Organisation : National Centre for Financial Education
Announcement : NCFE – NFLAT 2015 – 16 National Financial Literacy Assessment Test
Reference Number : CBSE/Acad./AD(R&I)/ NCFE/2015
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National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE) – ‘National Financial Literacy Assessment Test’ (NFLAT) for the students of Classes VIII, IX and X.
Update : NCFE NFLAT 2018-19 National Financial Literacy Assessment Test :
National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) has been identified as the nodal agency for the implementation of the National Strategy for Financial Education (NSFE) in the country. In this regard, NISM has set up National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE) with the support of all the financial sector regulators in India, namely, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) and Forward Markets Commission (FMC), to further the cause of financial literacy and inclusion in India in a collaborative manner.
NCFE’s National Financial Literacy Assessment Test (NCFE-NFLAT) is one such step in this direction. By conducting this national level test, NCFE plans to motivate school students (of classes VIII to X) to learn the concepts of finance and also measure their financial awareness so that they inculcate an important life skill at an early age leading to sound financial decisions later.
In continuation with CBSE supported NCFE-NFLATs conducted in years 2013-14 and 2014-15, the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM), Navi Mumbai, invites all school students from classes VIII to X to participate in the National Financial Literacy Assessment Test (NCFE-NFLAT 2015-16) being conducted on 28 and 29 November, 2015.
Awards :
Schools: Top 30 Schoolswill be given cash award of Rs. 25000/- along with Trophy/ Shield.
Students:Winners will be felicitated with laptops,tablets,medals, cash awards and certificates.
Important Dates :
Registration Opens: 1st September 2015
Registration Closes: 17th October 2015
Examination Date: 28th & 29th November 2015
Test Specifications :
No Fee: The test is completely free
Registration: Online & on first come first serve basis
Venue: 250+ test centers across India
Duration of examination: 1 hour
Medium of examination: English and Hindi
Number of Questions: 75
Type of questions: Multiple choices with combinations of 1-mark, 2-marks and 3-marks questions.
Negative marking of 25% for wrongly attempted questions i.e., -0.25 for 1-mark questions, -0.5 for 2-marks questions, -0.75 for 3-mark questions.
General Instructions :
** School registration is mandatory for the student registrations. No direct registration is available for students.
** As there are only limited seats available for this test, these seats will be allotted on first come first served basis. Registration may close early if the available seats are filled early.
** The examination consists of 75 questions to be completed in 1 hour.
** There is no passing mark for this test and all participants will receive a certificate.
** Please note that there is negative marking of 25% for wrongly attempted questions i.e., -0.25 for 1-mark questions, -0.5 for 2-marks questions, -0.75 for 3-mark questions, etc.
** The National award winners of last year (NCFE -NFLAT 2014-15) shall not be considered for national & regional Awards in this year’s NFLAT (i.e. NCFE-NFLAT 2015-16).
** The Regional award winners of last year (NCFE -NFLAT 2014-15) shall not be considered for regional awards in this year’s NFLAT (i.e. NCFE-NFLAT 2015-16) but they would be considered for national awards in this year’s NFLAT (i.e. NCFE-NFLAT 2015-16).
** Test would be available in two languages i.e. English & Hindi
** Punctuality in Attendance:
You should be present at the examination hall before the time given in the hall ticket/ admit card. Candidates arriving late will not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall.
** Hall ticket/ admit card to be submitted before Test:
Bring this hall ticket/ admit card in original with a passport size photo duly pasted & attested by the head of the institution (with school stamp).You will not be permitted to appear for the examination if you do not bring the hall ticket/ admit card as instructed. You should hand over your hall ticket/ admit card to the invigilator in the examination hall
** Compliance with instructions:
You should scrupulously follow the instructions given by test administrator and the invigilators at all the stages of the examination. If you violate the instructions you will be disqualified and may also be asked to leave the examination hall.
** Use of Books, Notes and Copying or Receiving/Giving Assistance Not Allowed:
No calculator, separate or with watch, pagers, cellphones, books, slide rules, foot rules, note-books or written notes will be allowed inside the examination hall. Any candidate who is found either copying or receiving or giving assistance will be disqualified.
** Do not leave your seat unless you are allowed.
** Use of Stationery:
You must bring a ball point pen with you.
