Krystle and Lisa
2. Share your hair transformation story with Pantene India and Vogue India on social media
3. Participate often in all the conversations surrounding #14DayChallenge
4. Encourage your friends on social media to take the #14DayChallenge

One lucky winner will get a chance to feature in Vogue*

Q. On which platform do I participate?:
A. Users need to participate on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Q. Will I feature in Vogue magazine, print ads or digital ads?:
A. The lucky winner will feature in the print edition of Vogue magazine.

Q. Do I voluntarily participate in conversations or do I get any cues?:
A. Participants can participate in conversations as per Anushka, Lisa and Krystle’s cues.

Q. How do I share my hair transformation story?:
A. Participants can share their hair transformation stories in the form of images, texts and videos.

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 12:05 PM

Tags: rewardme.in
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