Logo Design Contest For SSCDL 2016 : Surat Smart City Development

Organization : Surat Smart City Development Limited (SSCDL)
Competition Name : MyGov Logo Design Contest For SSCDL 2016
Applicable For : Only Indian Nationals
Competition Last Date : 23rd Nov, 2016

Website :
Contest T&C :

Logo Design Contest :

** SSCDL hereby invites Indian Citizens to participate in this logo design competition to create an exclusive logo for “Surat Smart City Development Limited” as per terms and conditions of the competition.

Related : MyGov Logo Design Contest For Srinagar Smart City :

** The best winner shall be chosen on the basis of creativity, uniqueness, adoptability and innovation of the logo design. The decision of Chairman and CEO, Surat Smart City Development Limited for selecting the winner shall be treated as final & binding to all the participants.

** The prize money for winner is INR 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousands only) (One prize only). Participant/s are requested to follow the attached Terms & Conditions of this logo competition and submit the entry accordingly. The submitted entry, in case of not as per the terms & conditions of this competition, will be straight away REJECTED.

Terms and Conditions:
1. Last date for submission of entries is 23-11-2016.
2. Each participant can submit single entry only. If any participant/s will submit multiple entries, all entries submitted by that participant/s will be rejected.

3. Eligibility : Only Indian Nationals are eligible for this Competition.
Age Limit: 18 years and above.
Individual person, Individual group of peoples, groups, experts, professionals etc. are eligible.
Any competitor can submit maximum one entry. The prize will be given to the author of the competition entry in case of group.

4. Design Consideration :
a. The logo should be reflective of the futuristic characteristics of Surat city in terms of Smart City and should represent Surat city globally as per Surat Smart City Vision
b. Logo artwork should be at least 2 inches long along the smallest side.
c. File should be of high resolution – at least 600 pixels per inch at 100% size.
d. File should look clean (not pixilated or bit-mapped) when viewed on screen at 100%.
e. Logo should be designed using colors (Not Grayscale or Black & White).

5. Logo & Rationale:
Logo must be submitted with the rationale of the design.

Entries must be submitted in PNG format with transparent background. In case of hand written sketch, scanned image in PNG format has to be submitted by participant/s.

A maximum of 100 words in English to describe the concept, theme and symbolic elements. All logo design must be adaptable onto any form/surface of SSCDL’s publicity materials, including but not limited to, SSCDL’s websites, banners, flyers, poster, etc.

Categories: MyGov

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