Surat Smart City MyGov Street Visual Improvement Design Contest 2016 :

Organization : Surat Smart City Development Limited
Competition Name : MyGov Street Visual Improvement Design Contest 2016
Applicable For : Citizen of Surat city only
Competition Last Date : 4th December, 2016

Website :
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Contest T&C :

Street Visual Improvement Design Contest:

Located Street between Parvat Patiya Junction to Jayveer Society in East zone. Also krishna junction and parvat patiya junction is located in between parvat patiya to jayveer society street in East zone.

Related : Surat Smart City Logo Competition 2016 :

Last date for submission of entries is 4 December, 2016.

Rules of Contest :
** These contests are open for citizen of Surat city only.
** Particiants have to note that the contest is only for Retrofitting of elements of Street & Junction/Park. Retrofitting means upgradation of existing conditions of elements mentioned in the contest.
** All entries must be submitted on the MyGov website in the form of one PowerPoint file, with PDF version of the same file.
** Only those entries which are received on MyGov platform by the due date and time will be considered for appraisal.
** All entries will be screened for compliance with contest guidelines and requirements.
** While the audit reports will be shared with the competitors, they will abstain from disagreements or criticism of the audit reports.
** Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.
** The responsibility to comply with the guidelines and other conditions fully lies with the participant/participants and SSCDL shall not be liable for any dispute raised by a third party.

** Only citizens of Surat are eligible for these contests.
** Individual citizen, Individual group of peoples, groups, experts, professionals etc. are eligible.
** While any person may submit an entry, site visit is highly recommended.
** Any competitor can submit maximum one contest entry for each Part. The prize will be given to the author of the contest entry.
** Participants must provide their identity information in a title presentation sheet, which will be kept confidential and will not be shared with evaluators.

Evaluation Criteria:
All jury members will review the submissions for the quality of their response and give the score out of 100 based on the following criteria. Average of scores will be calculated to decide the winning entry.
** Problem Identification – 10
** Proposed Visual Improvement (by retrofitting) – 50
** Clarity & Ease of Implementation of idea – 20
** Environmental Sustainability – 10
** Aesthetic merit of the idea – 10

Submission Guidelines:
** The design entries will be presented in the form of minimum 16 Power point slides and maximum 25 Power point slides (including Title sheet) per contest.
** If numbers of slides of any entry, found to be less than 16 or more than 25, will be straight away REJECTED by SSCDL.
** For each Part, participant can submit only one entry. More than one Part cannot be submitted as a single entry. Also a Part cannot be broken further.
** Participant/s can take part in both contests separately.
** The entry can contain text and free hand drawings and sketches and/or drafted drawings. The author of each entry is free to use colours as appropriate.
** Last date of submission is 4 December, 2016.
** Any photographic images used in the entry must carry the credits for each image used.
** The language for the entries will be preferably English. Local language, Gujarati may also be used.
** Quantities and numbers must be given in metric units.
** All entries will be in specific response to a call for entry for “Surat” city posted on the MyGov portal.
** In the title page of presentation, participant/s must mention the type of contest i.e. Street Design.

The top three competitors will be awarded the First, Second and third prizes respectively for this contest.

The top three prizes for each contest will carry a citation and a cash award (by Cheque) as follows:
** First Price – Rs. 50000/-
** Second Price – Rs. 30000/-
** Third Price – Rs. 20000/-

The prizes will be announced on MyGov.

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 11:45 AM

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