odishatourism.gov.in State Level Photographic Competition For World Tourism Day 2015 Odisha : Department of Tourism & IITTM

Organization : Department of Tourism & IITTM
Competition Name : State Level Photographic Competition For World Tourism Day 2015
Applicable For : Photographers
Applicable States : Odisha
Competition Last Date : 12th September 2015

Website : https://odishatourism.gov.in/content/tourism/en.html
Registration Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/1788-Celebration.pdf

State Level Photographic Competition For World Tourism Day 2015:
On the eve of World Tourism Day, a State Level Photographic competition is being organized by the Department of Tourism, Govt. of Odisha in association with IITTM, Bhubaneswar. The theme of World Tourism Day 2015 is: “One Billion Tourists One Billion Opportunities”. All Photographers are invited to participate. The winners will be awarded at a State Level Function on 27th September 2015.

The detail of rules and regulation, prize money and application form may be downloaded from the websites www.orissatourism.qov.in or www.iittmb.in . The photographs along with the duIly filled in form may be submitted to the Nodal Officer, IITTM, Dumuduma, Bhubaneswar-751019 on or before 12th September 2015

All photographers, culture and community lovers are invited to participate.

The Theme is: One Billion Tourists One Billion Opportunities”

Cash prizes will be given along with certificate of participation.

Prize Money :
1st Prize — Rs. 20,000/
2nd Prize — Rs.15,000/
3rd Prize — Rs. 10,000/
Five Consolation prizes of Rs. 2000/- each

Rules of competition:
** The Photographs (Prints) should be related to tourism and community development in India.
** Competition is open to all persons irrespective of nationality.
** Prints should be un-mounted and should not be less than 10“><12“ and not bigger than 12“><15“ in size. The CD of the image(s), as jpeg, not less than 300 dpi each should be sent along with the Prints.
** Both colour and black & white images are acceptable.
** Both landscape and portrait formats are acceptable.
** Composites, HDR images, digital manipulation beyond cropping, sharpening, simple level and colour correction are not acceptable. In case of doubt, the original digital file may be examined by thejudges.
** Images will be judged on Originality, Overall impact, Composition, Technique, and Difficulty.
** A participant cannot submit more than 4 photographs.
** All entries should have the name of the photographer, address, contact numbers, with place and year (where and when) the photo was taken, and a brief note on the subject. This information should be submitted in a separate sheet along with the photographs.
** Entries that have won first, second or third prizes in any national level competition cannot be submitted.
** Posters are not accepted.
** Participants guarantee that the entries are their own, taken by them and not copied from another or from the web. They agree that the Organisers will not be liable for any privacy related claims and damages; they themselves will be squarely liable.
** All the entries will become property of IITTM/ Odisha Tourism and can be used for publication, documentation etc; as per need. The name of the author will, however, be acknowledged.
** The last date for receipt of entries is 12‘th September 2015.
** The decision of the Judges is final, binding and shall not be questioned.
** By entering, a participant is deemed to have accepted all the terms and conditions.

All entries are to be sent to:
Nodal Officer,
Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management
Dumuduma, Bhubaneswar-751019, Odisha, India

Email: saratlenka62@qmail. com
Tel : 0674 – 2472014 /16

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