Tata Docomo Win A Car Offer 2016 : tatadocomo.com

Organization : Tata Teleservices Limited
Competition Name : Win A Car Offer 2016
Applicable For : Indian Citizens, Valid GSM and CDMA subscribers
Contest Period : 13th Oct ’16 to 21st Dec ’16

Website : https://web.archive.org/web/20170929181336/https://www.tatadocomo.com/en-in/prepaid-vas-contests
Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/17899-TnC.pdf

Win A Car Offer:

This Offer is available on the SMS 543218 in the form of multiple choice questions and answers. The Customer would be charged Rs.3 per Answer. The Prizes waiting to be won in this Offer are: Super Bumper Prize of FORD FIGO, Monthly Bumper Prize of CASH CARDS, Weekly and Daily Recharges.

Related : Tata Docomo Festive Dhamaka Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/17387.html

Terms And Conditions :
1. The Offer is open only to Indian citizens (individuals), residing in India, aged 18 years or above and who are valid GSM and CDMA subscribers Tata Teleservices Limited  and/or Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited (TTML)

2. To participate in the Offer, the TTL subscribers shall read, understand and accept the terms and conditions contained on the website and send an SMS to the toll-free number 543218 with the words “START” or “WIN” or any other keyword except STOP, SCORE, PRI, RUL and TNC. Once the Participant sends an SMS, this will in turn initiate the Offer and trigger the questions.The content of the questions is based on “General Knowledge”.

3. The Offer is organized by TTL for its customers and managed and sponsored by the platform owner OnMobile Global Limited (hereinafter “OnMobile” or “the Organiser”).

4. The Offer is neither open for employees, distributors, franchisees, agents, vendors and suppliers of TTL and OnMobile nor for the relatives/dependants of such employees, distributors, franchisees, agents, vendors and suppliers. For the purpose of the Terms and Conditions of this Offer, the term “relative” shall have the same meaning as contemplated under section 2(41) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, or as may be determined by TTL at its sole discretion.

5. The Offer shall run for the period of 70 days commencing from 14th October, 2016 at 00.01 hours in the morning and concluding on 21st December, 2016 at 23:59 hours in the night (both days inclusive) (hereinafter referred as the “Offer Period”).
6. The Offer is valid only in INDIA

Selection Methodology:
Super Bumper Prize:
The selection for the Super Bumper Prize will be conducted after the Offer ends. 1 MSISDN across all circle groups*, with maximum points in the least amount of time, during the Offer will be selected as the winner of Ford FIGO worth up to Rs.465000.

Monthly Bumper Prize:
The selection for the Monthly Bumper Prize will be conducted after the Offer ends and as per the schedule**. 1 MSISDN across all circle groups*, with minimum 20 points in the least amount of time, will be selected as the winner of Cash Card worth up to Rs.5000. One MSISDN can win Monthly Bumper prize only once in the Offer. 1 Individual winner, irrespective of MSISDNs, can get only one of the above prizes i.e. Super Bumper and Monthly Bumper Prize.

Diwali Day Prize:
The selection for the Diwali Day Prize will be conducted after the Offer ends and as per the schedule**. 1 MSISDN across all circle groups*, with minimum 5 points in the least amount of time, on Diwali day will be selected as the winner of Gold Voucher worth up to Rs.5000.

OfferWeekly Prize:
The selection for the Weekly Prize will be conducted as per the schedule***. 4 MSISDNs across all circle groups*, with minimum score of 10 points in the least amount of time, will be selected as the winner of Cash Card worth up to Rs.1000. One MSISDN can get the Weekly prize only once in the Offer.

Daily 1st Prize
The selection for the Daily 1st Prize will be done after 10 working days. 2 MSISDNs across all circle groups*, with minimum score of 6 points in the least amount of time on that day, will be selected as the winner of Mobile Recharge worth up to Rs.100. One MSISDN can win the Daily 1st prize only once in this Offer. The winning MSISDN will be removed from the list of eligible MSISDNs for Daily 2nd & 3rd prize of that day.

Daily 2nd Prize:
The selection for the Daily 2nd Prize will be done after 10 working days. 10 MSISDNs across all circle groups*, with minimum score of 4 points in the least amount of time on that day, will be selected as the winner of Mobile Recharge worth up to Rs.50. One MSISDN can win the Daily 2nd prize only once in this Offer. The winning MSISDN will be removed from the list of eligible MSISDNs for Daily 3rd prize of that day.

Daily 3rd Prize:
The selection for the Daily 3rd Prize will be done after 10 working days. 40 MSISDNs across all circle groups*, with minimum score of 2 point in the least amount of time on that day, will be selected as the winner of Mobile Recharge worth up to Rs.20. One MSISDN can win the Daily 3rd prize only once in this Offer.

Early Bird Prize:
The selection for the Early Prize will be done after 10 working days. 500 MSISDNs across all circle groups*, with minimum score of 1 point in the least amount of time on that day, will be selected as the winner of Mobile Recharge Codes worth up to Rs.10.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 3:28 PM

Categories: Tata Docomo

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