eBay Dhanbola Promotion Contest 2016

Organisation : eBay India Private Limited
Competition Name : Dhanbola Promotion Contest
Last Date : 25-10-2016

Contest Details : http://pages.ebay.in/promotion/dhanbola_2016.html?aff_source=hasoffers&offer_id=19#tnc
Website : http://www.ebay.in/

Dhanbola Promotion Contest :

You are one step closer to playing and winning exciting prizes for our Dhanbola Event. Share the below details to confirm your participation for 25th Oct at 4 pm via our live Facebook stream.

Related : Seagate 30 Din Ki Diwali Promotion Offer 2016 : www.contest.net.in/17204.html

Registration closes at 11am on 25th Oct, 2016

The promotion “Dhanbola Promotion” (hereinafter “Promotion”) is offered by eBay India Private Limited (“eBay”) and is applicable to registered users of eBay Website (as defined below).

** “Dhanbola” shall mean an engagement event through housie/bingo play being hosted by eBay on its eBay India Social Account through a Facebook live video for its eligible Users on Promotion Event” as per the rules of the Dhanbola set out by eBay

** “eBay Website” shall mean ebay.in and/or m.ebay.in
** “User/s” shall mean registered users of eBay Website who have their registered addresses in India only and are presently residing in India
** “Promotion Event” shall mean the Dhanbola event scheduled on 25th October 2016 at 16:00 hrs
** “Promotion Period” shall mean 15th September 2016 to 19th October 2016
** “eBay India Social Account” shall mean facebook.com/ebaydotin official Facebook page

** “Ticket/s” shall mean the Dhanbola ticket with combination of maximum 15 numbers that is a part of the 1-90 number set, including but not limited to, regular ticket and special ticket, received by the eligible User from eBay at free of cost through an email to his/her registered email Id on eBay Website.

** “Host” shall mean an individual/service provider appointed by eBay who shall conduct the Dhanbola on the eBay India Social Account through the Facebook live video and announce the numbers/winners of the Promotion on Promotion Event

** “Ticket ID” shall mean a unique reference number allotted to each Ticket by eBay under this Promotion .
** “Prize Category” shall mean the five prize categories of the Dhanbola, such as Early 5, First Row, Second Row, Third Row, and Full House

Eligibility: :
** The Promotion is valid only for Users of eBay Website
** User’s registered email Id with eBay Website must be valid and active during the Promotion
** User/Participant must be 18 years of age or above in order to participate in the Promotion
** User must have a valid and active Facebook account in order to participate and comment on eBay India Social Account during the Promotion Event
** Users who have received the Tickets and registered their Ticket ID(s) with eBay confirming their participation in the Dhanbola on or before 25th October 2016 (11:00 hrs)
** User must correctly answer the multiple choice question(s) while registering their Ticket ID(s) in order to participate in the Promotion

Participation process:
** If you fulfill the Eligibility criteria mentioned above, you will receive the Ticket/s from eBay by 22nd October 2016 on your registered email ID with eBay Website.

The following category of Tickets will be issued to User:
Category |Eligible User |Advantage
Green Ticket All Users of eBay Website Nil
Blue Ticket INR. 500 – INR. 2499* Ticket with 14 numbers
Silver Ticket INR. 2,500 – INR. 4,999* Ticket with 13 numbers
Gold Ticket INR. 5,000 or above* Ticket with 12 numbers
* The Users who have transacted during the Promotion Period on eBay Website

In order to calculate the transaction amount under this Promotion, only net transaction amount (excluding the discount coupon(s) and/or redemption of PAYBACK Loyalty Rewards Point) paid by the User in his/her one or more transactions shall be considered.

** Every User will receive 1 (one) Ticket from eBay under the Promotion.

** A User transacted during the Promotion Period is eligible to receive a special Ticket from eBay under the Promotion regardless of their number of transactions during the Promotion Period. The top transaction of the User during the Promotion Period shall be considered and eligible for a special Ticket.

** Dhanbola is similar to Housie/Bingo, in which the Host of the Dhanbola announces each number in a fair and random selection on the Promotion Event
** A Ticket that has a combination of maximum 15 numbers (i.e. part of the 1-90 number set). It contains 3 rows and 9 columns:
** – the first column containing numbers between 1-10
** – the second column containing numbers between 11-20
** – the third column containing numbers between 21-30 and so on till the ninth column containing numbers between 81-90
** The User must complete the numbers on his/her Ticket/s that matches the numbers announced by Host to be able to complete the numbers on his/her ticket at the earliest in order to win the prizes under the Promotion

This post was last modified on July 12, 2021 3:19 PM

Tags: ebay.in
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