Idea Cellular Festival of Gifts Challenge 2016 :

Organization : OnMobile Global Limited & Idea Cellular Limited
Competition Name : Festival of Gifts Challenge 2016
Applicable For : Active Prepaid & Postpaid Idea Subscribers
Competition Last Date : 31st December 2016

Website :

Festival of Gifts Challenge :

The Festival of Gifts Challenge is conceptualized, organized and conducted by OnMobile Global Limited in association with Idea Cellular Limited.

Related : Idea Cellular Super Challenge 2016 Season 13 :

The Challenge is open for a limited period from 18th October 2016 ,00:00:01 hours till 31st December 2016, 23:59:59 hours, both days inclusive, for the active pre-paid as well as post-paid category of the Idea subscribers (“Subscriber(s)”)

Classification of Circle(s):

Sl No


1 JK
2 HP
6 MP
9 AP
10 KK
11 TN

Procedure and Eligibility to participate:
This Challenge is valid for all active prepaid and postpaid Subscribers who fulfill the following criteria:
** He/she must be of or above 18 years of age;
** He/she must be a resident of India;
** He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind;
** He/she must belong to any of the Circles mentioned above; and
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.
** If the Subscriber has ported out from Idea at the time of receiving any Gratification under this Challenge, he/she shall not be eligible for the Gratification.

Challenge on SMS:
** The Challenge will be available on SMS on 567898 for all Subscribers that download a Dialer Tone during the Challenge period. To participate in the Challenge, Subscribers are required to SMS YES to 567898, toll free.
** Once a Subscriber becomes eligible for the offer, an SMS is sent, informing him/her that he/she is now eligible for the offer and can participate in the Challenge.

** Based on the charged amount ,if the Subscriber becomes a Dialer Tone (“DT”) subscriber and if the Subscriber is charged for activation on DT service then only Subscriber will be given welcome message, if Subscriber gets activate on DT service and the charged amount Is zero then Subscriber will not be given welcome message and this Subscriber will not be eligible to participate in the challenge.

** Based on the DT transaction and the amount charged, subscribers will be allowed to answer questions.
** For all Subscribers who participate in the Challenge for the first time by sending the keyword YES as an SMS to 567898, a welcome SMS will be sent to the number of the Subscribers, informing them that he/she is now eligible for the Challenge and can participate by sending an SMS and about the gratifications offered under the Challenge, and the Terms and Conditions URL.

** This will be followed by the 1st question and answer options.
** Subscribers may participate in the Challenge by sending the keyword YES to 567898 as an SMS to receive a question and answer options and then sending a response to 567898 by typing ‘A’ or ‘B’ or by sending ‘A’ or ‘B’ as a response to the question that they received last.

** If a Subscriber downloads a new song before answering all the 10 questions of his previously downloaded song, the pending questions will be lapsed. Eg. A Subscriber downloaded a song and got 10 questions to answer and he answers 4 questions and downloads a new song; then the pending 6 questions will be lapsed and next eligibility will be to answer only 10 questions.

** All Subscribers can answer up to 300 questions in the Challenge. The questions have 2 answer options each. The questions are skill or knowledge based on information available to the public at large. All questions are in multiple choice format and the answer to each must be selected from one of the 2 options only.

Gratifications and Highest Scorer selection:
Super Bumper Gratification:
The selection for the Super Bumper Gratification will be conducted after the Challenge ends. One MSISDN with highest score in the least amount of time in the Challenge will become eligible for Gold card worth up to Rs 300,000 subject to deduction of applicable taxes from time to time. Such gold vouchers shall be issued by scheduled bank of India.

Mini Bumper Gratification:
** The selection for the Mini Bumper Gratification will be conducted after the challenge ends. The challenger who gets Super Bumper Gratification will not be eligible for Mini Bumper Gratification.
** One MSISDN with highest score in the least amount of time in a circle in the challenge will become eligible for Gold card worth up to Rs 25,000 subject to deduction of applicable taxes from time to time. Such gold vouchers shall be issued by scheduled bank of India.

Weekly Bumper Gratification:
** The selection for the Weekly Bumper Gratification will be done basis the weekly schedule. Three MSISDNs with highest score in the least amount of time in a circle in a week will become eligible for Mobile Recharge worth up to Rs 500.
** One MSISDN can get the Weekly Bumper Gratification only once in the challenge.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:03 PM

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