WhatsUrSkill OLA in your City Calendar Photography Competition 2016

Organization : WhatsUrSkill and Olacabs
Competition Name : OLA in your City Calendar Photography Competition 2016
Competition Last Date : Nov-25-2016

Website : whatsurskill.com

Calendar Photography Competition:

Ola Photographers! The year is about to end & here we bring you the coolest thing for all the photographers, Calling them to be a part of official yearly calendar of One of the largest cab aggregators in India. Olacabs (ANI Technologies Pvt Ltd).

Related : WhatsurSkill Product Shoot Photo Contest : www.contest.net.in/15724.html

20 days online competition in search of 12 “Out of the Box – Ola element” photographs that will be used by Ola cabs for publishing in the yearly calendar for 2017.

Let us help you out more about the theme “Ola element”:
1. The logo of OLA anywhere in the picture.
2. The App or device of OLA in the pictures.
3. The Cabs of OLA.
4. Any banner or poster or hoarding or any other promotional material of OLA in the picture.
5. While commuting in the OLA cabs.
6. Any other resemblances that you feel are not covered in the above list.

Competition Themes:
Ola elements

Winning Criteria:
This is the only round of the competition where participant upload the photos clicked by them on our website and the winners will be selected by Olacabs only.

** There will 12 photographs in total that will be selected by the Company.
** Each selected photograph will get Ola free ride voucher worth Rs.2,500/- (Note: this will be the special coupon issued by Olacabs).
** Olacabs will give the picture credits to photographers in the calendar, whose picture(s) will be selected.
** Winners will also be rewarded with the exclusive copy of the calendar.
** Online certificate to all the participants.

We love to see creative styles and techniques used by our participants. Few are the rules of the competition below:
** Entry to the competition is free.
** WhatsUrSkill and Olacabs will retain non-exclusive rights to all the images uploaded in the competition which can be used in the future for marketing and other purposes.
** If the participants are uploading image on behalf of another person, he should hold the permission from that person to do so.
** All the winners have to give the Exclusive right of the images to OLA and WhatsurSkill and they should not have any rights on those images in future.
** No restriction on the number of entries that can be uploaded by the participants.
** All digital files must be in JPEG, JPG, GIF or PNG format.
** Photos uploaded in the competition should not contain any watermark. Photos with watermark will not be eligible for judges rating.
** Winners of an online round will be announced on or before 30h November 2016.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 1:19 PM

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