Tata Capital Customer Testimonials Contest 2016 : tatacapital.com

Organization : Tata Capital Financial Services Limited
Competition Name : Tata Capital Customer Testimonials Contest 2016
Applicable For : All existing customers of TCFSL & TCHFL
Contest Last Date : 31st December 2016

Website : https://www.tatacapital.com/
Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/18964-Terms.pdf

Customer Testimonials Contest :

1. The Tata Capital Customer Testimonials Contest is brought to you by Tata Capital Financial Services Limited  for its products (viz. Car Loans, Two-wheeler Loans, Personal Loans, Business Loans, Consumer Durable Loans, and Loan Against Securities and Tata Capital Housing Finance Limited  for Home Loans and Loan Against Property.

Related : Tata Capital Shaandaar Meet The Stars Contest : www.contest.net.in/2471.html

2. This Scheme/TCCTC is available to all existing customers of TCFSL and TCHFL (“Customers”) ONLY.
3. By participating in the Scheme/TCCTC, the Customer agrees to have read, understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions.
4. The Customer hereby agrees to write testimonials which are subject to moderation by Tata Capital.

5. The Scheme/TCCTC wherein the 10 best testimonials received from the Customer will win a Best Testimonial Gift Voucher (hereinafter referred to as “BTGV”) worth Rs.2000/-. BTGV is payable only to the Customer as per the Terms and Conditions of the Scheme/TCCTC and the same is subject to the absolute discretion of Tata Capital.

6. Incomplete or incorrect information will be deemed void and invalid.
7. The Customers shall indicate to the prospective customers that they are soliciting Loan/Tata Credit Card facility from Tata Capital and as such they will be receiving Calls or SMS from Tata Capital pertaining to the same

8. The Customers eligible for the BTGV shall be intimated by email, about the gift voucher and the same can be redeemed at Amazon. It is clarified that this BTGV cannot be set off or adjusted against any amount due and payable by the Customer to TCFSL/TCFHL and nor can be converted into cash.

9. In case of any overdue in the Customer’s account, TATA Capital would not be liable to pay any BTGV to the customer under the Scheme/TCCTC.
10. Tata Capital reserves the right to request the eligible Customers to provide proof of identity to claim the BTGV.

11. The Scheme/TCCTC is valid from 15th November 2016 till 31st December 2016. Any testimonials received on or after 1st January 2017will not be valid under this Scheme/TCCTC.
12. Employees of Tata Capital Limited/TCFSL/TCHFL/other subsidiaries of Tata Capital Limited cannot be referred/participate under the above offer.

13. In case of any dispute, the decision of TCFSL/TCHFL, as the case may be, shall be final and binding.
14. All ancillary cost /local and other taxes shall be charged as applicable.
15. The BTGV is subject to taxes and the same shall apply accordingly.

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