Star TV Maze Runner On Star Movies Activity 2016 :

Organization : Star India Private Limited
Activity Name : Maze Runner On Star Movies Activity 2016 (#MazeRunnerOnStarMovies)
Activity Date : October 23rd, 2016

Website :

#MazeRunnerOnStarMovies Activity :

The following are the terms and conditions governing the “#MazeRunnerOnStarMovies” activity (“Activity”) hosted by Star India Private Limited (“Star India”) for the promotion of the film “Maze Runner (“Film”)”) on Star Movies SD and HD (“Channel”) from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm on October 23rd, 2016.

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The activity shall be held on Star Movies India Twitter profile at the URL  with the @StarMoviesIndia handle (“Twitter Handle”) on October 23rd, 2016. The activity invites interested person’s to participate in the Activity by tweeting using the hashtag “#MazeRunnerOnStarMovies” and following all required mandates herein below.

The Activity shall commence on October 23rd, 2016 at 11:00 am Indian Standard Time (“IST”) and will end on October 23rd, 2016 at 2:00 pm IST (“Activity Period/Period”).

The Process of the Activity:
i. Participant(s) are required to post a picture of their squad that they think could outsmart WCKD and escape the maze successfully. Participants are further required to tell us why their squad could overcome all obstacles that the maze has to during the activity, using the Hashtag and tagging the Twitter Handle as displayed on the Twitter Page (“Entry/Entries”).
ii. Entries submitted without the Hashtag and tagging the Twitter Handle shall be considered null and void.

b) It is the sole responsibility of the Participant(s) to ensure that the Entry submitted does not infringe the rights of any third party including rights in any intellectual property and shall be original in form. Duplicate Entries and/or two or more identical Entries shall be disqualified from the Activity.

c) The Participant(s) shall ensure that the Entry is decent and is not immoral, defamatory, abusive, offensive, insensitive, libelous or blasphemous to any person, religious sect or section of the society, defamatory of any person deceased or alive, etc.

d) The Participant(s) agrees and consents to the use by Star India of the text/image forming part of the Entry or as it may deem fit for the purpose of promotion of the Program and/or any other purpose that Star India deems fit in its sole discretion.

General Rules:
1. Star India may at its sole discretion extend or curtail the Period of the Activity or may suspend or abandon the same at any time without any prior notice of the same.
2. Entries sent after the Period will not be considered for the Activity and shall be deemed null and void.
3. Participant(s) shall at all times ensure that the Entry adheres to the applicable laws in force in the territory of India.
4. Star India shall not be responsible in the event Entries are not received due to any technical error of any nature whatsoever. For purposes of the Terms and Conditions, “receipt” of an Entry occurs when the website server records the Entry information upon the entrant clicking “Tweet” button.
5. For the avoidance of doubt, by submitting the Entry the Participant(s) is representing that the Entry or contents thereof are not confidential or comprise any sensitive personal information.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:19 PM

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