digitalindia.gov.in : Digital India Fortnightly Quiz 2016

Organization : Digital India
Competition Name : The Digital India Fortnightly Quiz 2016
Quiz Dates : November 15-30, 2016

Website : https://digitalindia.gov.in/

Digital India Fortnightly Quiz:

1. Honesty is the best policy. Especially, try not to search online for answers.

Update :

Digital India Fortnightly Quiz 2017 : www.contest.net.in/23859.html

2. This quiz is open to all. 15-November-2016 and ends on 30-November-2016, 11.59 PM, Indian Standard Time.
3. Mail your answers to socialmedia[at]negp[dot]gov[dot]in
4. The email subject line should be: DI Portal QUIZ – November 15-30 2016
5. Include your full name, location, and country with your answers.
6. Quiz is related to India and Digital India, unless otherwise mentioned.
7. The decision of the Digital India Social Media Team will be final.
8. All the winners will be featured on Digital India social media .

1. Name the online service that JIPMER-a premier institute has started, which enables its doctors to attend a court case without leaving premise or online.
2. What is the theme this year at India International Trade Fair (IITF) 2016?
3. What is the name of the new service started by India Post to bridge the digital divide, which sends messages as a soft copy through internet and at the destination it will be delivered to the addressee in the form of hard copy.
4. What is the full-form of UPI?

This post was last modified on February 24, 2022 3:21 PM

Categories: Government
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