** Rough work to be done on the sheet provided: You should do all the necessary rough work on the sheet provided only. After the test is over, you should hand over the sheet, given for rough work to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
** Travelling Allowance not admissible:
No travelling allowance or other expenses in connection with the examination will be paid.
** The travelling, boarding & lodging expenses for attending the Grand Award Ceremony will be reimbursed to all award winners as per the NCFE norms.
** NCFE’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding on all the participants.
Contact Us :
For any queries, write to us at or Call us at 022- 66735100/01/02/03/04/05
NISM Bhavan,
Plot No. 82, Sector – 17,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400 703
Maharashtra, India
This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 4:13 PM
View Comments (95)
I would like to know whether exam will be in MCQ form.
I want to know syllabus.
What is the syllabus?
How do I register for this?
Sri Chaitanya school, Maratahalli
I need to know whether only CBSE has to participate.
I want the syllabus in details and the date of next exam.
I want to know this test is only for school students or anyone will be able to apply for this test?
No, it is only for school students.
How can I see a pass student result?
When and where the award ceremony will take place for exam held in Nov?
From the Website :
What is my rank and what I will get as award?
From the Website :
I am not able to find my result for 2015-16.
What is your school id and password?
How many students wrote this exam?
I am very curious to know my result.
The result is declared and you can view in the link in this post.
nflat exam department said that results will be declared on 16th December, but no results came.
Where is the result sir?
Have a look again. Results are already declared and link is given.
It is really a good test.
Can I get my email id again?
Name : vasu sareen
class : 10
School : Modern Public School Shalimar Bagh.
Why didn't we get our results? Can you please tell us how can we get our results?
The result is already declared.
How to see our result?
What is the result of ncfe nflat 2015-16?
From where I will know my result?
When is the result going to come? It should have come on 16th December but it hasn't come yet.
The result is already declared.
I want my answer sheet.
When the result is going to come?
Result Declaration: 16th December 2015
Can you please send some of the sample questions for this?
Is this paper based on our school syllabus or anything else?
Please send some sample questions.
Yes you need to read up the content of this post. Link is already given.
What is the exam based on?
What is the purpose of this exam?
Can can we change the answer?
Where is Mock test question? I search in INTERNET
It is available in the below link.
Can you tell me the syllabus of this year?
How will we go to next video to learn more in site of Dhangyan?
You have to click on the icon of particular module to open video.
How much time will be provided?
It will provide only 1 hour. There will be 75 questions, there will be 1 mark question, 2 mark question, 3 mark questions. And you have to reach at what time is given in your admit card.
40 minutes
Can I stop the course in the middle of the module?
Yes, you can stop the module when needed, and re-open it and navigate to the page you left off. The system will save the details about the module that you have completed, and the ones that are still incomplete. So when you revisit the course you can start again where you left off.
Can you please tell about mock test papers?
How many questions will come in this paper?
Number of Questions: 75
Will the questions be the same as G.K [or] school syllabus type?
The questions will be of MCQ, Multiple Choice Questions, asking you to choose the right answer.
You have to read the instructions given to you in the question paper given to you for the exam.
If it is an online exam, there will be a provision to correct your marking.
If it is an offline paper and pen exam, you have to read the instruction and act accordingly.
Send syllabus send through mail ID
Syllabus is available in the above pdf.
1) You have to go through the syllabus as given in the content of this post.
2) You have to complete the course from
Can we change the answer during exam?
I think this is an online exam and there must be a provision to change the answer during exam. All the best to you.
All the best for all students who participate in this exam
What is the syllabus in detail?
What's the syllabus?
The post is now updated to include the detailed syllabus. Thanks for pointing that out.
Where is the study material of NFLAT?
I can not find it in the given website
You could register for the course here :
FAQ for this course:
I registered last year; do I use that user ID, password or create a new one?
If you have not logged in for more than three months, then you will need to register again to reactivate your ID.
Can I register in my mother/fathers name?
You have to register with your own name and surname for this course. This is because the certificate you receive at the end will have the same name that you use at registration.
Can I stop the course in the middle of the module?
Yes, you can stop the module when needed, and re-open it and navigate to the page you left off. The system will save the details about the module that you have completed, and the ones that are still incomplete. So when you revisit the course you can start again where you left off.
Can I put the sound off?
