TTHPL OAT 2016-17 Olympiad Aptitude Test : Talent Treasure Hunt

Organisation : TTHPL Talent Treasure Hunt Pvt. Ltd.
Competition Name : OAT 2016-17 Olympiad Aptitude Test
Last date of registration : 12-12-2016
Date of Examination : 11th January 2017

Registration here :
Notification :
Website :

Olympiad Aptitude Test :

OAT is a comprehensive contest of Science, Maths, English and Logical reasoning on single platform to all students irrespective to caste, creed, religion and region to compete with each other at highest level to discover hidden talent treasure.

Related : CENTA TPO 2016 Teaching Professionals’ Olympiad :

Eligibility: Students of classes 1st to 10th are eligible to participate in this contest.

FAQs :
Q. What are the benefits of OAT contest?

A. OAT is a contest which TTHPL is organising to identify talent, it will prove very useful to students/ parents who wish to assess their strengths and weaknesses in Maths, Science, English and IQ subjects.

Based on the development of a skill blueprint, Panel of Consultant of TTHPL will develop Detailed Analysis Report. The analysis of the performance is done at individual student level. Talent will be further nurtured by TTHPL by organizing multiple activities.

Q. Who all are eligible?
A. Students from Pvt. /Govt schools of classes I to X, all boards, all mediums, are eligible to participate in this examination.

Q. I am interested to take part in the OAT. How will I come to know about the details of the exam?
A. You can contact your school principal / In-charge Teacher for competitions. Your school also can participate in this examination. Request your school.

Q. Myself and few of my friends are interested to take part in the OAT but our school has not yet received any information. What do we do?
A. Let us know the complete address of your school. We will send detailed information and registration forms to your school so that your Principal / Science Teacher can register school for the exam and then you can participate. You can send complete address to sanjay.singh[at]

Q. What is the syllabus for the OAT?
A. OAT syllabus will be mixtures the all boards. Suitable for all boards.

Q. My school does not want to register for the OAT, but I am very eager to write the exam. Can I do it on my own?

A. You can apply individually and take the exam in declared test centres. Please send the filled application form to our office with required enclosures. Terms and conditions applied.

Q. What is the structure and pattern of the examination?

A. There will be a different Question paper for each class. All the questions are objective-type with no negative marking for wrong answers.

Q. Is the OAT conducted in English only?
A. Apart from English medium OAT are also conducted in regional languages.

Q. When are the results of OAT declared?
A. Results of OAT will be declared normally after one month of the exam conducted.

Q. Do I have to regularly visit your website for the latest update of TTHPL activities?
A. All the important information regarding Talent Exams, Seminars, workshops, educational tours, motivational speech etc., like date, time and venue is available on our website. So it is beneficial for you to surf our site on regular basis.

Q. I am going to participate in OAT. Will I get Admit Card?
A. Yes, you will receive admit card one weeks before the examination. Those who do not receive their Admit Card can request school/ ABPs for the same three days before the exam.

Q. Participating in coming OAT, I have given / wrong printed my name.

A. Any corrections (Spelling Mistakes) which are liable to be made can be done at the Examination center it self.

Q. I want to know my rank at city level of exam OAT. But I do not find on your website.
A. We only declare All India and State Ranks. City Wise achievers are declared only for selected cities.

Note: City Rank (for every Class) will be declared for the classes having a minimum participation of 500 students in a particular city.

Q. I appeared for OAT. Will I get the certificate?
A. We will send the Participation Certificate.

Contact Us :
Talent Treasure Hunt Pvt. Ltd.,
A-404, Shangrila, Hermitage Society,
Mira Road (East),
Mumbai – 401107.

Categories: Olympiad
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