Star TV Dil Hai Hindustani Program Audition :

Organisation : Star India Private Limited
Competition Name : Dil Hai Hindustani Program Audition
Applicable for : Age between 10 years to 50 years
Audition Date : 06-10-2016 to 15-11-2016

Audition Details :
Website :

Dil Hai Hindustani :

The following terms and conditions govern the entire process for Auditions  as detailed herein for participation in the reality program tentatively titled “Dil Hai Hindustani” and shall be binding on each participant  residing and a citizen of any territory/country worldwide  who voluntarily desire to participate in the Auditions hosted by Star India pvt ltd for the purpose of selection and participation of Participants in the Program to be aired on, inter alia, on the Company’s and /or its network of channels and /or any other channel as deemed fit by STAR.

Related : Star Plus Dil Hai Hindustani Season 2 Voting 2018 :

These Terms and Conditions shall be irrevocably binding on each Participant voluntarily participating in the Auditions.

The Privacy Policy shall govern all usage of any Personal Information (defined below) and/or any other information as detailed in the Privacy Policy and including but not limited to the mobile phone number and/or any information gathered by STAR under or pursuant to this Auditions and in relation to your participation in the same.

Your act of voluntary participating in the Auditions in the manner as detailed below shall be deemed to be your absolute agreement to the Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and User Generated Content of STAR as prescribed from time to time (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Terms and Conditions”).

If you do not agree to be bound or cannot comply with any of the Terms and Conditions, please do not continue. Your failure to accept these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy or Terms of Use or User Generated Content will disqualify Your participation in the Auditions.

The Auditions shall be governed by the Terms and Conditions stated herein below and all Participant(s) are requested herein unconditionally accept and agree to comply with and abide by the same.

You or Your natural/legal guardian on your behalf (in case the Participants are below the age of majority as per applicable laws in the Territory of which the Participant is a citizen of ) are required to click on the tab ‘I ACCEPT’ at the end of the page. The failure to accept these Terms and Conditions by You or Your natural/legal guardian (as the case may be) will disqualify your participation in the Auditions .

“Digital Auditions” means different levels comprising of Level 1 of the selection process of the Auditions as detailed herein, to be conducted inter alia in the manner as set out herein during the Period which the Participant(s) is required to qualify for the further Levels and pass for participating in the Program.

Audition(s)” shall mean and comprise of both the Digital Auditions and On Ground Auditions collectively, to be conducted inter alia in the mode and manner as detailed and set out herein during the Period which the Participant(s) is required to qualify and pass for participating in the Program.

“Audition Centre” (i) means and is limited to locations in the city of Mumbai, exact details to be finalized at the discretion of the Company, where the Participants whose Video(s) shortlisted at Level 1 will be required to make themselves available for the Level 2 of the Auditions and where, at the discretion of the Company, the Participants need to come for the level 3 of the Audition.
“Audition Period” in respect of Level 2 and /or 3 shall mean the period stipulated and /or updated by the Company at its discretion on the Website from time to time required to be checked by the Participant(s) from time to time.

“Contestant(s)/Participant(s)”: Means any natural person(s) who is between the age of 10 years and 50 years, i.e. Ten (10) years and above and below fifty (50) years as of September 1,2016 being a citizen and /or resident of any of the jurisdiction of the Territory as per the respective applicable laws and enters the Auditions /Program individually or along with a partner or as part of a group in accordance with the terms detailed below.

“Level(s)” shall mean collectively levels 1, 2 and 3, of the Auditions. The term “Level” shall be construed accordingly to refer to any one (1) particular level of the Auditions as signified by the corresponding number.

The Digital Auditions is an integral part of the Program. The Auditions will commence from 6th October 2016 at 9 AM IST, and conclude on 15th November 2016 at 21.00 PM. IST (“Period”) (both dates inclusive) on the following platforms (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Platforms”):

i. Website accessed through any device including but limited to laptops, desktops and tabs (“Device”).
ii. A tab of Website (“Mobile Site”).which shall be accessed through all mobile devices currently existing in the Territory including but not limited to devices having inbuilt operating systems comprising of IOS and Android, and /or any operating systems (“Mobile Devices”).

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:20 PM

Categories: Star TV

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