OPPO F1s Your Best Diwali Gift Selfie Expert Contest 2016 : events.oppo.com

Organization : OPPO Mobile
Competition Name : OPPO F1s Your Best Diwali Gift Selfie Expert Contest 2016 (#OPPOF1s) (#YourBestDiwaliGift) (#SelfieExpert)
Applicable For : Citizen of India
Competition Last Date : 24th October, 2016

Website : https://www.oppo.com/in/

#YourBestDiwaliGift Contest :

These terms and conditions are applicable to all Individuals (‘Participants’) who participate in the #OPPOF1s #YourBestDiwaliGift #SelfieExpert contest, being hosted by OPPO Mobile India.

Related : Amazon Review Selfie Expert OPPO F1S Contest : www.contest.net.in/15389.html

Share to open the Element Box and also bring your friends to open the Element Box for you.

Rules to Play:
** User must Login through his/her Facebook account.
** User has to share the details of the contest on their social timeline.
** The elements will only open when your friends click on the post you shared on your social platform.
** You must claim the gift, if you are eligible for the gift.
** This is to declare and disseminate that this contest is purely a promotional contents having no direct or indirect invitation or allure to make any sale or offer for sale of the products to participants or end users.
** The gift items would be distributed or given to entitled/ eligible successful participants without any consideration subject to other terms and conditions of this contest.
** *More and more traffic of your friends will make you eligible to win prizes.

Terms & Conditions:
** The contest is open from 15th October, 2016 and ends on 24th October, 2016.
** Participants must follow OPPO Mobile India’s Twitter and Facebook pages.
** To participate in the contest, you must go to the following https://www.oppo.com/in/
** There are 6 elements that need to be opened by the participant.
** With the progression to each new element, participants need to invite more friends from their Facebook, than the last element, in order to proceed in the contest.
** First 3 elements (any) do not have any prizes accompanying them.
** From the 4th element onwards, participants stand a chance to win Ollie dolls, on 5th element the user is eligible selfie sticks, and on 6th element the user is eligible for OPPO F1s Diwali Limited Edition.
** There are a total of 500 Ollie dolls, 100 selfie sticks and 10 OPPO F1s Diwali Limited Edition to be won during the 10 day contest period.
** All participants must enter the contest with original content devoid of any IP or copyright issues.
** Entries if found plagiarized, will call for direct disqualification without any prior notice.
** The contest is valid only for citizen of India with minimum age of 18 years on or before 1st October, 2016 and living in India.
** The declaration of the winner(s) of the Contest is primarily at the discretion of OPPO Mobile India.
** OPPO Mobile India reserves the right to withdraw or alter any of the terms & conditions at any time.
** The winners will have to provide their address and ID proof in order to claim the prize.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 12:43 PM

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