Yes, there is a mute button on the upper right hand corner of the screen that you can click on to put the sound off.
I do not have a mobile number.
If you do not have a mobile number, you can leave that entry field blank.
I do not have an email ID, can I register?
Yes, the screen has an option “Create your email ID”, click on that and create an ID to complete the registration. If you are under 13 years old, you can also register for the course without an Email ID.
I forgot my Login ID.
There is an option to retrieve your login ID from our system. Click on the link for “Forgot my Login ID” and it will guide you through a process of entering some details and will then provide you with your Login ID.
I completed the a module, but I want to do it again, can i?
Yes, all the modules can be completed more than once by the user. You need to click on the icon of the particular module to access it again.
I want to do one of the locked modulea now.
The locked modules cannot be accessed until the user completes all the modules before it. The user must follow the sequence of the modules and do each module as it gets unlocked.
I have completed all 9 modules but did not get my certificate.
After you complete all 9 modules, you will have to complete a course-end assessment. If you score more than 50% on this assessment, you will get the Tata Capital and CERE verified certificate. You can attempt this assessment as many times as you want to improve your score.
I want to give the NFLAT. How do I register for it?
Your school has to first register for the NFLAT. Approach your teacher or principal about the NFLAT exam if you are interested. You can find more information about it at
I have done 6 modules, I want my certificate. Why isn’t it getting generated?
The TATA Capital verified certificate will be issued only once the user has successfully completed all 9 modules and the course-end assessment.
Please someone can send a link for mock test paper
What is the syllabus of NCFE exam?
NFLAT would cover the following topics:
Money Matters: Smart Goals and Financial Analysis
Budgeting: Balancing the Means and the Ends
Understanding insurance and risk management
Understanding Investments
Basics of Banking
Introduction to Stocks and Bonds
Investments: The wider Spectrum
Beyond Savings: Borrowing
Retirement as a financial goal
Can I please have the detailed syllabus for nflat class 8?
I cannot find it in the site given by our school or
The syllabus for this exam is too large. It is very difficult for a child to understand all these concepts in a little time. As we know that difficulty level is must but not like this
What is the syllabus??
The NFLAT exam is free but our schooc took money to exam
Yes, they took money.
The syllabus for this exam is too big,both content and standard wise, for students of 8,9 and 10. I have seen the text books of these standards in CBSE,very less of the given syllabus is there. Don’t you think it would be little more for the students?
Can we get any book?
Is there any syllabus of this exam?
Please help me with syllabus for this exam.
Is there any reference book for it?
What are the syllabus?
Is there any book or what's the syllabus?
All the best to all those students who has participated in this exam
How it would help me in future?
If you choose commerce, it will benefit you.
My doubt is that what type of questions are going to ask on this exam and what are the benefits of attending this exam and what are the benefits of the certificate?
When will be the result?
NFLAT would cover the following topics :
** Money Matters: Smart Goals and Financial Analysis
** Budgeting: Balancing the Means and the Ends
** Understanding insurance and risk management
** Understanding Investments
** Basics of Banking
** Introduction to Stocks and Bonds
** Investments: The wider Spectrum
** Beyond Savings: Borrowing
** Retirement as a financial goa
We believe financial literacy is an important life skill for the holistic development of each student. NCFE's National Financial Literacy Assessment Test (NCFE-NFLAT) is a step in that direction. This is a first of its kind national level test, conducted by the National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE), to measure the level of financial literacy among school students. Through this test NCFE aims to encourage school students to obtain basic financial skills which are essential for their full participation in society
Need to have syllabus for my son Nisarg Bhatt, studying in Std. 8 at Ahmedabad.
Ref. National Financial Literacy Assessment Test 2015-2016 on 28-29 November 2015
Not able to find syllabus on network, if possible please provide through scan facility at my below E-Ml. address & oblige.
Detailed syllabus is available in the pdf which is in the above link.
Class 8, 9, 10 students have to give exam together may be the questions are also same. So it will quite difficult for student of class 8?
Check out: (Close 1000 practice questions for each module)
and (20 great games for learning the concepts)
This would help.
The syllabus for this exam is too big,both content and standard wise, for students of 8,9 and 10. I have seen the text books of these standards in CBSE,very less of the given syllabus is there, don't you think it would be little more for the students?