Kingston Technology Filmy Kingston Contest 2016

Organization : Kingston Technology India
Competition Name : Filmy Kingston Contest 2016 (#FilmyKingston)
Applicable For : All Indian citizens residing in India
Competition Last Date : 21st November 2016

Website :
Contest Page :
Contest T&C :

Kingston #FilmyKingston Contest

1. The ‘#FilmyKingston’ (Contest) is brought to you by Kingston Technology India (Organizer).

Related : Kingston Technology Engrave Your Love Contest :

2. Contest will take place on Kingston’s Official Facebook page,
3. Contest is open to all Indian citizens residing in India above 18 years of age, except the employees and the family members of the organizer and their agency.

4. To participate in the Contest, below are the mandatory steps to be followed by the user:
a. LIKE our Kingston India Facebook page
b. Replace one word from any Hollywood/Bollywood movie name with Kingston
c. Tag a person they want to take along to watch a movie
d. Like and Comment and Share the contest posts to increase the chances of winning e. Multiple entries are allowed

5. Contest is valid for 6 Days- 16th November to 21st November (Contest Period). However, Organizer may in its absolute discretion curtail or extend the Contest Period, as it deems necessary without any liability whatsoever.
6. 20 winners will be announced on on 23rd November 2016, 5PM based on their creativity and the uniqueness. The winners will get couple movie vouchers.
7. No Purchase is required. Participation is optional.
8. The Participants agree and undertake that their aforementioned posts Facebook Page will be their original creation and shall not in any way be obscene, vulgar, disrespectful or defamatory in any manner nor shall be in violation of any intellectual property rights of third parties and/or applicable laws.
9. The Winner agrees that the Selection of the Prize shall be at the sole discretion of the Organizer. The Winners will be announced post the activity through a post on our Facebook page.
10. The decision of the Organizer shall be final and no communication in this regard will be entertained.
11. The Users participating after the Date of Activity as detailed in paragraph 5, will not be eligible for the Prize.
12. The Organizers will not be liable for any loss of data due to server issues and other technical faults that may come up in the real time monitoring of the Facebook posts sent out by Users during the Contest Period.
13. Movie voucher codes will be mailed to the winners by 28th November 2016.
14. Decision of Organizer’s will be final and binding with regard to the Contest and Prize and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
15. Notification of the winner status must be kept confidential until the Winners are publicly revealed by the Organizer or the winner’s Prize will be forfeited.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:33 PM

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